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Subject: [AISWorld] ACM SIGMIS CPR Doctoral Consortium 2020
Date: Sat, 11 Jan 2020 22:37:38 +0000
From: Dr. Indira Guzman <Indira.Guzman@trident.edu>
To: 'aisworld@lists.aisnet.org' <aisworld@lists.aisnet.org>, SIGMIS-MEMBERS@listserv.acm.org <SIGMIS-MEMBERS@listserv.acm.org>
CC: Dr. Indira Guzman <Indira.Guzman@trident.edu>

Doctoral Consortium
ACM SIGMIS Computers and People Research 2020
Digital Innovation: Designing our Digital Future
Location: Nuremberg, Germany
Dates: June 19-21, 2020

In conjunction with the CPR 2020 conference, a doctoral consortium will take place on the opening day of the conference. This doctoral consortium is intended for students at any stage of their dissertation research. This could include those students who are in the early stages of writing their dissertation proposal, through to those who are writing up their findings.

Students interested in participating in the SIGMIS CPR doctoral consortium should be conducting research on a topic related to the conference theme or to the broad CPR focus on intersection of information technology and people.

The purpose of the consortium is two-fold:

* Provide feedback and guidance to students on their proposal while at a stage where feedback can be considered for future dissertation work.
* Provide mentoring and networking opportunities to students who wish to pursue careers as researchers at the intersection of information systems and people.

Doctoral students interested in the consortium must submit an application package which includes: (1) a nomination letter, (2) an application letter from doctoral students, (3) 1/2 page executive summary of the project, ans (4) a research proposal. Students nominated for the consortium by their faculty sponsor should submit the nomination letter and a 10-page research proposal together via email (sigmisacm@gmail.com<mailto:sigmisacm@gmail.com>) by the due date (February 3rd, 2020).

Nomination Letter. Doctoral students may be nominated to the consortium by any faculty sponsor such as their dissertation chair, coursework advisor or a faculty member with whom the student is conducting research. The nomination letter must indicate the student is in good standing in their program, the sponsor's relationship with the student (eg. advisor, chair, instructor), the student's status in terms of completion of their dissertation (eg. proposal stage, pre-proposal, etc.), and potential value in attending.

Application Letter. Students must submit an applicaiton letter describing why they would benefit from attending, along with specifics on personal learning objectives, and at least two challenges or questions they seek assistance with.

Executive Summary. The 1/2 page should be suitable for sharing with other doctoral attendees and/or publication in the Proceedings if accepted. (Brief statement of Research Question, Motivation, Theoretical foundation, Methodology, Early Findings if applicable.)

Research Proposal. The student's research proposal should be 11pt font, double spaced; the 10 pages excludes figures and references. The document must clearly articulate the goal and motivation of the research, the theories and literature that guide the research, the methodology being used or under consideration, and early findings if available.

The application package will be reviewed by a panel of highly qualified senior faculty mentors. The doctoral students selected to participate in the doctoral consortium will receive one round of written feedback on their proposal prior to the conference.

At the conference, each student will present their research ideas or questions and engage in discussion with faculty and fellow consortium participants. The doctoral consortium will allow activities in plenary mode and intense workshop sessions in smaller groups.

* Accepted students may choose to publish an extended abstract of their proposal in the conference proceedings.
* Funding will be available to assist with travel and registration fees to students selected for the doctoral consortium.

If you have any questions you may contact any of the doctoral consortium co-chairs.

Doctoral Consortium Co-Chairs

Deborah Armstrong (djarmstrong@business.fsu.edu)

Andreas Eckhardt (andreas.eckhardt@ggs.de)

Indira Guzman (indira.guzman@trident.edu)

Michelle Kaarst-Brown (mlbrow03@syr.edu)

Tim Weitzel (tim.weitzel@uni-bamberg.de)


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