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Subject: [AISWorld] Presentation options | IEEE COINS2020
Date: Fri, 20 Mar 2020 14:23:55 +0100
From: IEEE COINS Conference <coinsconf@gmail.com>
To: embedded_news@ira.uka.de, itc@comsoc.org, comsoc-etc-sub-iot@ipv6forum.com, 5g-mwi-comsoc-subtc@ipv6forum.com, TactileInternet@comsoc.org, cloudcomputing <cloudcomputing@ieee.org>, ierc@internet-of-things-research.eu, IEEE Internet Initiative <internetinitiative@ieee.org>, iot-news@ieee.org, mycolleagues@mailman.ufsc.br, publicity@hipeac.net, aisworld@lists.aisnet.org, tccc-announce@comsoc.org, computational.science@lists.iccsa.org, IFIP_NM@lists.utwente.nl, TCGCC@comsoc.org, vsim-conf@sce.carleton.ca, tcpp-announce@computer.org, tcbd@comsoc.org, issre-publicity-l@mailman.ucalgary.ca, laas-dependability-announce@laas.fr, hipeac-publicity@hipeac.net, cfp-l@pi4.informatik.uni-mannheim.de, hpc-announce@mcs.anl.gov, INDUCTIVE@listserv.unb.ca, conferencesx@comsoc.org, ir@jiscmail.ac.uk, cluster-announce@datasys.cs.iit.edu, ccgrid-announce@datasys.cs.iit.edu, escience-announce@datasys.cs.iit.edu, cse-cfp@cse.stfx.ca, computacaobrasil@googlegroups.com, cistc-distribution@comsoc.org, tcsc@cse.stfx.ca, tciin.isat@u-bourgogne.fr, policy-sig@doc.ic.ac.uk, tccn@comsoc.org, cnom@comsoc.org, ifip-tc11@dlist.server.uni-frankfurt.de, micro_publicity@crhc.uiuc.edu, cgo_publicity@freelists.or, performance@merlot.usc.edu, TCPP-announce@lists.ece.unm.edu, ancs-announce@mail.cse.wustl.edu, sigplan-l@acm.uiuc.edu, sdmas@googlegroups.com, SIGOPS-ANNOUNCE@listserv.acm.org, distributed-computing-announce@datasys.cs.iit.edu, prozessoren@listserv.uni-augsburg.de, sbac-l@sbc.org.br, wireless-info@lists.chambana.net, asr-forum@cines.fr, ahsntc-mailing-list@list.trlab.ca, announce@hipeac.net, sigarch-members@listserv.acm.org, fpga-list@mail.usyd.edu.au, comparch@lists.tudelft.nl, geoatsi@unipi.gr, Listsbcci-l@sbc.org.br, q-impress-all@fzi.de, bouldinlist-request@ece.utk.edu, cphc-conf@jiscmail.ac.uk, specif-forum@polytech.unice.fr, liste-egc@polytech.univ-nantes.fr, gdrssi@univ-pau.fr, gazettebd3@imag.fr, bull-i3@irit.fr, liste-proml@lri.fr, info-ic@listes.irisa.fr, glc-p@i3s.unice.fr, glc-np@i3s.unice.fr, echos@ens.fr, kaw@science.uva.nl, odbis2008@sophia.inria.fr, sma@loria.fr, membres@sigops-france.fr, diffusion_addmul@yahoogroupes.fr, asr.rescom@cines.fr, jet@inria.fr, ro@poleia.lip6.fr, meta@univ-lille1.fr, risc@risc.cnrs.fr, discuss@ieeetcsc.org, robotics-worldwide@usc.edu, tcpp-announce@cc.gatech.edu, dmanet@zpr.uni-koeln.de, SIGMM@pi4.informatik.uni-mannheim.de, arcangel@irit.fr, bglee@etri.re.kr, hipeac-announce@hipeac.net, ns-users@isi.edu

I hope that this message finds you well and healthy. Due to the outbreak of
COVID-19, the authors of accepted papers will have the option of
presenting the paper remotely and under all circumstances, IEEE COINS 2020
proceedings will be published by IEEE.

As you are aware, the World Health Organization officially declared the
COVID-19 a pandemic. Governments around the world are issuing restrictions
on travel and meetings. In view of the uncertainty, the conference date may
change. Please continue to monitor the IEEE COINS 2020 website for
updates. Please note that in that case, the location will not change and
all paid registrations will be considered valid for the new dates. In
addition, we will give the opportunity to participants/authors to present
their work remotely e.g., using Skype/Webex.

*IEEE COINS 2020: IEEE International Conference on Omni-Layer Intelligent
Systems *

Barcelona, Spain | July 27-29, 2020


Extended Deadline: March 25, 2020

COINS is the premier conference devoted to Omni-layer techniques for smart
AI-driven IoT systems, by identifying new perspectives and highlighting
impending research issues and challenges. COINS 2020 will include a
multi-disciplinary cross-domain program from technical research papers, to
panels, workshops, tutorials and forums on the latest technology
developments and innovations in the fields of IoT, AI, Big Data,
Blockchain, Cloud Computing, and Cybersecurity. COINS 2020 encourages
high-quality technical papers and proposals related to one or more of the
following topics (but not limited to):

*Topical Area Tracks:*
1) Internet of Things: From Device, to Edge, and Cloud
2) Circuit and System Design for Future Artificial Intelligence, Internet
of Things and Big Data
3) Cloud Computing
4) Big Data
5) Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Cognitive Computing, and
Advanced Analytics
6) Distributed Ledger Technologies and Blockchain
7) Design Automation in AI & IoT Era: From Chips to Systems
8) Cyber Security and Privacy

*Vertical Tracks:*
1) Smart City
2) Industry 4.0
3) Intelligent IoT Healthcare
4) Agriculture
5) Automotive, Transportation, and Logistics
6) Smart Energy
7) Telecom
8) Smart Retail

*Special Tracks:*
1) Critical System Design
2) Data Monetization and Data Sharing
3) IoT Operating Systems
4) European Projects on Intelligent Systems


Submission Site: https://coinsconf.com

Technical Paper Extended Deadline: 25 March 2020







IEEE Spain Section

*For further information, please see * https://coinsconf.com
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