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Call for Papers
AIS Pre-ICIS Workshop on “IoT & Smart City
Challenges and Applications” – ISCA 2016
December 9, 2016, Dublin, Ireland
Background – New episode in Smart City research
Urban IoT solutions and Smart Cities are exciting research areas
and it bears historical potential for the Information Systems (IS)
discipline to demonstrate their relevance. Urban IoT solutions and
Smart Cities deal with the design, use and impact of information
systems in our everyday working and living environment, so they
affect the quality of both life and work for all of us. The shift
towards a more multidisciplinary perspective on the IoT &
Smart City discourse signals the journey of technological
solutions towards becoming integral part of every aspect of our
society. As a consequence, there is a growing need to provide more
meaningful IT solutions incorporating the needs of the urban
society. This is where contributions from IS research are needed
in order to study and design urban IoT solutions and smart systems
from a socio-technical systems perspective. At the same time IS
research needs to partner up with colleagues from other
disciplines, such as Science Technology & Society,
Architecture and Design, Geography and Anthropology, just to name
a few.
Discussions around urban socio-economic development and quality of
life have for long placed technology in the centre of attention,
(Zinam, 1989). IoT and Smart city challenges therefore represent
contemporary urban and social challenges. Building on early
iterations of the Smart City definitions, urban information
systems encompass more than just pieces of technology. They refer
to a way of thinking, acting and organizing in the contemporary
urban society. Not surprisingly, we put great hope and investments
into IoT and Smart City initiatives. We expect nothing less from a
city that engages in such initiatives, than dramatically
increasing the pace at which a city can improve its value
proposition to society and economy, the integration between its
services, as well as ‘…its sustainability and resilience by
fundamentally improving how it engages society, how it applies
collaborative leadership methods, how it works across disciplines
and city systems, and how it uses data and integrated
technologies, in order to transform services and quality of life
to those in and involved with the city’ (The International
Organisation for Standardisation’s Smart City definition, 2015).
Despite its importance, IS research on urban IoT and Smart Cities
is still fairly scarce. This Pre-ICIS Workshop, therefore, intends
to foster research on IoT and Smart Cities, and to push the
discourse to a next level, opening up to a new episode of IoT and
Smart Cities that takes a socio-technical perspective on
innovating and improving our working and living environment, which
we believe is exciting and of high relevance for both practice and
the field.
Workshop focus
The unique value of Information Systems as a discipline lies in
its ability to integrate practical solutions with socio-technical
thinking about contemporary issues. Smart City & Urban IoT
initiatives offer a platform for conversation among experts in
information technology, business and society. This AIS Pre-ICIS
Workshop has a general orientation towards successful Smart
Cities, including citizens, policy makers, infrastructure
services, industry representatives, sociologists and academics.
The focus is on “IoT & Smart City Challenges and Applications”
with both practical implementations as well as theoretical
solutions to modern cities’ concerns welcomed.
Workshop purpose
ISCA 2016 workshop aims to bring together practitioners and
academics to discuss how cities can benefit from a better
integration of information systems underpinning our daily lives.
The purpose of the ISCA 2016 workshop is to bring forward the
current empirical and theoretical works in Urban IoT & Smart
Cities through two themes – Business Processes and Information
Systems and Enterprise Architecture. The workshop intends to
feature contributions from the perspective of computer science as
well as business and society. The goal is to create a platform
where scholars studying Urban IoT & Smart City initiatives may
enrich their understanding of the current Smart City discourse and
implemented solutions.
Best Papers/Publication
Best papers of the workshop will be fast tracked at the AIS
Journal JITTA (Journal of Information Technology Theories &
Applications). With 17 years of tradition, JITTA is considered in
a number of databases and rankings world-wide and it has been
identified an A Journal in Australian Business Deans Council
Journal Quality List 2013 (on a four-Tier scale of A*, A, B, and
C). JITTA is also included in the Journal List of the Chartered
Association of Business Schools (United Kingdom) and the VHB
Journal List (German Academic Association for Business Research).
