-------- Forwarded Message -------- Subject: [AISWorld] 2021 Pre-ICIS SIGDSA CFP: Research Track (submission deadline: Oct 1, 2021) Date: Tue, 24 Aug 2021 10:21:51 +0200 From: Biljana Mileva Boshkoska Biljana.Mileva@ijs.si To: aisworld@lists.aisnet.org
CfP: Research track of the Pre-ICIS SIGDSA Symposium [1] The 2021 PRE-ICIS SIGDSA SYMPOSIUM ON ANALYTICS AND AI FOR A SUSTAINABLE AND RESILIENT FUTURE [2] will be held on December 11-12, 2021 (Austin, Texas). The symposium will be held in conjunction with the Association for Information System's International Conference on Information Systems [3] scheduled for December 12-15, 2021 (Austin, Texas). We welcome your participation and attendance at this exciting symposium.
The Research track of the Pre-ICIS SIGDSA Symposium [1] is seeking forward-thinking research in the areas of data analytics and business intelligence, with a special focus on understanding the applications and issues associated with supporting greater connectivity between people and "things" on the basis of meaningful data analytics. Top submissions will be eligible for fast-track review for publication consideration in dedicated special issues in the _Decision Analytics Journal [4]_, _Journal of Business Analytics_ [5], _E-service Journal [6]_, and _Journal of Decision Systems_ [7]. The Deadline for authors for manuscript submission is OCT 1, 2021. See below for more details about the Research track, the upcoming important dates, and how to submit your research paper to the symposium.
_CALL FOR PAPERS: RESEARCH TRACK_ As businesses continue to derive value from data analytics, the explosive growth in big data, fueled in part, by the digital ubiquity of the Internet of Things (IoT), social media, and technology-facilitated human networks, presents new opportunities and challenges. Research is needed to examine the role of data and analytics in enabling meaningful networking, harnessing new business and societal opportunities through massive data sharing, leading to deeper understanding of the implication of unlimited connectivity across organizational boundaries and disparate datasets. The research is also due to societal, organizational and individual issues flowing from the creation of "anytime/anywhere" connectedness and the abundance of data. Additionally, applying a fundamental understanding of human decision making theories and established principals of decision support systems and approaches - we recognize the need to lift the current body of knowledge in this area in order to come up with robust new business models and technical architectures that may transform organizations and societies leveraging connected data and analytics. This research track aims to promote computational, theoretical (mathematical or social sciences driven) as well as empirical studies in the areas of data analytics, big data and their various applications in different domains. We seek comprehensive COMPLETED RESEARCH or early stage RESEARCH-IN-PROGRESS papers on topics including, but not limited to: * Data analytics in various business sectors (e.g., financial services, manufacturing, retail, pharmaceutical, healthcare, government, agribusiness, hospitality and entertainment, supply chain, etc.) * Big data and organizational transformation * Artificial Intelligence, machine learning, deep learning, reinforcement learning, and active learning methodologies and applications for decision support * Social media and marketing analytics * Network and collaborative analytics for decision support * Analytics connecting data and processes (e.g., process mining) * Data analytics for sustainability (e.g., data analytics and operational sustainability practices for sustainable business management, big data and social media analytics for business to business sustainability, big data and predictive analytics capability for supply chain sustainability, orchestrating data analytics capability for sustainability, etc.) * Analytics using IoT devices such as wearables, RFID, etc. * Data mining with blockchains and cryptocurrencies * Data analytics and business intelligence theory and applications * Innovative data-driven decision support tools and techniques * Data analytics in behavioral research * Predictive, descriptive and prescriptive approaches to analytics * Natural language processing applications * Data analytics technologies and applications * Risks and benefits of interconnected decision-making(e.g., privacy and ethical considerations in the use of data and analytics, dark side of analytics, etc.) * Data and analytics for diverse societal applications (e.g., smart cities, smart and connected communities, smart health, smart energy management) * Data and analytics in shaping public policy * Methodological issues of developing systems based on connected big data
