-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] Last Call for Short Research Proposals on "Cloud Computing"
Date: Tue, 16 Aug 2011 07:52:23 +0100
From: Markus Helfert <markus.helfert@computing.dcu.ie>
Reply-To: info@eiura.org
To: aisworld@lists.aisnet.org

Last Call for Short Research Proposals on "Cloud Computing"
Submission Deadline: Friday, 19th of August

EIURA FORUM on "Cloud Computing"
Date: 30th September 2011
Venue: Crowne Plaza Hotel Northwood, Dublin, Ireland

We are inviting researchers and practitioners to submit short research 
proposal concerning innovative research topics on "Cloud Computing" with 
a potential to be developed for submission to FP7 or other 
international/collaborative funding schemes.

-Title (max 25 words)
-Abstract (max 500 words)
-Contact/Affiliation of Proposer (Research / Practitioner)
-Possible Consortium Partners (if any)

Submission should be send as Text File, PDF or MS Word to
Submission Deadline: Friday, 19th of August

A small number of proposal will be selected for presentation and 
discussion at the next EIURA FORUM to be held on 30th September 2011 in 
Dublin, Ireland. Proposals will be evaluated on their potential for 
funding, innovative idea and collaborative research opportunities.

It is expected that the proposer will attend the EIURA Forum in Dublin 
(for selected proposals, the registration fee will be waived).
Aim is to initiate innovative research project, support the building of 
a consortium and support the proposal development. Presenters of 
selected proposals will receive valuable feedback on their research 
proposals, support from EIURA and expert advice.

The European Industry University Research Association (EIURA) is an 
independent, non for profit association. EIURA provide information, 
knowledge, best practice and advice on collaborative research
between university and industry by building a community that supports 
learning collaboration and sharing of expertise on collaborative research.

The EIURA FORUM provides a series of events on current ICT related 
topics. The FORUM will provide an ideal opportunity to meet other 
delegates with their own problems, experiences and solutions. Innovative 
Research proposals are presented and discussed. Case studies and 
experience reports will give delegates the opportunity to learn from 
those who have already implemented world class approaches and solutions.

EIURA - European Industry University Research Association
Botanic Court
30-32 Botanic Road
Glasnevin, Dublin 9

Tel: +353 1 830 1852
Fax: +353 1 830 0265

email: info@eiura.org
web:   http://www.eiura.org

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