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AMCIS 2015
El Conquistador Resort, Puerto Rico
August 13-15, 2015
Mini-track: Information Systems for Sustainable Business Activities and Supply Chains
Track: Green IS and Sustainability (SIGGreen)
Sustainability has increasingly become important to business research and practice over the past decades as a result of rapid depletion of natural resources and concerns over wealth disparity and corporate social responsibility. Sustainability research and practices have recognized that business performance should be evaluated based on its impacts on the environment and interested stakeholders besides profitability, known as the triple bottom line (TBL). Companies have increasingly recognized that business strategy that boldly embrace sustainability have resulted in companies’ being successful in delivering financial, environmental, and social values to themselves as well as related stakeholders.
In order to develop capabilities to address TBL issues, businesses need to engage in wide ranging activities such as changing business culture, redesigning business processes, etc. More importantly, research as well as management practice have illustrated that to be truly sustainable, companies should take a holistic approach that includes participation of multiple business functions, and should not only focus on their own business operations but also focus on improving sustainable business practices across the supply chain.
Given the recognized role of IT resources in enabling business capabilities within and across supply chain partners, it is arguable that IT resources should be critical in enabling firms to develop capabilities to address sustainability issues both within firms and across their supply chain through coordination with supply chain partners. We invite research from different business areas, including MIS, management, supply chain and operation management, and particularly inter-disciplinary research that examines the role of IT resources in conjunction with other business resources in enabling firms to develop sustainability strategy that address all aspects of the triple bottom line, both within firms and across supply chain partners. Topics of interest include, but not limited to:
- IS in enabling sustainable innovation
- Intertwining of environmentally and socially sustainable practices
- IS in enabling environmentally and socially sustainable operations
- IS in enabling supply chain partners’ coordination for sustainability
- Sustainability vision within and across firms
- The role of IS in enabling the assessment of sustainability performance within firms and across supply chains
January 5, 2015 Manuscript submissions for AMCIS 2015 begin
February 25, 2015 Deadline for paper submissions
Tuesday, April 21, 2015: Authors notified about the disposition of their papers.
Tuesday, April 28, 2015: Authors submit camera-ready revision of their papers.
May 5, 2015 Final decisions
Instructions for authors and more information about the conference at http://amcis2015.aisnet.org/
Viet T. Dao, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Management Information Systems
Grove College of Business
Shippensburg University
1871 Old Main Drive, GRH315
Shippensburg, PA 17257
Office: (717) 477-1415
E-mail: vtdao@ship.edu
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