-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] Final Call for Papers - Deadline is Feb 29: 10th Annual Int'l Smart sourcing Conference on June 28-29, 2012 at SolBridge Int'l University
Date: Sun, 12 Feb 2012 16:06:43 +0000
From: Shailendra Palvia <Shailendra.Palvia@liu.edu>
To: aisworld@lists.aisnet.org <aisworld@lists.aisnet.org>
CC: koreasing@solbridge.ac.kr <koreasing@solbridge.ac.kr>, 'gustavo.pares@gmail.com' <gustavo.pares@gmail.com>, 'Padmanabhan, Prasad' <ppadmanabhan1@stmarytx.edu>

Dear Researchers around the World:


Here is your opportunity to be among a super mix of researchers and practitioners debating and discussing issues and challenges of global sourcing of services in this ever changing economic landscape of the world.


Please send a one page abstract of paper you would like to present or moderate a session on latest by February 29, 2012.  Please read details about tracks and schedules below.





Dr. Shailendra Palvia

Professor of MIS, College of Management

C.W. Post Campus, Long Island University, Brookville, NY 11801.


Founding Editor, Journal of IT Case and Applications Research (JITCAR), www.jitacr.org

World Conference Chairperson, Tenth Annual Int’l Smart Sourcing Conference

Solbridge University, South Korea, June 21-22, 2012.  www.outsourceglobal.org

Phone #: 732-983-7034



tenth Annual International Smart Sourcing Conference

SOLBRIDGE INTERNATIONAL School of business (daejeon, korea), June 28-29,  2012

Call for papers


World Conference Chairperson: Dr. Shailendra Palvia, Professor of MIS and Founding Editor of the Journal of IT Case and Application Research (JITCAR), Long Island University, Brookville, NY.

Academic Program Chairperson: Dr.  Prasad Padmanabhan, Professor of Finance, Myra Stafford Pryor Chair of Free Enterprise and Sam Walton Fellow, Bill Greehey School of Business, St. Mary’s University, San Antonio, TX.
Industry Program Chairperson : Mr. Gustavo Peres.
CEO, Consultoría Lomas Altas

Av. Paseo de la Reforma 2600, Lomas Altas, Mexico DF

We invite researchers, industry practitioners and policy makers to submit proposals for papers, panel discussions and workshops related to global outsourcing of IT and ITES for the Tenth Annual International Smart sourcing Conference, (ISSC’10) to be held at SolBridge International School of Business in Daejeon, South Korea on June 28-29, 2012. Previous nine conferences have been held in different cities of USA, except the 2008 and 2009 conferences, which were   held in India at the University of Hyderabad and at IIT Delhi, respectively. .



Dr. Varun Grover, Dr. Subbu Murthy and other distinguished people from academia and industry are among the likely keynote speakers at the conference.  In the past, the delegates have hailed from Australia, Austria, Brazil, China, Finland, Germany, India, Italy, Netherlands, Russia, Singapore, South Africa, U.K., U.S.A.


Announced Sponsors


1. Bill Greehey School of Business

St. Mary’s University, San Antonia, TX 78228


2. Global IT Management Association (GITMA)

    Greensboro, North Carolina


3. Ivy League Publishing, Marietta, Georgia



Local Organizing Committee:


YongWook Jun, Ph.D

Local Arrangements Chairperson

Dean and Vice President,

SolBridge International School of Business

151-13 Samsung 1-Dong, Dong-gu
Daejeon 300-814 Republic of Korea

Email: junywk@solbridge.ac.kr

Tel: +82 42 6308503


(Sing) Chia-Hsing Huang, Ph.D
Local Arrangements Co-chairperson

Associate Professor
SolBridge International School of Business
151-13 Samsung 1-Dong, Dong-gu
Daejeon 300-814 Republic of Korea
Email: koreasing@solbridge.ac.kr

Tel: +82 42 6308527


N. Rao Kowtha, Ph.D.

Associate Dean
SolBridge International School of Business
151-13 Samsung 1 Dong, Dong-gu
Daejeon 300-814, Republic of Korea

Tel: (82) 42-6308522
Fax: (82) 42-6308510

Sung Tae "Daniel" Kim, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor

SolBridge International School of Business

Woosong Educational Foundation

Room 1007

151-13 Samsung 1-dong, Dong-gu

Daejeon 300-814, Republic of Korea

Email: stkim1@solbridge.ac.kr

Phone: +82 42 630 8536

Fax: +82 42 630 8840


Nam Sung Ahn, Ph.D

Associate Professor
SolBridge International School of Business
151-13 Samsung 1-Dong, Dong-gu
Daejeon 300-814 Republic of Korea
Email: nsahn@solbridge.ac.kr

Tel: +82 42 6308529


Rajesh Rajaguru, Ph.D

Assistant Professor (Marketing)

SolBridge International School of Business

Daejeon, South Korea

Email: rajeshrajaguru@solbridge.ac.kr

Tel: +82 42 630 8538

     +82 10 7564 6662

Please submit papers or any questions regarding the papers to the World Conference Chairperson Professor Shailendra Palvia at spalvia@liu.edu . You must indicate the track for which you want the paper to be considered. If you are not sure about the track, please say OTHER. Our track chairs at present are:

