-------- Original Message --------
Apologies for multiple postings of this announcement!Please, forward
this CFP to potentially interested people. Thanks!
To be held at the 2012 IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium, IV’12June
3-7, 2012, Alcalá de Henares,
DEADLINE: March 2nd, 2012
AIM AND SCOPE-------------------------------------------------------------------------------This
workshop is supported by IEEE ITS Society’s Artificial Transportation
Systems and Simulation (ATSS) Technical Activities Sub-Committee. It
is the first edition to be co-placed with the 2012 IEEE Intelligent
Vehicles Symposium, to be held in Alcalá de Henares, Spain, June 3-7,
2012. The Workshop on Human Factors in Intelligent Vehicles (HFIV’12)
aims to foster discussion on issues related to the analysis of human
factors in the design and evaluation of intelligent vehicles (IV)
technologies, in a wide spectrum of applications and in different
dimensions. It is expected to build upon a proper environment to
disseminate knowledge and motivate interactions among the technical
and scientific communities, practitioners and students, allowing
state-of-the-art concepts and advances to be further developed and
enhanced. IV technologies have experienced a great improvement in the
last couple of decades, turning vehicles into more interactive
counterparts in transportation and mobility systems. However, the
impact of such technologies on traffic awareness for the driver and
driver’s behavior towards improving driving performance and reducing
road accidents still demands proper tools and approaches. While the
feasibility of incorporating new technology-driven functionality to
vehicles has played a central role in the automotive design, not
always safety issues related to interaction with the new in-vehicle
systems have been taken into consideration. Additionally, other
aspects are equally important and need to be analyzed, such as the
impact technologies that support specific driving functions play on
the overall driving task, as well as their impact on the
transportation system overall performance. Besides current industrial
achievements that feature today’s vehicles with a number of important
driving assistance systems, the perspective of autonomous driving
vehicles populating urban environment pose even more challenging
issues. Thus, the information and functionality that relies on new
ways of communication has to be presented in a non-intrusive way that
complies with specific design requirements. A system that guarantees
efficiency of use, comfort and user satisfaction can contribute to a
more conscious driving behavior that would directly result from the
adoption of IV technologies.
TOPICS OF INTEREST-------------------------------------------------------------------------------The
HFIV’12 welcomes and encourages contributions reporting on original
research, work under development and experiments of different fields
related to Human Factors. Some topics of interest include (but are not
limited to) the following:
* Intelligent user interfaces * Human-machine interaction *
Human-in-the-loop simulation * Cognitive aspects of driving * Human
behavior and capability, affecting system’s design and operation *
Modeling and simulation in driver’s behavior analysis * Tools and
approaches to analyze human factors * Ergonomics of traveler
information systems * Behavioral elicitation and influence *
Anthropometric layout of vehicular technical systems * Methodologies
to optimize overall system performance * Mixed Reality *
Cross-Cultural Design * Augmented Cognition * User Experience and
Usability * Computer Aided Ergonomics Analysis * Cognitive Modeling
* Effects of in-vehicle systems on driver performance * Tools and
methodologies for usability assessment * Input/Output modalities in
system ergonomic design
authors are invited to submit contributions reporting on their current
research and ideas that motivate discussion during the workshop. Each
paper will be analyzed by the International Program Committee
according to their relevance and potential contribution. Accepted
papers will be included in the workshop proceedings in a digital
format and will be made available to the participants of all the
workshops at the IV'12.
Authors must follow the IEEE Conference format in the preparation of
their manuscriptsof maximum 6 pages in standard IEEE double column PDF
format via email to the workshop organizers for peer-review by the
workshop International Program Committee.All accepted papers will
imply that at least one of the co-authors attends the workshop to
present the work. Authors will be given a certain time to orally
present their papers and discussion will be actively motivated among
Camera-ready manuscripts must be sent to the workshop chair due on
April 15th, 2012. Further and up-to-date information can be found on
the official web site of the workshop at
IMPORTANT DATES-------------------------------------------------------------------------------*
Deadline for paper submission: March 2nd, 2012* Notification of paper
acceptance: March 30th, 2012* Camera-ready papers due: April 15th,
2012* Workshop date: June 3rd, 2012* Conference dates: June 3-7, 2012
ORGANIZING COMMITTEE-------------------------------------------------------------------------------HFIV12@dcc.fc.up.pt
* Cristina Olaverri Monreal Institute of Ergonomics, Faculty of
Mechanical Engineering, Technische Universität München, Germany
Instituto de Telecomunicações, Department of Computer Science,
University of Porto, Portugal cristina.olaverri@dcc.fc.up.pt * Rosaldo
Rossetti Department of Informatics Engineering, University of Porto,
Portugal rossetti@fe.up.pt
Fernando García Fernández (Universidad Carlos III, Madrid, Spain)*
Mohan M. Trivedi (University of California at San Diego, USA)* Ian
Oakley (University of Madeira, Portugal)* Enrique Cabello Pardos (Rey
Juan Carlos University, Spain)* Heinrich Hußmann (Ludwig Maximilians
Universität München, Germany)* José Luis Alba Castro
(Universidad de Vigo, Spain)* David Smith (Verdae Technologies, Inc,
Greenville, South Carolina Area, USA)* Oskar Palinko (University of
New Hampshire, USA)* Matteo Vasirani (Rey Juan Carlos University,
Spain)* Zeljko Medenica (University of New Hampshire, USA)* Philippe
Palanque (University Paul Sabatier, Toulouse, France)
José Luis Alba Castro
Associate Professor
Campus Universitario de Vigo
36310 Vigo, Spain
Ph: +34 986812680
Fax: +34 986812116
web: http://www.gts.tsc.uvigo.es/~jalba
profile: http://www.researcherid.com/rid/D-3949-2009