-------- Original Message --------
Dear colleagues and researchers,
We apologize for cross-distribution and multiple copies.
Due to many requests from authors and researchers, the ACTE12
organizing committee has decided to extend the submission of the
extended abstract deadline to August 17, 2012.
It is our great pleasure to announce the 2nd international ACTEA'12
conference that will be held at Notre Dame University in Zouk Mosbeh
(18 km north of Beirut), during the week of Dec. 12-15, 2012. The
benefits of using computer simulations in production and research
are indisputable, and involve more efficient utilization of
resources and its resulting cost saving. The program of the
conference ACTEA'12 aims at bringing together researchers and
companies, and providing a common platform for researchers and
engineers involved in computational tools to advance the state of
knowledge by sharing research results and pioneering views about
recent trends and developments. ACTEA'12 is technically co-sponsored
by IEEE Region 8 and IEEE Lebanon Section.
Engineering applications of interest include, but are not limited to:
Analog and Mixed Signals, Biomedical Circuits and Systems, CAD
and Design Simulation tools, Computational Electromagnetic, Computer
Architecture and Memories, Control Systems, and Robotics, Embedded
and Systems Architectures, FPGA, Green Electronics, Image and
Signals Processing, Linear and Non-linear, Circuits and Systems,
Low-Power Techniques, Multimedia Systems, Neural Networks, Parallel
Simulation and Processing, Photonics and Optical Systems, Power
Electronics, Telecommunications, Microwaves and RF, Test and
Verification, VLSI Systems
Dates and Deadlines:
Submission of extended abstract (minimum 2 pages) : extended to August 17, 2012
Notification of acceptance : September 14, 2012
Deadline for submission of camera-ready paper : November 9, 2012
- The working language of the conference is English.
- The conference will include keynote speakers, tutorials, regular paper presentations and a professional exhibition.
- Paper submission and review will be done through EDAS website http://www.edas.info/12799
- The works must be original and unpublished.
- Accepted papers will be published in the CD-ROM conference proceedings of ACTEA'12 and will also be indexed on IEEE Xplore.
- At least one of the authors of the accepted paper must register in the conference and present the paper.
- For more information consult the conference website: http://www.ndu.edu.lb/actea12
Kindly forward this email to other interested parties.
Abdallah Kassem (TPC Chair)
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