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21st IFIP Conference I3E2022
e-Business, e-Services, and e-Society
Newcastle upon Tyne, UK - 13/14th of September, 2022
Newcastle University Business School is very excited to host the
21th IFIP Conference e-Business, e-Services, and e-Society I3E2022
conference. The I3E conference is the flagship of event of WG6.11.
This conference has become a continued tradition that attracts
quality research and presentations. The conference aims to bring
together contributions from a variety of perspectives, disciplines
and communities for the advancement of knowledge in the areas of
e-business, e-services and e-society..
For more information please visit:
Submission date: 12th April 2022
The role of digital technologies in shaping the post pandemic
The COVID-19 pandemic is arguably one of the most defining crises
our societies have experienced in the past 50 years, both in terms
of the global reach, but also its impact on numerous levels. In a
very short time SARS-CoV-2 has created havoc across continents,
effectively halting social and economic activities. In such
unprecedented times individuals and private and public
organisations had to respond with unprecedented measures that had
a similarly unprecedented impact. The coronavirus scars will be
deeply felt for a long time. In such a context information and
communication technologies had a vital role to play. Social
distancing meant that online applications became critical in
ensuring the continuity of personal and business services. An
online meme asking “who led the digital transformation of your
company” having COVID-19 as the chosen answer perfectly captures
the urgency with which existing digital services were extended and
new ones were rolled out, often in haste. IT managers had to react
quickly to a rapidly escalating crisis and come up with innovative
solutions to ensure business continuity. Although everyone is
eager to return to “normal”, the post-pandemic 'business as usual'
is likely to be different to that individuals and organisations
were accustomed to before the pandemic. Understanding the changes
that have taken place and their impact in the future is a pressing
priority, if we are to thrive in such a turbulent environment. To
this end, the IFIP2022 Conference would welcome submissions that
aim to offer topical insights in areas of interest.
Such areas may include, but are not limited to:
* e-business
* e-commerce and retail
* e-marketing
* e-business models
* e-services engineering and management
* e-government and public services
* e-supply chain management and logistics
* e-business intelligence and decision support
* digital inclusion and diversity
* adoption, acceptance and diffusion of digital innovations
* digital transformation and governance
* digital entrepreneurship and value creation
* ICTs for social innovation and entrepreneurship
* research methods related to information system research
* Innovative Applications of IS in Teaching
* emerging opportunities and challenges related to topical
developments (e.g. big data, AI, fintech, IoT, VR/AR, e-health,
remote working, social media, HCI, ubiquitous and mobile
information systems)
* The above suggested topics are not an exhaustive list and any
other topic related to e-business, e-services and e-society are
All methodological approaches (empirical, analytical, conceptual
or mixed) that create new insights and make a tangible
contribution to theory and practice will be well received.
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