-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: Extension CFP: MODELSWARD 2014 - Int'l Conf. on Model-Driven Engineering and Software Development (Lisbon/Portugal)
Datum: Thu, 05 Sep 2013 22:09:40 -0500
Von: MODELSWARD Secretariat <postmaster13@303media.net>
Antwort an: modelsward.secretariat@insticc.org <modelsward.secretariat@insticc.org>
An: neumann@wu-wien.ac.at


International Conference on Model-Driven Engineering and Software Development
MODELSWARD website: http://www.modelsward.org/

January 7 - 9, 2014
Lisbon, Portugal

In Cooperation with: ACM SIGMIS, ARTEMIS Project MBAT, MDE Expertise and SOA Work Group
Sponsored by: INSTICC
Technically Co-sponsored by: AIS SIGMAS and IFIP
INSTICC is Member of: WfMC, OMG and FIPA
Logistics Partner: SCITEVENTS

  Regular Paper Submission: September 16, 2013 (deadline extended)
  Authors Notification (regular papers): October 23, 2013
  Final Regular Paper Submission and Registration: November 5, 2013

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Dear G. Neumann,

Let me kindly inform you that due to numerous requests the paper submission deadline for the International Conference on Model-Driven Engineering and Software Development (MODELSWARD 2014 - http://www.modelsward.org/) has been extended to 16 September 2013. We hope you can participate in this prestigious conference by submitting a paper reflecting your current research in any of the conference main topic areas, which are detailed further below.

The conference will be sponsored by the Institute for Systems and Technologies of Information, Control and Communication (INSTICC) and held in cooperation with ACM SIGMIS - ACM Special Interest Group on Management Information Systems, ARTEMIS Project MBAT, MDE Expertise and Open Group SOA Work Group and technically co-sponsored by the AIS Special Interest Group on Modeling and Simulation (AIS SIGMAS) and the International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP). INSTICC is Member of the Workflow Management Coalition (WfMC), Object Management Group (OMG) and Foundation for Intelligent Physical Agents (FIPA). SCITEVENTS (Science and Technology Events) is the Logistics Partner. 

We would like to highlight the presence of the following keynote speakers:
 - Philippe Desfray, SOFTEAM, France
 - Colin Atkinson, University of Mannheim, Germany

Submitted papers will be subject to a double-blind review process. All accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings, under an ISBN reference, on paper and on CD-ROM support.
The proceedings will be submitted for indexation by Thomson Reuters Conference Proceedings Citation Index (ISI), INSPEC, DBLP, EI (Elsevier Index) and SCOPUS. A short list of presented papers will be selected so that revised and extended versions of these papers may be published by Elsevier in the Science of Computer Programming Journal. 
All papers presented at the conference venue will be available at the SCITEPRESS Digital Library (http://www.scitepress.org/DigitalLibrary/). SCITEPRESS is member of CrossRef (http://www.crossref.org/).

Best paper awards will be distributed during the conference closing session. Please check the website for further information (http://www.modelsward.org/BestPaperAward.aspx).

We also would like to highlight the possibility to submit to the following Special Sessions:
- From Technology to Education - EDU MDE 2014 (http://www.modelsward.org/EDUMDE-fromtechnologytoeducation.aspx)
- Model-based Analysis and Testing of Embedded Systems - MBAT 2014 (http://www.modelsward.org/MBAT.aspx)
- Model-Driven Service Engineering: New Paradigms for Services Development in the Manufacturing Domain - MDSE 2014 (http://www.modelsward.org/MDSE.aspx)

The conference has the following confirmed Tutorials:
- Real-Time Systems Development with the SysML toolkit TTool (http://www.modelsward.org/tutorials.aspx#1)
- SysML vs. UML: A Detailed Comparison (http://www.modelsward.org/tutorials.aspx#2)

Phd Students are also welcome to submit their work to the doctoral consortium:

Workshops, Special sessions, Tutorials as well as Demonstrations dedicated to other technical/scientific topics are also envisaged: companies interested in presenting their products/methodologies or researchers interested in holding a tutorial are invited to contact the conference secretariat. Workshop chairs and Special Session chairs will benefit from logistics support and other types of support, including secretariat and financial support, to facilitate the development of a valid idea.

Please check further details at the MODELSWARD conference website (http://www.modelsward.org/). 
Should you have any question please don't hesitate contacting me.

Kind regards,
Claudia Pinto   
MODELSWARD Secretariat

Av. D. Manuel I, 27A 2.Esq.
2910-595 Setubal, Portugal
Tel.: +351 265 100 033
Fax: +44 203 014 8813
Email: modelsward.secretariat@insticc.org

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Joaquim Filipe, Polytechnic Institute of Setubal / INSTICC, Portugal
Rui Cesar das Neves, Polytechnic Institute of Setubal, Portugal

Luis Ferreira Pires, University of Twente, Netherlands
Slimane Hammoudi, ESEO, MODESTE, France 

Please check the program committee members at http://www.modelsward.org/ProgramCommittee.aspx


Area 1: Modeling Languages, Tools and Architectures

- Domain-Specific Modeling
- General-Purpose Modeling Languages and Standards
- Model Transformation
- Syntax and Semantics of Modeling Languages
- Meta-Modeling: Foundations and Tools
- Reasoning about Models
- Constraint Modeling and Languages
- Model-Driven Architecture
- Service Oriented Architectures

Area 2: Methodologies, Processes and Platforms

- Systems Engineering
- Model Transformations and Generative Approaches
- Frameworks for Model-Driven Development
- Hybrid Multi-Modeling Approaches
- Modeling for the Cloud
- Software Process Modeling, Enactment and Execution
- Workflow Management Systems
- Business Process Modeling
- Agile Model-Driven Development

Area 3: Applications and Software Development

- Model-Driven Project Management
- Model-Based Testing and Validation
- Model Execution and Simulation
- Model Quality Assurance Techniques
- Executable UML
- Meta-Programming
- Component-based software engineering
- Software Factories and Software Product Lines
- Generative programming
