-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: [isworld] STEG09: Deadline extension to June 15, 2009 Datum: Mon, 25 May 2009 15:43:36 -0400 Von: Ralf Klamma klamma@informatik.rwth-aachen.de Antwort an: Ralf Klamma klamma@informatik.rwth-aachen.de An: AISWORLD Information Systems World Network isworld@lyris.isworld.org
Second International Workshop on Story-Telling and Educational Games (STEG'09) http://www.prolearn-academy.org/Events/steg09
The Second Workshop on Story-Telling and Educational Gaming (STEG'09) will be held in conjunction with the 8th International Conference on Web-based Learning (ICWL'09, http://www.hkws.org/events/icwl2009/), Aachen, Germany, August 19-21, 2009.
CONTEXT AND MOTIVATION The Second Workshop on Story-Telling and Educational Gaming (STEG'09) will be a continuative event to bring together international researchers from the story-telling and educational gaming research areas, based on the success of the First STEG Workshop (STEG'08). STEG'08 was held as a one-day event triggering fruitful discussions and reporting advanced research progress in this area. More information about STEG'08 can be found at http://www.prolearn-academy.org/Events/steg08. The paper winning the "best paper award" will be published in the International Journal on Technology Enhanced Learning (IJTEL). STEG'09 aims to reinforce the international community and to explore advanced research in this research domain.. Stories and story-telling are cultural achievements of significant relevance even in modern times. Nowadays, story-telling is being enhanced with the convergence of sociology, pedagogy, and technology. In recent years, computer gaming has also been deployed for educational purposes and has proved to be an effective approach to mental stimulation and intelligence development. Many conceptual similarities and some procedural correlation exist between story-telling and educational gaming. Therefore these two areas can be clubbed for research on Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL). Many facets of story-telling and educational gaming emulate real life processes, which can be represented either as complex story graphs or as interleaved sub-problems. This model is congruent with that used for Technology Enhanced Learning in vocational training. TEL in vocational training requires learning models that focus more on the process and less on the content. The main difference between educational games and story-telling lies in the user�s motivational point of view. Story-telling aims at reliving real life tasks and capturing previous experiences in problem-solving for reuse, while educational games reproduce real life tasks in a virtual world in an (ideally) engaging and attractive process. Nevertheless, educational games require highly specialized technical and pedagogical skills and learning processes to cover the topics in sufficient depth and breadth. Imbalance between depth and breadth of study can lead to producing trivial games, which in turn can lead to de-motivating the learner. While the integration of learning and gaming provides a great opportunity, several motivational challenges (particularly in vocational training) must also be addressed to ensure successful realization. Non-linear digital stories are an ideal starting point for the creation of educational games, since each story addresses a certain problem, so that the story recipient can gain benefit from other users� experiences. This leads to the development of more realistic stories, which can provide the kernel for developing non-trivial educational videogames as a further step. These stories can cover the instructional portion of an educational game, while the game would add the motivation and engagement part. In summary, this workshop aims at bringing together researchers, experts and practitioners from the domains of non-linear digital interactive story-telling and educational gaming to share ideas and knowledge. There is a great amount of separate research in these two fields and the celebration of this workshop will allow the participants to discover and leverage potential synergies.
Workshop topics - Story-telling and game theories - Story and game design paradigms for Web-based Learning - Augmented story-telling and gaming - Story-telling and educational gaming with social software - Story-telling and educational gaming with mobile technologies - Cross-media/transmedia story-telling and gaming - Computer gaming for story-telling (Game design for narrative architectures) - Multimedia story and game authoring - Story-telling and educational gaming applications
SUBMISSIONS Authors are invited to submit original unpublished research as full papers (max. 10 pages) or work-in-progress as short papers (max. 5 pages). All submitted papers will be peer-reviewed by three members of the program committee for originality, significance, clarity and quality. Accepted papers will be published online in the ICWL workshop proceedings as part of the CEUR Workshop proceedings series. CEUR-WS.org is a recognized ISSN publication series, ISSN 1613-0073.
Authors should use the Springer LNCS format (http://www.springer.com/lncs). For camera-ready format instructions, please see "For Authors" instructions at http://www.springer.de/comp/lncs/authors.html.
To submit your paper please use STEG submission website: https://www.easychair.org/login.cgi?conf=steg09
IMPORTANT DATES Paper Submission: June 15, 2009 Notification of acceptance: July 6, 2009 Camera Ready Submission: July 20, 2009 Workshop date: August 21, 2008
ORGANISERS Yiwei Cao, RWTH Aachen University, Germany Stefan Göbel, TU Darmstadt, Germany Anna Hannemann, RWTH Aachen University, Germany Cord Hockemeyer, University of Graz, Austria Baltasar Fernández Manjón, Complutense University, Spain Emmanuel Stefanakis, Harokopio University of Athen, Greece
Anna Hannemann (RWTH Aachen University, Aachen, Germany) Baltasar Fernández Manjón (Complutense University of Madrid, Madrid, Spain) Carsten Ullrich (Shanghai Jiaotong University, Shanghai, China) Christian Guetl (Institute for Information Systems and Computer Media (IICM), Graz University of Technology, Austria) Cord Hockemeyer (University of Graz, Graz, Austria) Emmanuel Stefanakis (Harokopio University of Athen, Athen, Greece) Georg Thallinger (Joanneum Research, Graz, Austria) Harald Kosch (University of Passau, Germany) Jose Luis Sierra (Complutense University of Madrid, Madrid, Spain) Manuel Fradinho (Cyntelix, Ireland) Marc Spaniol (MPI, Saarbruecken, Germany) Mathias Lux (Klagenfurt University, Austria) Michael Granitzer (Know Center, Graz, Austria) Michael Hausenblas (National University of Ireland Lower Dangan, Galway, Ireland) Michael D. Kickmeier-Rust (University of Graz, Graz, Austria) Pablo Moreno-Ger (Complutense University of Madrid, Madrid, Spain) Ralf Klamma (RWTH Aachen University, Aachen, Germany) Romulus Grigoras (ENSEEIHT, France) Ronan Champagnat (La Rochelle University, La Rachelle, France) Stamatia Dasiopoulou (ITI Thessaloniki, Greece) Stefan Göbel (TU Darmstadt, Darmstadt, Germany) Stephan Lukosch (TU Delft, Delft, Netherlands) Werner Bailer (Joanneum Research, Graz, Austria) Wolfgang Gräther (Fraunhofer FIT, St. Augustin, Germany) Yiwei Cao (RWTH Aachen University, Aachen, Germany) Zinayida Petrushyna (RWTH Aachen University)
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