-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [WI] CfP: AMCIS 2010 Mini-Track "Case Studies on Enterprise Systems"
Datum: Wed, 23 Dec 2009 11:21:53 +0100
Von: Leimstoll Uwe <uwe.leimstoll@fhnw.ch>
An: wi@aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de <wi@aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de>
CC: Petra Schubert <psc.caict@cbs.dk>, "Mark Ginsburg (mark@seventhrank.com)" <mark@seventhrank.com>

Mini-Track Case Studies on Enterprise Systems
16th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS 2010)
August 1215, 2010Lima, Peru
Official AMCIS 2010 Web Site:
The idea of this mini-track is to present case studies on enterprise systems. Case studies have long been used as a research methodology, especially in the area of managerial sciences. In recent years they find growing attention in the area of IT research and practice.
Enterprise systems projects are often complex and expensive. The implementation of IT applications requires a combination of management und information technology expertise. Companies need software applications that ideally support their business processes thus providing them with a competitive advantage. Case studies are recognized as a valuable means to demonstrate the kind of applications that can be successfully implemented. It is important to show how companies can master the challenges of complex projects for enterprise systems.
We call for papers that describe case studies on the planning and implementation of enterprise systems. Methodology papers dealing with case studies as a research instrument are also welcome. The case studies should focus on one or more of the following topics:
* Business process integration, collaborative business
* Enterprise application integration (EAI)
* ERP-based e-business applications (e.g. CRM, SCM, E-procurement solutions)
* ERP and CMS integration
* Alignment of corporate strategy and IS strategy
* Management of ERP projects
* Formats and standards used in enterprise systems
* Areas of use and value of case studies
* Structured schemes for writing, analyzing, and describing case studies
* Cross-case analysis
The described case studies should meet the following basic requirements. Each case study should be based on a real-world company and provide sufficient detail on the experiences associated with the implementation of the software application. The discussion should include the following four perspectives: (1) business (including motivation and objectives), (2) processes, (3) software applications (including software solution and systems architecture), and (4) technology. An example of a suitable structure is the description of the company (history, products, vision) and its IS strategy, parties involved (ERP vendor, IT consultant, system integrator, business partners), the enterprise system (from the four perspectives), project management (including implementation aspects), and lessons learned (costs and benefits, success factors). An inherently managerial-oriented style of writing should allow students and managers to understand and appreciate the strategic and operational challenges faced when implementing the described solution.
Submission of abstracts to mini-track chairs (optional): as soon as possible
Paper submission deadline: February 26, 2010
Notification of acceptance: April 12, 2010
Camera ready copy due: April 26, 2010
Submit abstracts via email to Uwe Leimstoll (mailto:uwe.leimstoll@fhnw.ch) as soon as possible. This is an important step to ensure that you have submitted your abstract to the correct mini-track. Papers will be submitted via the ScholarOne Review System (http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/amcis2010).
Uwe Leimstoll (primary contact)
University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland
School of Business
Institute for Information Systems
Peter Merian-Strasse 86
P.O. Box, 4002 Basel
Petra Schubert
Copenhagen Business School
Centre for Applied Information and Communication Technologies - CAICT
Howitzvej 60,3
DK-2000 Frederiksberg
Mark Ginsburg
Seventh Rank Management, LLC
5815 E Placita Rocosa
Tucson AZ 85750