-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [computational.science] IEEE CloudCom 2010 November30-December 3 Update
Date: Sat, 14 Aug 2010 14:48:46 -0400
From: Geoffrey Fox <gcf@indiana.edu>
Reply-To: gcf@indiana.edu
Organization: "ICCSA"
To: Computational Science Mailing List <computational.science@lists.iccsa.org>

*Registration now open for IEEE CloudCom 2010!*

*Don't miss keynote talks by top cloud computing experts from industry 
and academia, hands-on tutorials, workshops, plenary panels and a 
special evening live entertainment event -- all included in the 
registration price! *

*Register early for best prices at *http://2010.cloudcom.org/.
Hosted by Pervasive Technology Institute at Indiana University, 
Indianapolis, Indiana, USA. November 30-December 3, 2010.

*Paper submission deadline : August 20, 2010.
Posters, demos and exhibits deadline: September 15, 2010.*

Visit http://2010.cloudcom.org/  for submission guidelines.

*Keynote Speakers:*
*Ian T. Foster**,* Director, CI, Distinguished Fellow, Argonne National 
Laboratory, IL, USA
*Dennis Gannon**,* Director of Applications for the Cloud Computing, 
Microsoft Research, WA, USA
*Kai Hwang, Professor**,* IEEE Fellow, Director, Internet and Grid Comp. 
Lab., USC, USA


    * MapReduce/Hadoop -- Sponsored by Yahoo!
    * Cloud Computing with Windows Azure -- Sponsored by Microsoft
    * OpenStack
    * OpenNebula, Twister and other major academic cloud systems
      including Eucalyptus, Nimbus, Sector/Sphere
    * FutureGrid  and its use in Research and Education



CPSRT 2010 <http://cpsrt.cloudcom.org/>Cloud Privacy, Security, Risk & 
Cloud Computing , HCI, & Design: Sustainability and Social Impacts 
<http://salsahpc.indiana.edu/CloudCom2010/mapreduce2010.html> Theory and 
Practice of MapReduce
CLOUD/it/'10 <http://salsahpc.indiana.edu/CloudCom2010/cloudit2010.html> 
Cloud Computing and Quality Assurance

*Plenary Panels:*

    * *Cloud Standards* -  David Bernstein, VP and Special CTO, Cloud
      Computing, Software Division at Huawei, USA; Stephen Diamond, IEEE
      Cloud Computing Initiative, USA; Open Grid Forum; OpenStack;
      Global Inter-Cloud Technology Forum
    * *Adopting Cloud Issues*
    * *Cloud Research Issues*


·         **


: Geoffrey Fox  gcf@indiana.edu FAX 8128561537
: Phones Cell 812-219-4643 Home 8123239196 Lab 8128567977 8128560927
: http://www.infomall.org