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Subject: [AISWorld] Elsevier Book Chapter
Date: Tue, 29 Sep 2020 21:32:26 +0530
From: SARIKA JAIN <jasarika@nitkkr.ac.in>

Dear Colleague,

This is a call for book chapter proposals for the book *"Leveraging
Artificial Intelligence in Global Epidemics*" to be published by *Elsevier.*
Deadline for submitting the Extended Summary: Sep 30, 2020

The individual chapters should provide a comprehensive overview of the
chosen topic covering advances in the area and should be tutorial in nature
and presentation, to appeal to a broad range of readers who may NOT be
researchers on the topic. Hence, they shouldn't be like a research paper.
You are hereby invited to submit first, a 2-3 page extended summary
including (a) an abstract, (b) an outline / TOC / list of headings and
sub-headings along with a summary of each heading, (c) short biographies of
the authors, and (d) a statement why you are experts for the proposed
chapter. Following a review of your summary, we'll offer our feedback and
suggestions for improvement and better synergy with the rest of the
chapters and cohesive coverage.

*Chapter Submission Link*: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=aige2021

*Structure of the Book:*

The book is planned to have 11-12 chapters divided into two sections. Part
I consists of 3 chapters providing a holistic overview of global epidemics,
a motivation for the book and challenges. Part II consists of emerging
technologies that help fight against epidemics. Part II has 6 chapters as
listed below. This makes 9 chapters. The rest 2-3 chapters are to be added
dynamically based on the availability of authors (These chapters may be on
The Use of Social Media for Tracking Public Behavior, Does AI help in
Genome Sequencing, AI-assisted Testing, Computational Drug Repurposing, or
any other trending and suitable topic in line with the title and the theme
of the book).

*Part I: Controlling Epidemics: A Perspective*
This part provides an overview and study of Global Epidemic situations. It
starts with assessing the countries' readiness for coping with epidemics,
goes through the challenges in battling with epidemic, and then closes with
a survey of existing approaches, techniques and tools available or
developed by academicians or industry professionals for controlling the

1 Setting the Scene (A Chapter by the Editors)
This chapter provides an overview and summary of the complete book as a
whole. It acts as glue between the chapters written by different authors
and brings in synergy to all the chapters in both the parts of the book. In
effect, it sets the scene for the reader and acts as an introductory and a
must read before proceeding for the further chapters.

2 An Overview of Global Epidemics and the Challenges Faced
(a) Assessing Countries' Readiness for Coping with Epidemics: There is a
need of retrospective evaluation of each country's readiness for coping
with epidemics. An automated data collection followed by evaluation will
help in knowing if the human kind is well-equipped to deal with it.
(b) A Study related to Ebola, Corona viruses, Zika, influenza, Dengue,
Chikungunya, Malaria like infectious diseases will be presented in this
chapter. A discussion on the most fatal pandemics recorded in the history
(like the Plague, Spanish Flu, HIV/AIDS, COVID-19) and their economic
consequences. What is common in these? All these have jumped to humans
after being originated in animals somehow.
(c) Challenges in Battling with Epidemics
(d) ...

3 A Survey of Existing Approaches and Tools to fight against epidemic and
the lessons learnt
(a) Survey of tools/techniques/methodologies/software already available at
the time of writing of this book to predict/detect/recommend actions during
an epidemic situation.
(b) Lessons learnt by every epidemic that has struck this world (including

*Part II: Emerging Technologies Fight Against Epidemics*
Having gone through the background of controlling global epidemic
situation, this part of the book covers the emerging techniques to fight
against epidemic. At the time of writing this book, COVID-19 pandemic was
caused by coronavirus and was widespread with deadly results. The case
study of COVID-19 has been presented to better exploit the study presented
in each chapter.

4 AI Technologies specialized to the need in the fight against epidemic
All current technologies under the umbrella of AI or surrounding AI should
be covered like Data Science, Big Data, Machine Learning, Semantic
Technologies, Data Analytics, cyber security.

5 Does AI help in Forecasting?
This chapter will speak about WHO statistics on pathogens. AI can help
predicting everything about spillovers, hence allowing the governments to
plan ahead. AI can predict what, when, why, and where of the epidemic. We
define AI and discuss the various machine learning models to predict the
Case Study of Covid-19 for Predictions will be presented.

6 AI and Detection / Improved Diagnosis
In case of outbreak of a disease; after detection, we need to publicize the
threat. AI makes possible quick detection in order to enable possible
vaccination and treatment; and alerts for the public. Diagnosis and
Monitoring of cases is of paramount importance.
Case Study of Covid-19 for Early Detection will be presented.

7 Generating Recommendations
A global, AI-enabled data system can provide advices and issue warnings in
real time. Help manage socio-economic impacts.

8 Role of AI in Contact Tracing
The architecture of so called "Corona apps" and their backends is described
in this chapter. The role of AI is clarified for these approaches and also
other aspects like privacy and security. Furthermore, other approaches to
contact tracing are introduced in this chapter.

9 Situation Awareness
In any disaster, it is essential that the citizens get the correct
information and organizations get the correct data. This chapter describes
AI approaches to detect fake news or scams.

10-12 Open Topics dynamically picked by the authors
Any other trending and suitable topic in line with the title and the theme
of the book can be incorporated.

- Le Gruenwald, The University of Oklahoma, USA, ggruenwald@ou.edu
- Sarika Jain, National Institute of Technology, Kurukshetra, Haryana,
India, jasarika@nitkkr.ac.in.
- Sven Groppe, University of Lübeck, Germany, groppe@ifis.uni-luebeck.de

Extended Summary: Sep 30, 2020
Notification of Proposal Approval: Oct 20, 2020
Full Chapter Submission: Jan 10, 2020

Best Regards

Dr. Sarika Jain

Assistant Professor at the Department of Computer Applications

National Institute of Technology Kurukshetra, India



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