-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: [isworld] Latest issue of IJDSST Datum: Tue, 3 Nov 2009 14:46:35 -0500 (EST) Von: forgionn@umbc.edu Antwort an: forgionn@umbc.edu An: AISWORLD Information Systems World Network isworld@lyris.isworld.org
The contents of the latest issue of:
International Journal of Decision Support System Technology (IJDSST)
Official Publication of the Information Resources Management Association
Volume 1, Issue 4, October-December 2009
Published: Quarterly in Print and Electronically
ISSN: 1941-6296 EISSN: 1941-630X
Published by IGI Publishing, Hershey-New York, USA
Editor-in-Chief: Guisseppi A. Forgionne, University of Maryland - Baltimore County, USA
Guisseppi A. Forgionne, University of Maryland-Baltimore County (UMBC), USA
Decision making support systems (DMSS) are information systems that interactively support the decision making process of individuals and groups in life, public and private organizations, and other entities. Each DMSS is a vehicle that delivers computer and information technology and decision technology to the local or internet system, typically involving accounting, cognitive science, economic, management science, and statistical models that describe the decision problem explicitly and provide solution recommendations. This issue of IJDSST involves new hardware and software for DMSS, new models to deliver decision making support, dialog management between the user and system, data and model base management within the system, output display and presentation, DMSS operations, and DMSS technology management. Since the technologys purpose is to improve decision making, articles in this issue are expected to link DMSS technology to improvements in the process and outcomes of the decision making process theoretically, mathematically, or empirically in a systematic and scientific manner.
To read the preface, please consult this issue of IJDSST in your library.
Introduction: Technologies for Collaborative Decision Making
Pascale Zaraté, Toulouse University, France
Ana Respicio, University of Lisbon, Spain
Collaborative decision making (CDM) is positioned at the intersection of several disciplines, such as information systems, operational research, management science, organizational theory, and artificial intelligence. CDM research is focused on decision making with special emphasis on supporting groups and individuals requiring communication, negotiation, and agreement. The spread of new technological developments, such as Web-based systems or mobile services, has contributed to transform the way organizations and groups operate and organize their decision making processes. These situations constitute a challenge for organizations and supporting them is extremely innovative. This issue of IJDSST proposes new systems supporting decision makers in distributed environments and presents a study using multi-criteria decision analysis methodologies.
To read the introduction, please consult this issue of IJDSST in your library.
Supporting Collaborative Multi-Criteria Evaluation: The VIP Analysis Plug-In for Decision Deck
João N. Clímaco, INESC Coimbra and University of Coimbra, Portugal
João A. Costa, INESC Coimbra, Portugal
Luis C. Dias, INESC Coimbra and University of Coimbra, Portugal
Paulo Melo, INESC Coimbra and University of Coimbra, Portugal
This article presents the VIP analysis plug-in of Decision Deck 1.1, a platform that hosts different evaluation methods to support decision makers in the collaborative evaluation of alternatives in a multi-criteria and multi-experts setting. VIP analysis is a tool for aggregation of multicriteria performances by means of an additive value function under imprecise information. VIP analysis incorporates different methods to support the progressive reduction of the number of alternatives, introducing a concept of tolerance that lets decision makers use some of the methods in a more flexible manner. By being included in the Decision Deck platform, VIP analysis is now integrated with other decision aiding methods within a coherent interface.
To obtain a copy of the entire article, click on the link below.
Model Inspection in the Context of a Distributed DSS
Matthias Buchs, University of Fribourg, Switzerland
Pius Hättenschwiler, University of Fribourg, Switzerland
Dicodess is a model-based distributed cooperative decision support system framework. It encapsulates the underlying model in a graphical user interface shielding users from the technical details of model configuration and optimization; however, a model usually evolves over time and therefore needs verification and validation accordingly. Model views are a new concept for modeling language and domain independent model visualizations. The focus is not primarily on visualizing model input or model output but on the models structure, the formalized knowledge. Modelers, as well as domain experts, are able to inspect a model visually in order to get a better understanding and to have a common base of discussion. The improvement of model understanding and communication among the people involved leads to models of better quality. This article proposes an example integration of model views into Dicodess.
