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ICTO 2019 conference
Call for research papers
The Impact ofArtificial Intelligence on Business and Society
Oct 24-25, 2019
Today, Artificial Intelligence is shapinghuman activity in
organizations and in society.
But, what do we
know about their design, their usage,and their impact?
This conferenceis concerned with these Information Systems,
shedding light on how they are,and how they will be understood,
adopted, implemented, adapted, and usedwithin organizations and
more generally, within the society as awhole.
The main focuswill be on how actors understand the potential of
Artificial Intelligence (AI)to support organizational activities
and hence how they adopt and adapt thesetechnologies to achieve
their goals.
We are interestedin different areas of the organization's strategy
through new business models,competitive strategies, knowledge
management, etc. Specific areas are concernedsuch as marketing,
human resource management, project management,
operationmanagement, innovation management, etc.
These questions can beaddressed both in private and public sector
either national or internationale.g. though development policies,
in industry and services. We are alsointerested in how AI impacts
society through sustainable development and socialresponsibility.
We invitesubmissions in all areas of IS and organizations
especially innovative,interesting and rigorously developed
conceptual and empirical contributions. Wealso encourage multi- or
inter-disciplinary research.
ICTO 2019 Conference:
ICTO 2019 is the fifth version of ICTO internationalconference
that attracts multidisciplinary contributions on information
systemsfrom the areas of organization, management, marketing,
human resources,accounting, and supply chain mainly submitted by
international scholars.
ICTO conferences are characterized by their friendly
atmospheresthat offers scholars the opportunity for high quality
discussions and feedback,valuable networking opportunities both
within the academic community and theinternational IS Community.
ICTO2019 Topics (including but not limited to):
• The role of AI for the digitaltransformation: awareness
and knowledge challenges in emerging and developedcountries
• AI and the interplay with(Blockchain/BDA/CPS/IoT/M2M/smart
cities/Additive manufacturing/Circulareconomy/Social media)
enabled-business process innovation at the firm andsupply chain
• Determinants of the AI adoption inoperations at the
organizational and inter-organizational levels
• Determinants of the AI diffusion stages(intention, adoption,
and routinization) in supply chains
• Accelerating innovation in agriculture byapplying next
generation Artificial Intelligence
• AI initiatives for business processmanagement improvement
• Assessment of facilitators and inhibitorsof AI adoption for
supply chain management processes
• AIinitiatives reporting performance improved, competitive
advantage, and businessvalue at the organizational and
inter-organizational levels
• Implementationof IT infrastructure to support AI initiatives
for improved operationsmanagement, lean & agile operations,
quality management in operations andSCM
• AI, data analytics and intelligent sensors
supportingoptimization for smart manufacturing and Industry4.0.
• AI and intelligent agents supporting business process
• AI supporting human interaction andcollaboration within
• Facilitation of innovative electronicbusiness models and
operations by using AI/ML in various sectors (e.g.,transportation,
fashion, healthcare, retail industry, and manufacturing)
• AI and ethics
Important dates and useful information:
Deadlinefor submission: August 31st, 2019 (at 11:59 pm (UTC/GMT)
Notificationof acceptance: Sept 15th, 2019
Cameraready paper: Sep 30th, 2019
Applicationfor the Doctoral Consortium: Aug 31st, 2019
DoctoralConsortium: Oct 24th, 2019
Conference: Oct24-25, 2019
Location:EDHEC, Lille
Link to the conference website:
Researchpaper template:
Researchpaper submission:
Best papers will be considered for publication in these four
special issues:
1. Industry experiences ofArtificial Intelligence (AI): benefits
and challenges in operations and supplychain management special
issue in Production Planning & Control
2. Annals of Operations Research Special Issue: Artificial
Intelligence in Operations Management
3. Information Technology for Development: Artificial
Intelligence andsmart technologies for Development: Opportunities
and challenges
4. Journal of Enterprise Information Management
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