-------- Original Message --------
Doctoral Research Roundtable
The Ninth Annual SIG IS Cognitive Research Exchange Workshop
Sunday, December 12, 2010 (Pre-ICIS)
St. Louis, Missouri
Submission Deadline: September 28, 2010
The organizing committee for the SIG IS Cognitive Research Exchange
(IS-CoRE) Workshop invites doctoral students to submit research
proposals for its Ninth Annual meeting. Like other papers in the
workshop, proposals should address human cognition (i.e., how we know
things, through processes such as reasoning, perception, and judgment)
in an IS context. Doctoral research proposals will be discussed in a
special portion of the workshop, the format of which will depend on the
number of proposals accepted. Discussions are expected to be open and
constructive, in a spirit of collegial community-building. A discounted
rate for attendance will be extended to these students (e.g., early
student registration is $70).
IS-CoRE is intended to represent and support researchers in information
systems who view understanding human cognition as a critical component
to the successful design and implementation of information systems.
Accordingly, doctoral research proposals should address IS research
questions using theories and methods from the cognitive and
psychological sciences. There is a wide range of diverse topics from
which these questions can come. These include, but are not limited to:
* Situated, shared, social, distributed, and team cognition
* Cognition in Virtual Worlds
* Collaborative work
* Group and individual decision support systems
* Group and individual group problem-finding, problem-solving
* Cognitive perspectives on human or computer-mediated
* Cognitive perspectives on decision processes
* Cognitive perspectives on knowledge management
* Cognitive perspectives on the design or use of information systems
* Cognitive processes of programmers/systems developers
* Cognitive aspects of learning and innovation
* Creativity and creative cognition
* Design of user learning and training interventions
* Human factors in information environments
* Human-computer interaction or human factors perspectives involving
cognition or perception
* Research methods to investigate cognitive issues in IS
Authors of accepted proposals will be notified of the format decision
in their acceptance letters. Regardless of format, doctoral students
will receive feedback from IS-CoRE members and workshop attendees. In
prior years, students have found this portion of the workshop to be very
Doctoral students should limit their proposals to about 5,000 words,
including tables, figures, and references. They must also include an
abstract not exceeding 300 words. Papers are to be submitted
electronically to rotondo@cobilan.msstate.edu with the subject line
"CORE Submission-PhD Proposal".
Before submitting manuscripts, please format papers so that:
(1) the first page contains only the paper title, the subtitle
“Doctoral Student Research Proposal,” author names, affiliations,
and e-mail addresses
(2) the second page contains only the paper title, the subtitle
“Doctoral Student Research Proposal,” and abstract, but no author
(3) identifying information is removed from the file properties
(4) all comments are removed and changes are accepted (if necessary)
Papers may be submitted in Word, WordPerfect, or Acrobat formats. If
submitting in Acrobat, please submit the title page with author
information separately.
For more information about the workshop and IS-CoRE, please see our Web
site at http://www.ou.edu/is-core/.
This workshop is a forum to present and discuss papers and to help
authors publish their papers in top academic journals. In order to
prevent copyright issues for subsequent publication, doctoral students
can, if they wish, submit an extended abstract which will be distributed
at the workshop and made available on the SIG website. The purpose of
this extended abstract is to highlight key aspects of the proposal
presented for discussion. The abstract should include a synthesis of the
theoretical background. Depending on the student’s progress, the
abstract can also include proposed methods and findings. The extended
abstract should not exceed 2 pages of single-spaced text including any
tables, figures and references.
Submission deadline: September 28, 2010
Acceptance notification: October 31, 2010
Workshop: Sunday, December 12, 2010
Robert F. Otondo
Mississippi State University
Norman Johnson
University of Houston
Deb Armstrong
Florida State University
Alison Parkes
University of Melbourne
AIS Liaison for IS-CoRE:
Teresa Shaft
University of Oklahoma
Robert F. Otondo, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Dept. of Management & Information Systems
College of Business & Industry
Mississippi State University
Mississippi State, MS 39762
Phone: (662) 325-1961
Fax: (662) 325-8651
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