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Ninth International Conference on the
Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning
June 2 - 5, 2004
Whistler, Canada
Submission Deadline: November 26, 2003
Sponsored by KR Inc, IBM, SFU and UTS
Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (KR&R) is a vibrant and exciting field of
human endeavor. KR&R techniques are key drivers of innovation in computer science,
and they have led to significant advances in practical applications in a wide
range of areas from Artificial Intelligence to Software Engineering.
Explicit representations of knowledge manipulated by reasoning engines are an
integral and crucial component of intelligent systems. Semantic Web technologies
and the design of software agents, in particular, provide significant challenges
for KR&R.
We intend KR2004 to be a forum for the exchange of news, issues, and results among
the community of researchers in the principles and practices of KR&R systems. We
encourage papers presenting substantial new results in the principles of KR&R
systems that clearly contribute to the formal foundations or show the applicability
of the results to implemented and implementable systems. We also encourage "reports
from the field'' of applications, experiments, developments, and tests. Such papers
should be explicitly identified as reports from the field by the authors, to ensure
appropriate reviewing, and must include a section on evaluation.
KR2004 will collocate with the International Conference on Advanced Planning and
Scheduling (ICAPS-2004), with one day in common. We strongly encourage papers
which would be of interest to both communities.
Topics of interest include:
o knowledge modeling and management
o reasoning techniques for incomplete & uncertain knowledge
o implemented KR systems
o KR in software engineering and planning
o KR in robotics and intelligent agents
o the Semantic Web
Important Dates
Electronic Submission Deadline: November 26, 2003
Notification of acceptance: January 14, 2004
Camera-ready papers due: March 3, 2004
KR2004 Conference: June 2 -5, 2004
Paper Submission
The Program Committee will review extended abstracts rather than complete papers.
Submissions must be at most twelve (12) pages, excluding the bibliography, with
a maximum of 38 lines per page and an average of 75 characters per line
(corresponding to the LaTeX article-style, 12pt). If you have a separate title
page containing at most the title, author information, keywords and abstract,
this will not be counted in the twelve page limit. Over length submissions will
be rejected without review. Authors of accepted papers will be expected to submit
substantially longer full papers for the conference proceedings. Authors must
submit an online title page and an electronic version of their paper in pdf format
only. The electronic process will be made available on the KR2004 website closer
to the submission date. Papers not in pdf format will be rejected without review.
Invited Speakers
Keynote Speakers
Patrick Doherty, University of Linkoping, Sweden
Itzhak Gilboa, Tel-Aviv University, Israel
Peter Patel-Schneider, Bell Labs Research, USA
"Great Moments in Knowledge Representation" Series
John McCarthy, Stanford University
William Woods, Sun Microsystems
Conference Chair: Mary-Anne Williams
University of Technology, Sydney, Australia
Program Chairs: Didier Dubois, Univ. Paul Sabatier, France
Christopher Welty, IBM Watson Research Center, USA
Local Arrangements: Jim Delgrande, Simon Fraser University, Canada
Workshops Coordination Chair: Sheila McIlraith, Stanford University, USA
Treasurer: Alankar Karol, University of Technology, Sydney, Australia
Program Committee
William Andersen, Ontology Works, USA
Franz Baader, University of Dresden, Germany
Germany Philippe Balbiani, IRIT, France
Salem Benferhat, University of Artois, France
Brandon Bennett, University of Leeds, UK
Ronen Brafman, University of Tel-Aviv, Israel
Gerhard Brewka, University of Leipzig, Germany
Marco Cadoli, Universita of Roma, Italy
Vinay Chaudhri, SRI, USA
Tony Cohn, Leeds, UK
Marie-Odile Cordier, Rennes, France
Adnan Darwiche, UCLA, USA
Ernest Davis, New York University, USA
John Debenham, University of Technology, Sydney
Rina Dechter, UCLA, USA
Jon Doyle, North Carolina State Univ., USA
Thomas Eiter, Vienna University of Tech, Austria
Peter Eklund, University of Queensland, Australia
Thomas Ellman, Vassar College, USA
Richard Fikes, Stanford University, USA
Tim Finin, University of Maryland, USA
Antony Galton, University of Exeter, UK
Aldo Gangemi, ISTC-CNR, Italy
Hector Geffner, University of Pomeu Fabra, Spain
Enrico Giunchiglia, Universita di Genova, Italy
Carole Goble, University of Manchester, UK
Lluis Godo, IIIIA-CSIC Barcelona, Spain
Asunci¢n G¢mez-P‚rez, Univ. Poli. de Madrid, Spain
Nicola Guarino, ISTC-CNR, Italy
Pat Hayes, University of West Florida, USA
Andreas Herzig, IRIT, France
Ian Horrocks, University of Manchester, UK
Anthony Hunter, University College London, USA
Henry Kautz, University of Washington, USA
Gabriele Kern-Isberner, Univ. of Hagen, Germany
Jerome Lang, IRIT, France
Fritz Lehmann, Ontology Consulting Corp, USA
Hector Levesque, University of Toronto, Canada
Paolo Liberatore, University of Rome, Italy
Vladimir Lifschitz, University of Texas at Austin, USA
Fangzhen Lin, Hong Kong Univ. Sci. & Tech, China
Thomas Lukasiewicz, University of Rome, Italy
Pierre Marquis, Univ. Lens, France
John-Jules Meyer, Utrecht University, NL
Guy Mineau, Universite Laval, Canada
Leora Morgenstern, IBM Research, USA
Erik Mueller, IBM Research, USA
Stephen Muggleton, Imperial College, UK
Daniele Nardi, University of Rome, Italy
Bernhard Nebel, University of Freiburg, Germany
Ilkka Niemela, Tech. Univ. Helsinki, Finland
Lin Padgham, RMIT, Australia
Pavlos Peppas, AIT, Greece
Ramon Pino-Perez, Univ. LA, Venezuela
David Poole, University of BC, Canada
David Randell, Imperial College London, UK
Debbie Richards, Macquarie University, Australia
Marie Christine Rousset, Univ. Paris-Sud, France
Guus Schreiber, Free University Amsterdam, NL
Colleen Seifert, University of Michigan, USA
Bart Selman, Cornell University, USA
Stuart C. Shapiro, SUNY Buffalo, USA
Helena Sofia-Pinto, IST Lisboa, Portugal
Liz Sonenberg, University of Melbourne, Australia
Rudi Studer, Univ. Karlsruhe, Germany
Michael Thielscher, Univ. Dresden, Germany
Rich Thomason, University of Michigan, USA
Pietro Torasso, University of Torino, Italy
Mirek Truszczynski, University of Kentucky, USA
Laure Vieu, ISTC-CNR, Italy
Toby Walsh, University of York, UK
Michael Whitbrock, Cycorp, USA
Brian Williams, MIT, USA
Frank Wolter, University of Liverpool, UK
Mike Wooldridge, University of Liverpool, UK
Websites: http://www.KR.org and http://magic.it.uts.edu.au/KR2004/
Professor Mary-Anne Williams
Innovation and Technology Research Laboratory
Faculty of Information Technology
University of Technology, Sydney
NSW 2007 Australia