---------- Forwarded Message ---------- Subject: CFP IRSAIS 2001 Date: Tue, 10 Apr 2001 21:06:09 -0400 From: CHERYL L DUNN cdunn@GARNET.ACNS.FSU.EDU To: ISWORLD@LISTSERV.HEANET.IE
Second International Research Symposium on Accounting Information Systems December 15-16, 2001 New Orleans, Louisiana, USA
(immediately preceding ICIS 2001)
For more information you can access the web site for this symposium http://www.msu.edu/~grabski/irsais2001.html
On December 15-16, 2001 (Saturday evening and all day Sunday), immediately preceding ICIS 2001, the Second Annual International Research Symposium on Accounting Information Systems will be held in New Orleans, Louisiana, USA. The symposium, which is sponsored by the International Journal of Accounting Information Systems (IJAIS), will feature research papers and one or more panels that focus on the link between accounting and information systems research. The Symposium is particularly interested in interdisciplinary papers that draw from accounting, behavioral and cognitive sciences, computer science, economics, and/or information technology. High-quality, insightful, and theoretically sound studies of any type (action research, archival analysis, behavioral/experimental, design science, surveys, etc) are equally encouraged. The symposium will commence with a dinner on the evening of December 15; paper and panel presentations will occur on December 16.
Submissions may be of three types: Completed research papers, research-in-progress papers, and panel proposals. For details on the types of submissions and instructions for submitting work, please see the web site.
Important Dates Submission Deadline: May 15, 2001 Notification of Decision: September 1, 2001 Revised Manuscripts Deadline: October 1, 2001 Registration Deadline: October 31, 2001
For additional symposium information contact either:
Professor Severin Grabski Program Co-Chair IRSAIS Department of Accounting Michigan State University East Lansing, MI 48824 grabski@msu.edu
Professor Cheryl Dunn Program Co-Chair IRSAIS Department of Accounting Florida State University Tallahassee, FL 32306-1110 cheryl.dunn@fsu.edu
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