-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [computational.science] Call for Workshops - 5th International Conference on Network and System Security (NSS 2011)
Date: Fri, 11 Mar 2011 15:55:22 +0100
From: Giovanni Livraga <giovanni.livraga@unimi.it>
Organization: "ICCSA"
To: Computational Science Mailing List <computational.science@lists.iccsa.org>

[Apologies if you receive multiple copies of this message]

*** Workshop proposals submission deadline: March 20, 2011 ***

5th International Conference on Network and System Security (NSS 2011)
Milan, Italy -- September 6-8, 2011

NSS 2011 will hold multiple workshops co-located with the main
conference. We invite you to submit workshop proposals on any topic
related to Network and System Security. The purpose of these workshops
is to offer researchers a good opportunity to present their work in a
more focused way than the conference itself and to obtain feedback
from an interested community. Workshop organizers are responsible for
establishing a program committee, collecting and evaluating
submissions, notifying authors of acceptance or rejection in due time,
ensuring a transparent and fair selection process, organizing selected
papers into sessions, and assigning session chairs. Proposals on
emerging topics guaranteed to generate significant interest in the
community will be selected. A workshop proposal should include:

 * workshop title;
 * a draft call for papers;
 * names and affiliations of organizers, and tentative composition of
   the committees;
 * expected numbers of submissions and acceptance rate;
 * prior history of the workshop, if any (please include number of
   submissions, number of accepted papers, and number of attendees).

All workshops should maintain the same quality as the main
conference. Please submit workshop proposals by email to the Workshop
Chair, Yang Xiang (yang.xiang@deakin.edu.au).

Workshop proposals submission date is March 20, 2011.

Notification of workshop proposals will be in two weeks after proposal  

Once accepted, the workshop should establish own paper submission
system. Workshop paper submission, author notification, and camera  
ready due
dates should adhere to the following time-line:
- paper submission due: around June 6, 2011
- notification to authors: around July 11, 2011
- Camera ready due: July 21, 2011 (hard deadline)
Each paper selected for inclusion in the proceedings must be
registered for NSS 2011 at the same registration rates. Each paper
must be presented by one of the authors. Accepted papers
will be published in the conference proceedings and in the
IEEE digital library.

Please organize your workshop as early as possible to ensure your
effort turn out to be fruitful. For further information on preparing a
workshop proposal, please contact the Workshop Chair, Yang Xiang

This call for workshops and additional information about the conference
can be found at http://anss.org.au/nss2011