A journal dedicated to high impact and fast tracked publications
in topical application areas of IS research (vom Brocke, 2014),
JITTA specifically welcomes high quality contributions to the
field of Urban IoT and Smart Cities research.
The workshop can include papers from diverse fields of IS related
to Urban IoT and Smart Cities. Topics can include but are not
limited to:
Theme 1: Business Processes and Information Systems for Smart
* Conceptual frameworks of Urban IoT & Smart City challenges
* Conceptual frameworks of smart governance
* Decision-making and management in the Smart City
* Value creation & business models in Smart Cities
* Smart City security and privacy
* Success factors of Smart City initiatives
* Urban IoT, Smart City and open innovation
* Vulnerabilities in smart infrastructures
* Smart partnerships and collaboration models
* Citizen participation and engagement with Smart City initiatives
* Procurement processes for Urban IoT & Smart City challenges
Theme 2: Enterprise Architecture (EA) for Urban IoT and Smart
* Enterprise Modelling Theory, Practice and Case Studies in Smart
City Context
* Big Data Analytics in Urban IoT and Smart City systems
* Smart City theory, modelling and simulation
* Case studies of big data processing in Smart City
* Scalability of Smart City Enterprise Models and Frameworks
* Urban Internet of Things from an open data perspective
* Cloud-Based Enterprise Tools and Architectures for Urban IoT and
Smart Cities
* EA and Service Oriented Architecture (SOA)
* Architectures and Design Principles for Urban IoT and Smart City
* Smart City Enterprise Information Systems (EIS) Analysis,
Integrity Checking & Validation
* Use of Open Data for Smart City EIS
* Smart City EIS and Internet of Things
* Standards and regulations in Urban IoT and Smart City systems
* Sensors and network technology for Urban IoT and Smart City
Dates and submission details
Submissions: September 30, 2016
Notification: October 31, 2016
Final manuscripts: November 30, 2016
Workshop: December 09, 2016
The workshop website is
where templates and further information are provided. The workshop
will follow an ordinary scientific procedure with submission of
papers and selection of papers through peer-review. Papers are
expected to be between 7-16 pages. We welcome full research papers
as well as shorter papers (work-in-progress or position papers).
For submissions we use the EasyChair system (
The format of papers should follow the requirements of the
ICIS2016 conference. Workshop proceedings will be electronically
published and distributed.
Workshop co-chairs
Marija Bezbradica, Dublin City University, Ireland (
Jan vom Brocke, University of Liechtenstein, Liechtenstein (
Brian Donnellan, National University of Ireland Maynooth, Ireland
Markus Helfert, Dublin City University, Ireland (
Réka Pétercsák, Maynooth University, Innovation Value Institute,
Ireland (
Abdulrahman, A., Meshal, A., Imad, F. T. A. (2012). “Smart Cities:
Survey”, Journal of Advanced
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Ashton, K., (1999). “The Internet of Things' Thing”, RFID Journal.
Besselaar, P., Koizumi, S., (2005). “Digital City III. Information
Technologies for Social Capital:
Cross-cultural Perspectives”, Springer.
Boulton, A., Brunn, S.D., Devriendt, L., (2011). “Cyber
infrastructures and 'smart' world cities:
physical, human, and soft infrastructure”, International Handbook
of Globalisation and World
Cities, Cheltenham, UK.
Caragliu, A., Del Bo, C., Nijkamp, P., (2011). “Smart Cities in
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Carayannis, E. G., & Campbell, D. F. J. (2012). “Mode 3
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Chen-Ritzo, C. H., Harrison, C., Paraszczak, J., Parr, F.,
“Instrumenting the planet”, IBM Journal of research and
Dirks, S., Keeling, M., (2009) “A Vision of Smarter Cities”, IBM
Institute for Business Value.
