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Copenhagen Business School, Roskilde University and IT-University
of Copenhagen welcome you to the Thirteenth Scandinavian
Conference on Information Systems (SCIS 2022). SCIS 2022 will be
held August 14-17, 2022, in conjunction with the 45th Information
Systems Research Seminar in Scandinavia (IRIS 2022) under the
auspices of the IRIS Association
While most participants are from the Nordic countries, we welcome
researchers from all parts of the world to the conference,
bringing along and delivering other than the Nordic perspectives
on IS into the discussion.
Conference theme
Workforce Leadership in the Age of Digital Transformation
Digitalization is changing the world. Information systems (IS),
software applications and other technologies take central stage in
this change. They enable new working practices and processes, new
services and business models and prompts many opportunities and
challenges (Newell et al., 2020). Individuals, organizations, and
societies respond to those changes, with new and innovative ways
of doing things (Vial, 2019; Baskerville et al., 2020). In sum,
several phenomena are being reassessed in terms of how they are
increasingly shaped by digital technologies, i.e., become digital
(Baskerville et al. 2020). When seizing digital opportunities,
leaders are increasingly required to focus on their workforce in
terms of well-being, flexibility, autonomy, meaningful work,
life-balance and flatter organizational structures (Trenerry et
al., 2020, Passmore et al., 2019). As we move toward platform
based eco-systems and a network based economy of gig-workers using
artificial intelligence to make decisions, 3-D printing and
robotics to manufacture products, and cloud based capabilities,
how we lead in the age of digital transformation and
simultaneously address the technical and social aspects of
organizations becomes even more important (Passmore et al., 2019).
How to motivate, engage and take good care of the workforce will
take center stage in successful digital transformation.
We believe that the IS-research community is well equipped to come
up with answers and insights in this - in nature - sociotechnical
landscape (Sarker et al., 2019; Clemmensen & Bjørn-Andersen,
2017). The theme of the 13th Scandinavian Conference of
Information Systems and 45th IRIS is thus: Workforce Leadership in
the Age of Digital Transformation.
We seek research that address the opportunities, challenges and
long-term implications. This could potentially cover how
organizational hierarchies are overturned and replaced with
flatter and distributed agile frameworks, or how absorptive
capacity and self-management are being implemented. It could also
engage with how flexibility, innovative capabilities and
performance is improved or orchestrated and how technostress,
resistance and digital fatigue is approached.
SCIS/IRIS has a tradition of cross-disciplinarity, openness, and
inclusion. We therefore welcome a plurality of voices and themes
that engage with our theme and seek to construct new insights and
explanations. We solicit rigorous qualitative and/or quantitative
empirical studies as well as conceptual contributions that expand
on or call into question existing conceptions of leadership in
digital transformation. We also welcome submissions that engage
with surfacing the substantial new questions and challenges that
digital transformation entails. In line with the SCIS/IRIS
tradition, we also welcome papers that target general IS topics.
Conference venue
Bymose Hegn, Helsinge, Denmark
Paper submission
Papers are not to exceed 6000 words/15 pages using this template:
Microsoft Word
Paper submission:
Important dates
• February 11, 2022: Submissions due
• March 11, 2022: Reviews due
• March 14, 2022: Editorial decision sent to authors
• April 27, 2022: Submission of final version
• May 2, 2014: Notification of acceptance for SCIS
• May 9, 2014: Deadline for authors to register to the conference
(with early bird fee)
• August 14-17, 2022: SCIS/IRIS, Bymose Hegn, Helsinge, Denmark
Program chairs
Jan Pries-Heje, Roskilde University.
Jacob Nørbjerg, Copenhagen Business School.
Louise Harder Fischer, IT University of Copenhagen.
Jacob Nørbjerg
Associate professor, Phd.
Department of Digitalization
Copenhagen Business School
Howitzvej 60
2000 Frederiksberg
Phone: +45 3815 4422
Cell: +45 4185 2421
Skype: jnoerbjerg
Jacob Nørbjerg
Associate professor, Phd.
Department of Digitalization
Copenhagen Business School
Howitzvej 60
2000 Frederiksberg
Phone: +45 3815 4422
Cell: +45 4185 2421
Skype: jnoerbjerg
Jacob Nørbjerg
Associate professor, Phd.
Department of Digitalization
Copenhagen Business School
Howitzvej 60
2000 Frederiksberg
Phone: +45 3815 4422
Cell: +45 4185 2421
Skype: jnoerbjerg