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Subject: [AISWorld] ** UPDATE: SIGITE 2020 Conference CFP Deadline extended to July 1st, 2020. **
Date: Tue, 9 Jun 2020 18:26:01 +0000
From: Deepak Khazanchi <khazanchi@unomaha.edu>
To: aisworld@lists.aisnet.org <aisworld@lists.aisnet.org>

The 21st ACM Annual Conference on Information Technology Education (SIGITE) -
VIRTUAL SIGITE2020 (October 7 - 9, 2020)


Hosted by: University of Nebraska at Omaha (USA)

** UPDATE: CFP Deadline extended to July 1st, 2020. **

Dear Friends and Colleagues:

At the request of prospective contributors, the program committee has extended the conference paper/abstract SUBMISSION DEADLINE to JULY 1st, 2020. However, we encourage you to get your work submitted as soon as possible so we can provide a detailed peer review.

As a reminder, we welcome submissions on IT research areas in general and about IT education in the following categories: Papers, panels, workshops, extended abstracts and big ideas in IT education.
The conference provides a forum for sharing and developing ideas relating to Information Technology (IT) research, education, applications, IT industry-academia relationships, and our roles as professionals, educators, teachers, and advocates for the effective use of information technology. All submitted contributions will go through a peer review process and once accepted will be part of an official ACM proceedings for full papers, workshop descriptions and abstracts.

For more information about the CFP and submission details please visit the conference website<http://sigite2020.sigite.org/> or review the PDF<https://www.unomaha.edu/college-of-information-science-and-technology/sigite2020/call-for-papers/cfp-poster.php>. Also, if you would like to be an academic or industry sponsor of the conference, we have a variety of opportunities to engage on the "supporters" page of the web site.

Deepak, George and Harvey
(Deepak Khazanchi, George Grispos and Harvey Siy)
Conference and Program Chairs, SIGITE Annual Conference 2020

Deepak Khazanchi, Ph.D
Associate Dean for Academic Affairs
Community Engagement and Internationalization Officer
Professor of Information Systems & Quantitative Analysis
Director, Executive Master's of Science in Information Technology (EMIT) Program
Fulbright Specialist (2014), University of Agder (Norway)
College of Information Science & Technology
University of Nebraska at Omaha
Personal URL: http://dkhazanchi.com<http://dkhazanchi.com/>

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