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Subject: [AISWorld] ICWE 2021 - Call for Tutorials - Deadline 11 January 2021
Date: Mon, 26 Oct 2020 16:29:39 +0000
From: Tommaso Di Noia <tommaso.dinoia@poliba.it>
To: AISWorld@lists.aisnet.org <AISWorld@lists.aisnet.org>

ICWE 2021
21st International Conference on Web Engineering (ICWE 2021)
May 18-21, Biarritz, France

Call for Tutorials

ICWE 2021 invites proposals for tutorials in a broad range of Web Engineering topics. Conference participants include researchers and practitioners who are seeking to gain insight and knowledge of up-to-date strategies, methodologies, technologies, and tools used for developing, maintaining and evolving Web applications. Examples of relevant topics include, but are not limited to:
- Web application development, modeling and engineering
- Web infrastructures and architectures
- Execution models, such as serverless computing
- Human computation and crowdsourcing applications
- Web application composition and mashups
- Social and Semantic Web technologies
- Web of Things middleware and applications
- Security, privacy, and identity on the Web
- Responsible Web data engineering and analytics
- Recommendations, influence maximization for the Web
- Graph Neural networks for Web applications
- Web standards

All proposed tutorials should be half-day (3 hours) or fully-day (6 hours) in length.

The length of tutorial proposals is limited to 4 pages. Proposals must clearly define both the scope and the depth of the tutorial, and they must clearly identify the intended audience, the assumed background knowledge and learning objectives. All tutorial proposals must include the following information:
- Title of the Tutorial
- Contact information of the presenters (name, affiliation, email, mailing address, phone)
- Abstract outlining the goals and content of the tutorial (max 250 words)
- Definition of intended audience and assumed background and knowledge
- Overview of the tutorial structure, list of topics covered, and short description of learning objectives/outcomes
- Biographies of presenter(s), including information regarding their expertise relevant to the tutorial
- Any relevant references to the work of the presenters or other references relevant to the tutorial
- Statement about any previous related tutorial presentations, including information regarding how the ICWE 2021 tutorial would differ
- Sample slides of the tutorial, if available

The tutorial may be cancelled if the number of registrations for them is very small.

Along with a notification of acceptance, presenters will receive further instructions on how to prepare a two-page summary of the tutorial to be included in the conference proceedings, tutorial notes to be made available on the conference website, and a brief biography to be published in the conference program.
Tutorials papers proposals should be submitted as a single PDF file in the EasyChair system as described in the SUBMISSION INFORMATION section.


Submission deadline: January 11, 2021
Acceptance notification: February 15, 2021
Camera ready: February 27, 2021


Prof. Vassilis Christophides (ENSEA, ETIS, France)
Prof. Michalis Vazirgiannis (LIX/Ecole Polytechnique, France)


All submitted proposal must be formatted in accordance to the information for Springer LNCS authors at https://www.springer.com/gp/computer-science/lncs/conference-proceedings-guidelines and submitted in PDF. Accepted contributions will be included into the ICWE 2021 Springer LNCS proceedings.

Submissions and reviewing are supported by the EasyChair system (https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=icwe2021).

ICWE 2021 will follow the single-blind review process. Consequently, all submissions should include the names and affiliation of all authors, and this information is made visible to the reviewers. Still, the identity of the reviewers will be kept confidential from the authors.

Submitted proposals must not be under review elsewhere while under consideration for ICWE 2021.

Submissions that do not comply with the required submission format or that fall outside the scope of the conference will be desk rejected without reviewing.

All questions about submissions should be emailed to tutorialchair.icwe2021@webengineering.org.
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