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Subject: [AISWorld] Call for papers - GPC2019 - Uberlândia/Brazil
Date: Thu, 29 Nov 2018 08:10:11 +0800
From: Kuan-Ching Li <kuancli@gm.pu.edu.tw>
To: LIST AISWORLD <aisworld@lists.aisnet.org>

Apologies if multiple copies are received

Call For Papers - GPC 2019
The 14th International Conference on Green, Pervasive and Cloud Computing
May 26-28, 2019, Uberlandia, Brazil
http://www.gpc2019.facom.ufu.br <http://www.gpc2019.facom.ufu.br>

*** Paper Submission Due: January 18, 2019 ***


Conference Outline
Green computing, in the context of cloud and pervasive computing, is a
emerging research field in computer science and engineering. Pervasive
computing and cloud computing are two promising paradigms that have been
seeing exponential growth in the deployments and which, poised to take
major roles in human's daily life. But in order to realize this potential,
both will have to face the critical challenges related to energy
consumption, for example, controlling the energy spent by the large-scale
cloud data centers and prolonging the battery life of mobile devices in
pervasive computing and Internet of Things (IoT). New concepts and
technologies such as mobile cloud computing (MCC), software-defined
networking (SDN), Edge/Fog and hybrid cloud services can be leveraged to
make cloud data centers and pervasive wireless devices more energy
efficient. They aid us shape a "green" world in the future.

GPC 2019 is the next event in a series of highly successful events focusing
on pervasive and environmentally sustainable computing. In the last years,
the conference has been successfully held and organized all over the world:
Taichung, Taiwan (2006), Paris, France (2007), Kunming, China (2008),
Geneva, Switzerland (2009), Hualien, Taiwan (2010), Oulu, Finland (2011),
Hong Kong (2012), Seoul, Korea (2013), Wuhan, China (2014), Plantation
Island, Fiji (2015), Xi’an, China (2016), Coast, Italy (2017), Hangzhou,
China (2018). GPC 2019 will happen in the vibrant city of Uberlândia, in
the heart of Brazil, and you are invited to join.

Topics of interest:

GPC 2019 welcomes original and innovative paper submissions from the
academia, industry, and government, describing theoretical advances, system
designs, implementations, and experimentations, including but not limited
to the following topics:

*Ubiquitous communications and networks.
*Infrastructure softwarization.
*Programmable and software defined networks.
*Sensor, ad hoc networks, mobile agents, and networking.
*Multimedia communications, machine to machine communications.
*Cloud, edge/fog, cluster, and grid computing.
*Mobile, peer-to-peer, and pervasive computing.
*Service-oriented computing.
*Multi-core systems, parallel and distributed systems.
*Internet of things, and cyber-physical systems.
*Social network and services.
*Energy-efficient computing, communication, and virtualization
architectures and protocols.
*Instrumentation and measurement studies on energy-efficient systems.
*Energy-aware mobile cloud systems and large-scale applications.
*Monitoring, sensing, control, and management of energy-aware systems.
*Innovative technologies for robustness and reliability of energy-aware
*Trade-offs between performance, energy, and other resources in cloud sites
and pervasive computing.
*Lightweight and efficient cryptography, communication, and mobile apps.
*Modeling and control of variability in demand and supply of green energy
*Integration, scheduling, and management of renewable energy sources.
*Programming models, tools, and environments for and pervasive computing
and energy-efficient systems.
*Data analytics for pervasive computing and energy-efficient systems.
*Machine learning for pervasive computing and energy-efficient systems.
*Semantic web, semantic grid, metadata, and ontology related to cloud
computing and pervasive computing.
*Security and privacy for cloud computing and pervasive computing.
*Economy and business models for cloud computing and pervasive computing.
*Service Level Agreements (SLAs) guarantee for customers in cloud
*Incentives and innovative pricing for the management of cloud resources.
*Grid and pervasive applications, including e-Science, e-Business, smart
city, etc.

The conference proceedings will be published by Springer-Verlag as part of
the Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) Series.

Submission Guidelines
Submitted papers must not substantially overlap with papers that have been
published or that are simultaneously submitted to a journal or a conference
with proceedings. Submissions should be in English and at most 15 pages
(.PDF) including the bibliography and appendices with LNCS template (

Papers must be submitted in .PDF format using the following link at
EasyChair platform:


Papers will be selected based on their originality, timeliness,
significance, relevance, and clarity of presentation. Submission of a paper
should be regarded as a commitment that, should the paper be accepted, at
least one of the authors will register and attend the conference to present
the work.

Important Dates
Paper Submission Due: January 18, 2019
Authors Notification: February 22, 2019
Camera ready due: March 15, 2019
Conference Dates: May 26-28, 2019
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