To obtain a copy of the entire article, click on the link below.
Towards the Realization of an Integrated Decision Support Environment for Organizational Decision Making
Shaofeng Liu, University of Plymouth, UK
Alex H.B. Duffy, University of Strathclyde, UK
Robert Ian Whitfield, University of Strathclyde, UK
Iain M. Boyle, University of Strathclyde, UK
Iain McKenna, BVT Surface Fleet Ltd., UK
Traditional decision support systems are based on the paradigm of a single decision maker working at a standalone computer or terminal who has a specific decision to make with a specific goal in mind. Organizational decision support systems aim to support decision makers at all levels of an organization (from executive, middle management managers to operators), who have a variety of decisions to make, with different priorities, often in a distributed and dynamic environment. Such systems need to be designed and developed with extra functionality to meet the challenges such as collaborative working. This article proposes an integrated decision support environment (IDSE) for organizational decision making. IDSE is an open software platform which allows its users to define their own decision processes and choose their own exiting decision tools to be integrated into the platform. The IDSE is designed and developed based on distributed client/server networking, with a multi-tier integration framework for consistent information exchange and sharing, seamless process co-ordination and synchronisation, and quick access to packaged and legacy systems.
To obtain a copy of the entire article, click on the link below.
A Multi-Criteria Decision Aiding System to Support Monitoring in a Public Administration
Maria Franca Norese, Politecnico di Torino, Italy
The Piedmont Region Financial Institute has had to construct a procedure and a system to monitor projects that a regional law has financed. In this context, the integration of a new data reading approach in a monitoring procedure has been proposed and a multi-criteria decision aiding method, ELECTRE TRI, has been applied to the problem, first to explain a possible use of the acquired information and then to be integrated in the information system. The model base of the prototype system is used as a shared space and a common framework to better understand the aims and information needs of the monitoring process. The application of ELECTRE TRI to the models analytically synthesizes the information elements, to face the difficulties of the monitoring process in its different phases and to support decisions, in terms of modifications and integrations of activities for future law applications.
To obtain a copy of the entire article, click on the link below.
For full copies of the above articles, check for this issue of the International Journal of Decision Support System Technology (IJDSST) in your institution's library. This journal is also included in the IGI Global aggregated "InfoSci-Journals" database: www.infosci-journals.com.
Mission of IJDSST:
The primary objective of the International Journal of Decision Support System Technology (IJDSST) is to provide comprehensive coverage for DMSS technology issues. The issues can involve, among other things, new hardware and software for DMSS, new models to deliver decision making support, dialog management between the user and system, data and model base management within the system, output display and presentation, DMSS operations, and DMSS technology management. Since the technologys purpose is to improve decision making, the articles are expected to link DMSS technology to improvements in the process and outcomes of the decision making process. This link can be established theoretically, mathematically, or empirically in a systematic and scientific manner.
Coverage of IJDSST:
The coverage of the journal is intended to cover a range of topics within the area of specialization. Among the topics of interest are:
Context awareness, modeling, and management for DMSS
DMSS computer hardware
DMSS computer systems and application software
DMSS data capture, storage, and retrieval
DMSS feedback control mechanisms
DMSS function integration strategies and mechanisms
DMSS model capture, storage, and retrieval
DMSS network strategies and mechanisms
DMSS output presentation and capture
DMSS system and user dialog methods
DMSS system design, development, testing, and implementation
DMSS technology evaluation
DMSS technology organization and management
Public and private DMSS applications
Web-based and mobile DMSS technologies
All other related technology issues that impact the overall utilization and management of DMSS in modern life and organizations
Interested authors should consult the journal's manuscript submission guidelines at www.igi-global.com/ijdsst.
All inquiries and submissions should be sent to:
Editor-in-Chief: Guisseppi A. Forgionne at forgionn@umbc.edu
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