-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: [WI] IE’14 – Workshops (final call – deadline 4th April 2014) Datum: Mon, 31 Mar 2014 04:14:23 +0000 Von: International Conference on Intelligent Environments vic.zamudio@ieee.org An: wi@aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de
IE’14 – Workshops (final call – deadline 4th April 2014) IE´14 Workshops
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Don’t miss the deadline (4^th April 2014) for submitting a paper to one of the following IE’14 workshops (or a proposal to one of the sandpits):
1.*AITAMI'14* - Artificial Intelligence Techniques for Ambient Intelligence
2.*WOFIEE'14 *- Future Intelligent Educational Environments
3.*WORIE'14 *- Reliability of Intelligent Environments
4.*ACIE'14* - Applications of Affective Computing in Intelligent Environments
5.*IA'14 *- Improving Industrial Automation using the Intelligent Environments Paradigm
6.*CoT'14* - Cloud of Things workshop
7.*IUIC'14* - Intelligent USERS//Intelligent CITIES II
8.*TechWear'14* - Technology for Wearable medical and sports applications
9.*HyperRealitIE'14 *- HyperRealistic Intelligent Environments
10.*CS’14 *- Creative Science
11.*Imagination'14*– Imagination [Sandpit]
12.*21^st Century Robot* [Sandpit]
For more details visit: http://www.intenv.org/?q=conferences/ie14/workshops http://intenv.us3.list-manage.com/track/click?u=ed5257f30a8751b80e41c0091&id=59de3a4840&e=6e7ef50ddc
In addition, there are several challenges you might like to participate in (some are open to people not attending IE’14):
For more details visit: http://www.intenv.org/?q=conferences/ie14/challenges http://intenv.us3.list-manage.com/track/click?u=ed5257f30a8751b80e41c0091&id=193037f9c8&e=6e7ef50ddc
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