_SUBMISSION CATEGORIES IN RESEARCH TRACK_ COMPLETED RESEARCH PAPERS Completed research papers are full-length papers documenting the results of finished research projects. They should be similar to journal submissions, but shorter. They should include analyses and results. Completed research papers MUST NOT EXCEED FOURTEEN (14) SINGLE-SPACED PAGES. All text, figures, tables, and appendices must be included within the page limit. The abstract, keywords and references are excluded from this page count. RESEARCH-IN-PROGRESS PAPERS Research-in-progress papers typically describe work that is promising, but ongoing and incomplete. Research-in-progress papers MUST NOT EXCEED SEVEN (7) SINGLE-SPACED PAGES. All text, figures, tables, and appendices must be included within the page limit. The abstract, keywords and references are excluded from this page count. _If accepted, research-in-progress papers will be presented as part of a slam presentation session and an e-poster session._ _SUBMISSION TEMPLATE, SUBMISSION SYSTEM, AND AWARDS AND PUBLICATION OPPORTUNITIES_ * Information about the submission guideline and template and where to submit can be found here [8]. * Information about the awards and publication opportunities can be found here [9]. * Information about the important relevant dates can be here [10]. Following are some of the upcoming _IMPORTANT DATES_. OCT 1, 2021: Deadline for authors for manuscript submission (11:59 pm PST) OCT 15, 2021: Acceptance decisions communicated to authors NOV 1, 2021: Early registration deadline for the authors NOV 8, 2021: Camera-ready papers due (11:59 pm PST) NOV 12, 2021: At least one author must be registered for the Symposium. NOV 26, 2021: Deadline for submitting extended abstracts for the Development Workshop (Doctoral Students) (11:59 pm PST) NOV 30, 2021: Acceptance decisions communicated for the Development Workshop (Doctoral Students) DEC 11 AND 12, 2021: Pre-ICIS SIGDSA Symposium DEC 11, 2021: Networking Event _RESEARCH TRACK CO-CHAIRS_ For questions regarding the submissions to the research track, please contact: * Ales Popovic, ales.popovic@neoma-bs.fr, NEOMA Business School, France * Biljana Mileva Boshkoska, biljana.mileva@ijs.si, Jožef Stefan Institute
We recommend including the 'Pre-ICIS SIGDS 2021 Research Track Question' as your email subject line. _---------------_ _CONFERENCE CHAIR:_ Haya Ajjan, hajjan at elon.edu [11]<mailto:hajjan at elon.edu [11]>, Elon University, North Carolina, USA _PROGRAM CHAIRS:_ Vic Matta, matta at ohio.edu [11]<mailto:matta at ohio.edu [11]>, Ohio University, Ohio, USA Sagnika Sen, sagnika.sen at psu.edu [11]<mailto:sagnika.sen at psu.edu [11]>, Penn State Great Valley, USA Thank you for your interest and we look forward to your participation in the 2021 Pre-ICIS SIGDSA symposium. Best Regards, Biljana Mileva Boshkoska, Ph.D. Associate Professor Faculty of information studies, Ljubljanska cesta 32a, 8000 Novo mesto, Slovenia Jožef Stefan Institute, Jamova 39, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
Links: ------ [1] https://preicissigdsa2021.wordpress.com/submissions/research-track/ [2] https://preicissigdsa2021.wordpress.com/ [3] https://icis2021.aisconferences.org/ [4] https://www.journals.elsevier.com/decision-analytics-journal [5] https://www.tandfonline.com/loi/tjba20 [6] https://iupress.org/journals/esj/ [7] https://www.tandfonline.com/toc/tjds20/current [8] https://preicissigdsa2021.wordpress.com/submission-guideline/ [9] https://preicissigdsa2021.wordpress.com/awards-and-publication-opportunities... [10] https://preicissigdsa2021.wordpress.com/important-dates/ [11] http://lists.aisnet.org/mailman/listinfo/aisworld_lists.aisnet.org _______________________________________________ AISWorld mailing list AISWorld@lists.aisnet.org