-------- Original-Nachricht --------
December 20, 2009 is approaching.
Thanks for forwarding the information on this Call for Submissions to
those potentially interested to submit.
===== Call for Submissions =======
WebTel 2010, May 9 - 15, 2010 - Barcelona, Spain
see: http://www.iaria.org/conferences2010/WebTel10.html
WebTel 2010 is a federated event focusing on advanced topics concerning
the telecommunications, web applications, web monitoring and protection.
WebTel 2010 continues the tradition of well-established conferences:
Submission (full paper) new deadline: December 20, 2009.
Sponsored by IARIA, www.iaria.org
Extended versions of selected papers will be published in IARIA
Journals: http://www.iariajournals.org
Publisher: CPS ( see: http://www2.computer.org/portal/web/cscps )
Archived: IEEE CSDL (Computer Science Digital Library) and IEEE Xplore
Submitted for indexing: Elsevier's EI Compendex Database, EI's
Engineering Information Index
Other indexes are being considered: INSPEC, DBLP, Thomson Reuters
Conference Proceedings Citation Index
Submissions must be electronically done using the 'Submit a Paper' link
on the entry page of each conference.
Before submission, please check and conply with the Editorial rules:
For details on the each conference's topics, see the individual Call for
Papers for each conference.
Unpublished high quality contributions in terms of Regular papers and
Posters or Work in Progress are welcome. Workshop proposals and Panel
proposals on challenging topics are encouraged.
All tracks/topics are open to both research and industry contributions.
-- ICIMP 2010, The Fifth International Conference on Internet Monitoring
and Protection
-- AICT 2010, The Sixth Advanced International Conference on
Featuring also:
ELETE | E-learning and mobile learning on telecommunications
TELET | Teletraffic modeling and management
COGNITIVE RADIO | Cognitive Radio
Ad hoc, autonomic and sensor networks
-- ICIW 2010, The Fifth International Conference on Internet and Web
Applications and Services
Featuring also:
SLAECE | Social and Legal Aspect of Internet Computing
VEWAeL: Virtual Environments and Web Applications for eLearning
SERCOMP: Service computing
ONLINE: Online Communications, Collaborative Systems, and Social Networks
P2PSA: P2P Systems and Applications
ENSYS: Entertainment Systems
IARIA Publicity Board
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