Betreff: | [WI] CfP: "3M4city Workshop : Modelling, Mining, Managing Smart City data flows" |
Datum: | Sun, 12 Jan 2014 18:06:47 +0200 |
Von: | Leonidas Anthopoulos <> |
An: | <> |
(Apologies for cross-posts)
3M4city Workshop : Modelling, Mining,
Managing Smart City data flows
In conjunction with WIMS’14: 4th
International Conference on Web Intelligence, Mining and
Thessaloniki, Greece, 2-4 June 2014
Workshop Objective
3M4city Workshop main objective is to promote
Smart City research results in the context of Modelling,
Mining, Managing data flows. As part of the WIMS 2014
conference, this workshop is dedicated to open discussions
about the most important issues today in terms of smart
cities methodologies, implementations and practices.
The aim of this workshop is to illustrate the
theoretical context, the existing state and current issues
and trends, accompanied by innovative and forthcoming
developments (norms, policies, and standards) in smart city
domain, mainly with regard to other city data flows (such as
social networks, open data, etc). More specifically, it will
not just examine smart city domain, but it will integrate
activities (such as social networking and innovative city
solutions) towards adding value and beneficial impact to the
smart city domain. Theoretical concepts and modelling,
empirical evidence and selected case studies from leading
scholars and practitioners in the field showing the “big
picture” of smart cities will be examined in this workshop.
This workshop aims at gathering researchers
from the fields of smart cities, social computing, machine
learning, and data mining to think about the obstacles that
hurdle the leveraging of understanding and capturing of
smart city trends with regard the social network dynamics.
We target researchers from both industry and
academia to join forces in this exciting area. We intend to
discuss the recent and significant developments in the
general areas of smart cities and social network dynamics
and to promote cross-fertilization of techniques. In
particular, we aim at identifying trends and respective
applications in smart cities; the potential impact of smart
city in social networking; techniques from the data mining
and machine learning fields that will enable researchers to
understand the dynamic phenomena in smart cities, social
networks and social media, as well as specify important
directions for the research communities. Understanding,
capturing, mining and being able to predict dynamic
behaviors in smart cities is interesting for several areas
such as sustainability, crisis management, marketing,
security, and Web search. To address the above mentioned
aspects, we solicit the following topics (but not limited
· Theoretical foundations on Smart Cities;
· Smart City’s management and success and the
role of social networks;
· Social networks’ utilization for innovative
solutions’ extraction is Smart Cities;
· Creative partnerships and creative industries
in Smart City: the role of open data and social networks;
· Standardization issues in Smart Cities and the
respective role of web intelligence and social networks;
· Social networks’ role in collaboration on Smart
City emerging topics (i.e., energy, transportation, safety
· The roles of Government’s in Smart Cities
(i.e., promotion push);
· Community extraction, analysis, and evolution;
· Detection of (potentially evolving) local
· Smart City e-service evaluation and
benchmarking via social networks;
· Smart growth chances’ detection;
· Smart City e-service execution in social
· Smart City e-service adoption and the role of
social media;
· Social media recommendations;
· Smart City information quality and evolution in
social content;
· Ensuring security and privacy in Smart Cities:
the role of social networks;
· Smart City social network living labs and
We welcome full research papers, research in
progress, and discussion papers. Full papers should be max
5000 words. Discussion papers may be short, just a few
pages, but should clearly and distinctly address one or more
issues pertinent to Smart City research including research
methods and quality as well as focus of studies. Papers
should be designed to support in-depth discussions of one of
these issues during the workshop. The workshop papers will
be clustered and each session will discuss a small set of
papers focusing on similar or related issues.
Each submission will be reviewed by the
workshop co-chairs and at least one external reviewer. The
accepted submissions will be published in WIMS 2014
conference’s proceedings (ACM International Conference
Proceedings Series (ICPS)). More details regarding WIMS2014
conference can be found on
Please submit your papers (in .doc/docx or .pdf
format) to:
Details of the programme will be made available
Important Dates
Submissions due: February 10th, 2014
Notification of Acceptance: March 1st, 2014.
Workshop authors’ registration and
camera-ready papers: March 15th, 2014
For any questions, please contact: the Workshop
Athena Vakali, Associate Professor, Department
of Informatics, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki,
Leonidas Anthopoulos, Assistant Professor,
School of Business and Economics, TEI of Thessaly, Greece,
Program Committee Members (tentative)
Salima Benbernou, Université Paris Descartes,
Marios Dikaiakos, University of Cyprus, Cyprus
Dimitrios Katsaros, University of Thessaly,
Srdjan Krco, Ericsson/ Univ. of Belgrade,
Fang Li, Shanghai Jiaotong University, China
Ernestina Menasalvas, Universidad Politécnica de
Madrid, Spain
Luis Muñoz,University of Cantabria, Spain
George Pallis, University of Cyprus, Cyprus
Myra Spiliopoulou, University of Magdeburg,