-------- Original Message --------
Call for Papers on Cloud Computing
For a Special Issue of International Journal of Computers and Their
Applications - IJCA
[A printer-friendly version of the CFP is available at
Cloud Computing represents the most recent major shift in computing and
Information Technology strategy. The "Cloud" is a natural evolution of
distributed computing and of the widespread adaption of virtualization and
SOA. In Cloud Computing, IT-related capabilities and resources are provided
as services, via the Internet and with essential characteristics such as
on-demand, elasticity, metered services, and rapid provision (without
requiring detailed knowledge of the underlying technology). The
International Journal of Computers and Their Applications - IJCA (
<http://www.isca-hq.org/journal.htm> http://www.isca-hq.org/journal.htm) has
scheduled a special issue (tentatively as the 2013 September issue of 2013)
on Cloud Computing, and is calling for papers regarding any issues related
to Cloud Computing.
This special issue will be guest-edited by Dr. Dunren Che (
<http://www2.cs.siu.edu/~dche/> http://www2.cs.siu.edu/~dche/) at Southern
Illinois University Carbondale ( <http://www.siu.edu/> http://www.siu.edu/).
Interested authors please submit your manuscripts as email attachment (pdf
files) to Dr. Che at <mailto:dhce@cs.siu.edu> dhce@cs.siu.edu before Dec.
1st, 2012. Authors are recommended to prepare their manuscripts according to
the journal's Instruction for Authors (available at
<http://www.isca-hq.org/j-authr.htm> http://www.isca-hq.org/j-authr.htm),
but format in the final two-column format (sample available at
e.pdf). Recommended paper length is 10 - 12 pages in the final two-column
format. All manuscripts received will go through the strict review process
as required by the journal. The guest editor would like to conduct a blind
review process and thus requires authors to hide their identity information
from their manuscripts.
Important Dates:
Abstract Due: Dec. 1, 2012:
Full paper submission deadline: Dec. 10th, 2012
Notification of acceptance: March 15th, 2013
Final version due: May 1st, 2013
Invited Guest-Editor:
Dr. Dunren (Daren) Che
Dept. of Computer Science
Southern Illinois University
Carbondale, IL 62901, USA
<mailto:dche@cs.siu.edu> dche@cs.siu.edu
Tel.: 618 453 6046 | Fax: 618 453 6044