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[Apologies for cross-postings]
The 2014 Web Intelligence Congress (WIC 2014)
August 11-14, 2014, Warsaw, Poland
Homepage: http://wic2014.mimuw.edu.pl
WIC 2014 is a Special Event of Web25 (25 years of the Web).
It includes four top-quality international conferences
- IEEE/WIC/ACM Web Intelligence 2014 (WI'14)
- IEEE/WIC/ACM Intelligent Agent Technology 2014 (IAT'14)
- Active Media Technology 2014 (AMT'14)
- Brain Informatics & Heath 2014 (BIH'14)
which are co-located in order to bring together researchers and
practitioners from diverse fields with the purpose of exploring
the fundamental roles, interactions and practical impacts of
Artificial Intelligence and Advanced Information Technology.
Important Dates:
# Electronic submission of full papers: March 2, 2014
# Workshop paper submission: March 23, 2014
# Notification of paper acceptance: May 4-11, 2014
# Camera-ready of accepted papers: May 18, 2014
- Web Intelligence Consortium (WIC)
- IEEE-CS Technical Committee on Intelligent Informatics (TCII)
- Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) SIGART
- The University of Warsaw
- Polish Mathematical Society (PTM)
General Congress Chair:
- Andrzej Skowron, Poland
Steering Committee Chairs:
- Ning Zhong, Japan
- Jiming Liu, Hong Kong
*** Topics of Interest ***
Web Intelligence is recognized as one of the most important
directions for scientific research and development of solutions
that contribute to creation of the Knowledge-based Society. In
combination with Intelligent Agent and Active Media Technologies,
it leads toward a new generation of methods in such areas as
Brain Informatics, Health Informatics and many others. In order
to increase the cross-fertilization of ideas from different
communities, WIC 2014 will focus on hybridization of traditional
topics of each of co-held events. A special emphasis will be put
on domain knowledge driven analysis of big and complex data and
information sources occurring in major areas of WI/IAT/BIH/AMT.
Proposal Submissions:
# Workshop proposals: January 12, 2014
# Tutorial proposals: April 13, 2014
# Special session proposals: please contact WIC 2014 Chairs
*** About the Venue ***
WIC 2014 will be held in August - the best summer period to
visit Warsaw and Poland. Lectures will take place in Central
Campus of University of Warsaw, in Old Library building
converted to modern conference center. The campus is located
in downtown Warsaw, close to Old Town and Vistula River.
*** Contact Information ***
Dominik Slezak <slezak@mimuw.edu.pl>
General Program Chair of WIC 2014
Mailing-Liste: wi@aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de
Administrator: wi-request@lists.uni-karlsruhe.de
Konfiguration: https://www.lists.uni-karlsruhe.de/sympa/info/wi