Track: Global Sourcing of Services for SME Vendors and SME Clients


Dr. Subbu Murthy, President and CEO (OR HIS CIO)


17215 Studebaker Rd.,

Suite 339 Cerritos,

CA 90703

Ph : +1-909-450-7888

e-mail: subbu@usourceit.com


Track: Global Sourcing of Financial Services


Dr. (Sing) Chia-Hsing Huang

Associate Professor

SolBridge International School of Business

151-13 Samsung 1-Dong, Dong-gu

Daejeon 300-814 Republic of Korea

E-mail: koreasing@solbridge.ac.kr

Tel: +82 42 6308527


Track: Healthcare Outsourcing and Medical Tourism

Ms, Madhuruchi Lamba

CEO and Founder President

Website: www.medivyom.com

E-mail: madhuruchi@medivyom.com

E-mail: madhuruchilamba@gmail.com

Ph in India: +91 9560445551

Ph in US: +5164628987


Track: The Indian Subcontinent


Dr. Jaideep Ghosh

Faculty, Information Systems and Operations Management Department

School of Management,

George Mason University,


Phone #: 571-830-6116

Mobile #: 301-938-1032

E-mail: jghosh@gmu.edu


Track: Taiwan and ASIAN Countries other than India, Korea, Singapore and ASEAN countries


Dr. Yi-Hsien Wang

Associate Professor

Department of Banking and Finance

Chinese Culture University

55, Hwa-Kang Road, Yang-Ming-Shan,Taipei, Taiwan, ROC

E-mail: wyx12@faculty.pccu.edu.tw


Tel: +886 938 266787

Track: Singapore and ASEAN Countries


N. Rao Kowtha, Ph.D.

Associate Dean
Solbridge International School of Business
151-13 Samsung 1 Dong, Dong-gu
Daejeon 300-814, Republic of Korea

Tel: (82) 42-6308522
Fax: (82) 42-6308510




TrackMexico and Latin America


Mtro. Gustavo R. Parés Arce

CEO, Consultoría Lomas Altas

Av. Paseo de la Reforma 2600, Lomas Altas, Mexico DF

Telephone: +(52 1) 55 26 86 36 96

Email: gustavo.pares@itesm.mx / gustavo.pares@gmail.com


Track: Other

Dr. Prasad Padmanabhan

Professor of Finance, Myra Stafford Pryor Chair of Free Enterprise and Sam Walton Fellow

Bill Greehey School of Business

St. Mary’s University San Antonia, TX 78228

Tel: +1-210-431-2034

Fax: +1-210-431-2115

Email: ppadmanabhan1@stmarytx.edu


While submitting a paper to the World Conference Chairperson – Dr. Shailendra Palvia, spalvia@liu.edu please note the following,

·         The deadline for submission of all papers is February 29, 2012.

·         For academic researchers, full paper should not exceed 20 pages double spaced.

·         For industry practitioners, paper length should not exceed 5 pages double spaced.

·         Proposals should be submitted as soft copies, using MS-Word.

Blind review comments/recommendation will be provided by March 15, 2012. At that time, authors of the few     outstanding papers will be invited to submit full blown papers for publication consideration in the well regarded double blind\refereed journal called Journal of IT Case and Application Research (JITCAR) and the Journal of Global IT Management (JGITM).  Early bird registration deadline is April 30, 2012.

·         Final conference paper and Power-point presentation slides are due by April 15, 2012.

·         All accepted papers will be published in the proceedings of the conference.

·         All accepted papers must be presented at the conference.

·         In case of multiple authors, at least one of the authors must register and present the paper at the conference.

Three outstanding papers will be recognized at the conference and will be published either in the JITCAR  or in



All accepted papers from the Healthcare outsourcing and Medical Tourism track will also be considered for a book on Global Medical Tourism to be co-edited by Dr. Shailendra C. Palvia and Dr. Prasad Padmanabhan.


By submitting the proposals, the authors are granting Center for Global Sourcing, the permission for use of the paper

and presentations in any subsequent publication related to this conference in its original or edited form to suit the nature

of the publication.


Partial lists of topics you may want to consider are (please note: any paper related to Global Sourcing of Services will be considered). 