Doobs, R., Remes, J., Manyika, J., Roxburgh, C., Smit, S., Schaer,
F., (2012). “Urban World: Cities and the Rise of Consuming Class”,
McKinsey Global Institute.
Harrison, C., Eckman, B., Hamilton, R., Hartswick, P., Kalagnanam,
J., Paraszczak, J., Williams, P., (2010) “Foundation for Smarter
Cities”, IBM Journal of Research and Development.
Helal, S., (2011). “IT Footprinting – Groundwork for Future Smart
Cities”, IEEE Computer Society.
Kanter, R. M., Stanley, S., (2009). “A Manifesto for Smarter
Cities”, Harvard Business School.
Kitchin, R. (2014). The real-time city? Big data and smart
urbanism. GeoJournal. 79(1): 1-14.
Komninos, N., (2002) “Intelligent Cities: Innovation, knowledge
systems and digital spaces” London and New York, Routledge.
Komninos, N., (2008). “Intelligent Cities and Globalisation of
Innovation Networks”, London and New York, Routledge.
Kourtit, K., Nijkamp, P., (2012). “Smart Cities in the Innovation
Age”, The European Journal of Social
Science Research.
Kuk, G., Janssen, M., (2011). “The Business Models and Information
Architectures of Smart Cities” , Journal of Urban Technology.
Lee, J. H., Hancock, M. G., (2012). “Towards a Framework for Smart
Cities: a Comparison of Seul, San Francisco & Amsterdam”,
Yonsei University.
Leydedorff, L., Deakin, M., (2011). “The Triple-Helix Model of
Smart Cities: A Neo-Evolutionary Perspective”, Journal of Urban
Lombardi, P., Giordano, S., Farouh, H., Yousef, W., (2011).
“Modelling Smart City Performance”, Innovation – The European
Journal of Social Science Research.
Mitchell, W., (2007). “Intelligent Cities”, e-Journal on the
Knowledge Society.
Nam, T., Prado, T. A., (2011). “Smart City as Urban Innovation:
Focusing on Management, Policy, and Context” ICEGOV Tallin,
Nam, T., Prado, T. A., (2011). “Conceptualizing Smart City with
Dimensions of Technology, People, and Institutions”, 12th Annual
International Conference on Digital Government Research.
Naphade, M., Banavar, G., Harrison, C., Paraszczak, J., Morris,
R., (2011). “Smart Cities and their Innovation Challanges”, IEEE
Computer Society.
Schaffers, H., Komninos, N., Pallot, M., (2012). “Smart Cities as
Innovation Ecosystems Sustained by the Future Internet”, Fireball.
Schuurman, D., Baccarne, B., De Marez, L., Mechant, P., (2012).
“Smart Ideas for Smart Cities: Investigating Crowd-sourcing for
Generating and Selecting Ideas for ICT Innovation in a City
Context”, Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce
Streitz, N., (2009). “Ambient Intelligence Landscapes for
Realizing the Cities of the Future”, 3rd European Conference on
Ambient Intelligence, Salzburg.
Tranos, E., Gertner, D., (2012). “Smart Networked Cities?”, The
European Journal of Social Science Research.
Uckelmann, D., Harrison, M., Michahelles, F., (2011). “An
Architectural Approach Towards the Future Internet of Things”,
Architecting the Internet of Things, Berlin,
vom Brocke, J. (2014). Editorial: Welcoming Contributions on
Topical Themes in Information Systems Research. Journal of
Information Technology Theory and Application
(JITTA), 15(2)
Dr. Markus Helfert
School of Computing
Dublin City University
Dublin 9, Ireland
Director Business Informatics Research Group
Science Foundation Ireland - Funded Investigator
Programme Chair: B.Sc. in Enterprise Computing
Senior Lecturer
Research Affiliate at:
The Open Government Institute (TOGI)
Zeppelin Universität, Germany
Phone: +353-1-700-8727
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