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Subject: [AISWorld] Leading and Managing in the Digital Era Conference: Athens, Greece
Date: Fri, 23 Dec 2022 09:10:51 +0200
From: Harris Kyriakou <harriskyriakou@gmail.com>
To: aisworld@lists.aisnet.org


*Shaping the future of work and business education*


*Conference: June 19-**20**, 2023** (Athens, **Greece**)* *& June
21-23 **(Island
of S**y**ros**, Greece**)*

Digital technologies are leaving a lasting impact on the way we work, live,
and communicate. These rapidly emerging technologies are radically
transforming areas of cognitive and physical work, enhancing efficiency,
and opening new opportunities and new challenges. As a result, management
roles are evolving in constantly renewed directions. In this digital era,
managers are called to work alongside intelligent machines that perform
many cognitive tasks hitherto performed exclusively by humans. Academic and
industry leaders need to work together to debate and exploit the potential
of digital technologies today and shape the future of work and business
education to foster digital and leadership skills in preparation for future
challenges. A new style of leadership is required, where digital savviness
is essential, together with an increased focus on collaboration,
transparency, entrepreneurship, diversity, and inclusion. Additionally,
risk awareness and risk management become top priorities, and new ethical
challenges are presented, making stronger the need for collaboration
between industry and academia.

This conference is unique in that it will bring together *academic leaders,
academic researchers, *and* industry leaders*to discuss new results on
management and leadership in the digital era, as well the impact of digital
on business and on education. The conference will feature selected papers
presenting innovative research results and their business impact, as well
as discussion papers and panels by academic leaders and industry leaders on
their vision about the future of Business Schools and business education in
view of the opportunities in the digital era. Authors of accepted papers
will have the opportunity to publish their papers in a volume published by

*Please consider submitted an extended abstract (800-1500 words) related to
one of the following 4 tracks:*

1. Leadership and Governance in the Digital Era
2. The Future of Work
3. Strategy, Innovation and Entrepreneurship in the Digital Era
4. The Future(s) of Business Schools in the Digital Era

*For more information on how to prepare and submit your abstract, as well
as the conference, visit:*



· January 20, 2023

Submission of Extended Abstracts

· February 28, 2023

Notification of acceptance

· March 15, 2023

Early Bird Conference Registration

· May 30, 2023

Submission of final papers for publication in Springer volume

· June 19-20, 2023

Main Conference (Athens)

· June 21-23, 2023

Optional Research Colloquium & Doctoral Consortium (Island of Syros)
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