-------- Original Message --------
[Our apologies for cross posting]
The 4th International Conference on Emerging Ubiquitous
Systems and Pervasive Networks (EUSPN-2013)
The 4th International Conference on Emerging Ubiquitous Systems
and Pervasive Networks (EUSPN) is a premier venue for bringing
together multi-disciplinary researchers, professionals and
practitioners from both academia and industry, who are engaged in
different facets of ubiquitous systems and pervasive networks. The
conference encourages innovative research contributions providing
the recent significant developments and promising future trends of
EUSPN based applications, systems, tools, environments and
infrastructures in the fields of EUSPN and related areas.
All EUSPN-2013 accepted papers will be included in the conference
proceedings published by Elsevier
Networks the open-access Procedia Computer Science Science in
systems architectures; Reliable and scalable series on-line.
Procedia Computer Sciences is hosted systems networks;
Self-adaptive systems; Self-healing ScienceDirect (
and will be on
and on Elsevier content platform systems; Self-optimizing systems;
in Procedia will freely available worldwide. All papers
Self-organising; also be indexed by Scopus (
www.scopus.com) and
Self-protecting systems; Self-tuning wireless systems Engineering
Village (Ei) (
This includes EI Compendex (
The papers will contain linked references, XML versions and
citable DOI numbers. All accepted papers will also be indexed in
Selected papers will be invited for publication in the special
issues of:
- Journal of Computer and System Sciences, by Elsevier
- The Computer Journal, by Oxford
- Journal of Mobile Information Systems, by IOS Press
Papers on either completed or ongoing research are invited in the
following and related tracks.
- Autonomic and Pervasive Network Management
- Databases and Ubiquitous Data Management
- Human Computer Interaction for Pervasive/Ubiquitous
- Internet of Things
- Machine-to-Machine (M2M) Networks
- Multi-agent Systems and Intelligent Computing
- Pervasive Algorithms, Protocols and Networks
- Pervasive Cloud, Cluster and Grid Computing
- Pervasive Technologies for Intelligent Transportation
Systems, and Vehicular Networks & Applications
- Pervasive/Ubiquitous Ad hoc, Mesh and Sensor Networks
- RFID Technologies for Pervasive/Ubiquitous Computing
- Sensing and Actuation Ubiquitous Systems and Pervasive
- Service Oriented Pervasive Computing
- Software Engineering for Pervasive Systems and Applications
- Ubiquitous Data Mining
- Ubiquitous Intelligence & Cyber-Physical Computing
- Ubiquitous Multimedia and Social Computing
- Ubiquitous Security and Privacy Solutions
- Ubiquitous Smart Systems and Applications
- Ubiquitous Static and Mobile Systems
Important Dates
Workshop Proposal Due: February 10, 2013
Submission Deadline: May 10, 2013
Author Notification: June 10, 2013
Final Manuscript Due: July 10, 2013
Dr. Stéphane GALLAND
Associate Professor
Multiagent Simulation Group
Laboratoire Systèmes et Transport
Institut de Recherche sur les Transports, l’Énergie, et la
Université de Technologie de Belfort-Montbéliard
Rue Ernest Thierry-Mieg
90010 Belfort Cedex
Phone: (+33) [0]3 84 58 39 12
Cell: (+33) [0]6 62 27 44 42
Fax: (+33) [0]3 84 58 33 42
Skype: sgalland