1.        Case studies in global outsourcing of Medical, Healthcare and E-Commerce solutions.

2.        Future of Medical Tourism in North America.

3.        What's the difference between "Smart-Sourcing" and "Outsourcing?".

4.        What’s the difference between "Off-shoring” and “Near-shoring?".

5.        Developing Patient Safety standards for Medical Tourism.

6.        The Healthcare crisis and possible alternatives.

7.        The electronic Medical Marketplace.

8.        The logistics of Global Medical Tourism.

9.        The 360 degrees of patient care in Medical Tourism.

10.     Issues in socialized healthcare systems (Canada, UK etc.)

11.     Employee Wellness and controlling healthcare costs for employers.

12.     Healthcare informatics and outsourcing.

13.     How executive leadership and vision, combined with outsourcing result in competitive advantage?

14.     HIPPA laws and Medical Tourism.

15.     Outsourcing in radiology and/or medical transcriptions.

16.     JACHO v/s JCI accreditations.

17.     What type of an organizational culture complements outsourcing?

18.     Strategy, selection and outsourcing management systems.

19.     What does and does not work in outsourcing?

20.     PKI’s and executive dashboard for measuring success of an outsourcing project.

21.     Perceived loss of control, privacy and security issues with outsourcing.

22.     Competitive aspects of outsourcing, and limitations posed by a preferred vendor's list.

23.     Capabilities of first, second and third-tier outsourcing vendors.

24.     Critical success factors for GSO and e-Commerce Solutions outsourcing.

25.     How to Manage an Outsourcing Alliance?

26.     Cultural issues related to the selection of outsourcing partners.

27.     Software Outsourcing according to the SDLC stages - what factors and criteria to consider?

28.     Pros and Cons of Onsite versus Off-site Outsourcing.

29.     Role of Application Service Providers (ASP) in outsourcing.

30.     Role of Incubators in outsourcing e-Business Ideas.

31.     Issues in inland outsourcing.

32.     Opportunities in near-shore outsourcing (Latin America and Canada).

33.     Challenges in off-shore outsourcing (India, China and other South East Asian countries).

34.     India and Thailand as a destination for Medical Tourism

35.     Call center outsourcing and Business process outsourcing (BPO) issues.

36.     Issues related to outsourcing newspaper and advertisement related functions.

37.     China as a destination for Outsourcing manufacturing.

38.     Outsourcing and e-Business.

39.     Outsourcing customer support and relationship management on the internet.

40.     Outsourcing vendor selection approach.

41.     Outsourcing logistics function by e-businesses.

42.     CIOs role in IT outsourcing.

43.     Outsourcing of legacy modernization.

44.     Russia as a destination for Outsourcing.

45.     ERP Application support outsourcing.

46.     Legal issues in outsourcing the client perspective.

47.     Legal issues in outsourcing contracts.

48.     Due Diligence in Service Level Agreements (SLAs).

49.     Outsourcing of Hollywood Film projects to Bollywood in Mumbai

50.     Outsourcing online gaming and casino operations.

51.     Case studies related to outsourcing.

52.     Emerging problems associated with outsourcing.

53.     Trends of global outsourcing - India & China.

54.     Trends of global outsourcing - Europe and South America.

55.     Cost-Benefit Analysis of outsourcing.

56.     Vendor management challenges.

57.     Emerging Markets in offshoring.

58.     Captive Centre - Success Factors & Stories.

59.     HR - Key factor to create a sustainable benefit.

60.     Product Research across borders - Innovation through offshoring.

61.     IP issues in offshoring.

62.     Offshoring Opportunities for Europe based organizations.

63.     Outsourcing of downloadable electronic services and its impact on library users.


Visit http://www.outsourceglobal.org/ for the latest conference details.
26 Berkley Blvd, Iselin, NJ 08830, U.S.A.
Phone: +1 (732) 983-7034
E-mail: spalvia@liu.edu










From: aisworld-bounces@lists.aisnet.org [mailto:aisworld-bounces@lists.aisnet.org] On Behalf Of Ravi Bapna
Sent: Sunday, February 12, 2012 10:51 AM
To: aisworld@lists.aisnet.org
Subject: [AISWorld] Top Five Reasons to Attend Friday’s MISRC Social Media Panel


As the Great One, Wayne Gretzky said:


A good hockey player plays where the puck is. A great hockey player plays where the puck is going to be.


Here are top five reasons why you must check out MISRC’s panel discussion on the Business Use of Social Media, moderated by NYU’s Anindya Ghose, and featuring Mayo Clinic’s social media lead, FarrisTamimi, MD, Best Buy’s Global CoE Social Media Lead, Gina Debogovich, and Wade Gerten, Founder and CEO of interactive marketing company 8th Bridge.


·  Does your company need a Chief Content Officer?

·  Can social media sites like patientslikeme.com change the balance of power between patients and the medical establishment?

·  Does the phrase ‘The API Economy’ mean anything to you?

·  Is ‘gamification’ going to lead to monetization?

·  Should Facebook open it’s timeline feature to brands?


So signup for the live webcast or attend in person if you are a part of the larger Carlson community or a MISRC member company (space is limited) this coming Friday, Feb 17, 2012, 3-5 p.m. Details at http://misrc.umn.edu/socialmedia/


Hope to see you there!




Event Hashtag — #MISRCSocMedia


Ravi Bapna
Board of Overseers Professor of Information and Decision Sciences
Carlson School of Management
University of Minnesota
Minneapolis, MN 55455
(w) +1 (612) 625 3698

Blog: http://www.magicbazaar.org/

Twitter: @ravibapna


Executive Director
Srini Raju Centre for IT and the Networked Economy (SRITNE)
Indian School of Business
Hyderabad, 500 032