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The best JSIS paper of 2019 is:
Chanias, S., Myers, M. D., & Hess, T. (2019). "Digital
transformation strategy making in pre-digital organizations: The
case of a financial services provider." The Journal of Strategic
Information Systems, 28(1), 17-33.
Congratulations to Simon Chanias, Institute for Information
Systems and New Media, LMU Munich, Germany; Michael Myers,
University of Auckland Business School, New Zealand; and Thomas
Hess, LMU!
Their article commences from recognition that the formulation and
implementation of a digital transformation strategy (DTS) has
become a key challenge for many pre-digital organizations across
traditional industries. Using interpretive in-depth case studies,
they study how a European financial services provider formulated
and implemented a DTS. By focusing on the underlying processes and
strategizing activities, they demonstrate that digital strategy
making not only represents a break with the conventions of upfront
strategic information systems (IS) planning, but reveals a new
extreme of emergent strategy making. They conclude that a DTS is
continuously in the making; a highly dynamic process involving
iterating between learning and doing; and building on theory from
IS strategizing and strategy-as-practice literature, they theorize
an integrated process/activity model that characterizes DTS
formulation and implementation in pre-digital organizations.
This year we don't have a single runner-up. There were too many
strong, close possibilities. Even listing the four below, we are
yet uncomfortable given the several other very close contenders.
- Vial, G. (2019). Understanding digital transformation: A review
and a research agenda. The Journal of Strategic Information
Systems 28(2), 118-144.
- Baker, J., & Singh, H. (2019). The roots of misalignment:
Insights on strategy implementation from a system dynamics
perspective. The Journal of Strategic Information Systems, 28(4),
- Jones, M. (2019). What we talk about when we talk about (big)
data. The Journal of Strategic Information Systems, 28(1), 3-16.
- Moeini, M., Rahrovani, Y., & Chan, Y. E. (2019). A review of
the practical relevance of IS strategy scholarly research. The
Journal of Strategic Information Systems, 28(2), 196-217.
In combination, these papers make significant contributions beyond
the topics to the Information Systems field more generally.
We are pleased to give promotional access to the winning paper,
which can be read free online until the end of 2020.
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