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Betreff: [WI] CFP Special Issue on Recommender Systems in Tourism, Journal of Information Technology & Tourism (JITT)
Datum: Wed, 11 Jan 2017 11:10:52 +0100
Von: Wolfgang Woerndl <woerndl@in.tum.de>
Antwort an: Wolfgang Woerndl <woerndl@in.tum.de>
An: mci@listserv.zimt.uni-siegen.de, fgcscw@gi-ev.de, wi@aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de, abis@l3s.de, interaktion@tzi.de


Journal of Information Technology & Tourism (JITT)

Special Issue on Recommender Systems in Tourism

Guest editors: Julia Neidhardt, Daniel Fesenmaier, Tsvi Kuflik, and 
Wolfgang Wörndl


The focus of this special issue is on the specific challenges for 
recommender systems in tourism. In particular, there are considerably 
more complicated scenarios than finding the best product for a user. 
Planning a vacation usually involves searching for a reasonably large 
set of products that are interconnected (e.g. means of transportation, 
lodging, attractions etc.), with a rather limited availability, and 
where contextual aspects may have a major impact (spatiotemporal 
context, social context, environmental context). In addition and most 
importantly, products are emotionally “loaded” and therefore decision 
taking is not based only on rational and objective criteria.  As such, 
providing the right information to visitors of a tourism site at the 
right time about the site itself and various services nearby is 
challenging.  Additionally and in contrast to many other domains, 
information providers are normally SMEs and do not have full information 
about available opportunities. Finally, there is no single, standard 
format to house this information and with this  diversity, building 
effective recommendation systems within the tourism domain is extremely 

The rapid development of information and communication technologies 
(ICT) in general and the Web in particular has transformed the tourism 
domain whereby travellers no longer rely on travel agents/agencies. 
Indeed, recent studies indicate that they are now active in searching 
for information and composing their vacation packages according to their 
specific preferences. When onsite, they search for freely available 
information about the site itself rather than renting a visitor guide 
that may be available, but considered to be expensive and sometimes 
outdated. However, like in many other cases, the blessing of the web 
comes with a curse – the curse of information overload. Recommender 
systems have been suggested as a practical tool for overcoming this 
information overload.

Topics of specific interest

Important aspects and topics to be discussed evolve around (but are not 
limited to):
- Specific applications and case studies (evaluation)
- Specific methods and techniques in the domain
- Novel ICT and its impact on travel and tourism
- Integrating data from various sources, i.e., catalogues, Linked Open 
Data, and usage logs
- Context and mobility
- Cold-Start problem
- Preference elicitation
- Emotions and recommenders
- Group recommenders / Decision making
- Interaction concepts with personal and group (on-site public or 
desktop) displays
- Information needs, information access (incl. visualization) and search 
- Collaboration, communication and sharing aspects in the tourist
- Personalized explanations and feedback of recommendation systems
- Digital storytelling, narratives, smart summaries and recommendation 

- Papers are required no later than April 30th, 2017.
- Notification of outcome will be provided by June 15th, 2017.
- Revised papers should be submitted by August 1st, 2017.

Please submit manuscripts through the Springer online system (if you are 
a new author to the system you will be required to create a system 

Submission of a manuscript implies: that the work described has not been 
published before; that it is not under consideration for publication 
anywhere else; that its publication has been approved by all co-authors, 
if any, as well as by the responsible authorities – tacitly or 
explicitly – at the institute where the work has been carried out.

The publisher will not be held legally responsible should there be any 
claims for compensation.

The journal imposes no hard limits on the paper length as long as what 
authors write is important. Submissions that exceed 40 pages in journal 
format (including illustrations and references) should, however, be 
accompanied by a short justification as to why a briefer discussion of 
their research results.

Full author instructions may be found here: 

Any questions related to this special issue should be directed to:
- Dr. Julia Neidhardt, TU Wien, Austria julia.neidhardt@ec.tuwien.ac.at
- Prof. Daniel R. Fesenmaier, University of Florida, USA drfez@ufl.edu
- Prof. Tsvi Kuflik, The University of Haifa, Israel tsvikak@is.haifa.ac.il
- Dr. Wolfgang Wörndl, TU München, Germany woerndl@in.tum.de

Dr. Wolfgang Wörndl
Technische Universität München
Fakultät für Informatik
Lehrstuhl für Connected Mobility

Tel. +49 89 289 18686

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