International Conference on Computers in Education (ICCE 2002) 3-6 December 2002 Auckland, New Zealand
** Organised by AACE-APC
** Sponsored by College of Business, Massey University, New Zealand
** Important dates: Friday 5 April 2002 : All types of submissions Friday 17 May 2002 : Review result notification Friday 2 August 2002 : Final version papers due
The International Conference on Computers in Education (ICCE) series aims to foster the creation and dissemination of knowledge about the use of information technology in education throughout the Asia-Pacific region. Since 1995 the ICCE series has been organized by the Asia-Pacific Chapter of AACE (Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education). Subsequent ICCEs have been held in different Asian countries - Singapore (1995), Malaysia (1997, held annually ever since), China (1998), Japan (1999), Taiwan (2000) and Korea (2001). ICCE 2002 will be held in Auckland, New Zealand.
Through ICCE 2002, New Zealand hopes to contribute enormously to the valuable experience of the ICCEs and hence to reinforce all the efforts to collaborate for the successful building of the new paradigm of education in the information society. Every effort will be made to make this a truly professional worldwide conference providing opportunities for discussion and dissemination of pertinent information in computers and education internationally. We invite you to ICCE 2002 New Zealand where you can view the 21st century through sharing ideas and prospects.
** Conference theme
"Learning communities on the Internet - Pedagogy in implementation"
Some years ago there was a movement in education towards learning alongside peers. The recent increase in accessibility to networks, whether global or local, has provided an enormous impetus to practice and research in which learners study and work together. However, many questions on the effectiveness and efficiency of such learning environments remain unanswered or at least have little empirical or theoretical evidence to provide beyond intuitive responses:
- learners naturally have many misconceptions; would peer learning
simply spread such misconceptions?
- learning is personal; why should a colearner give better help than
a professional tutor?
- Internet resources are general; don't learners need resources
designed to meet their specific needs?
- learners' culture leads them to expect to be taught; why should
they have to work more?
- tutors' culture leads them to expect to teach; why should they
change that role?
- and many more....
ICCE 2002 invites submissions with a good theoretical base or formalism that present new, yet unpublished, solid achievements based on experiments, that come to answer concretely one or more of the questions above or can point to possible answers. Survey papers are also accepted, if they are well documented, make a contribution to the field, and reveal new aspects and perspectives, as well as future directions.
** Topics of Interest The topics of interest related to the conference theme include but are not limited to:
- Agents technology
- Application of instructional design theories
- Architecture of learning technology systems
- Authoring tools
- Best mix of face-to-face and e-interactions
- Cognition and conceptual change
- Collaborative learning/Groupware/Co-operative learning
- Computer mediated communication
- Country specific developments
- Design principles
- Distributed learning
- Evaluation of impact
- Evaluation of learning systems
- Implementation experiences
- Instructor networking
- Integrated learning environments
- Inter-and Intranet use in conventional universities
- Internet based systems
- Methodologies for system design
- Networked social learning
- Policies, ethics, standards, and legal issues
- Research perspectives
- Teaching/learning strategies
- Tutor role in virtual communities
- Virtual lab/classroom/school
- Virtual universities
- WWW-based learning resources/tools
** Submissions
Submissions are invited in following categories:
- Full Papers
- Short Papers
- Posters
- Tutorials
- Workshops
- Doctoral Student Consortium
Details of submission procedure are available at:
- Contact information
Julie Lyons Conference Secretary Department of Information Systems Massey University Private Bag 11 222 Palmerston North New Zealand Telephone: 64 6 350 5233 Facsimile: 64 6 350 5725