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Subject: [AISWorld] CFP: Dg.o 2019 - Workshops and Tutorials
Date: Fri, 4 Jan 2019 16:36:03 +0000
From: Luis Felipe Luna Reyes <luisf.luna@udlap.mx>
To: aisworld@lists.aisnet.org <aisworld@lists.aisnet.org>

20th International Digital Government Research Conference (dg.o 2019).
June 18-20, 2019
Dubai, UAE

Dear Colleagues,

We invite proposals for pre-conference workshops or tutorials relevant to digital government research for the 20th International Digital Government Research Conference (dg.o 2019). The dg.o conference is an established forum for the presentation, discussion and demonstration of interdisciplinary digital government research, technology innovation and applications. The pre-conference sessions provide unique opportunities for researchers and government officials to interact intensely around a critical digital government domain. Each dg.o conference registration includes one full-day or two half-day tutorials or workshops.

Pre-conference Research or Management Workshops (maximum 2 pages)
Dg.o workshops are half- or full-day facilitated discussions. Discussions are typically stimulated by short presentations by workshop participants. Individuals proposing workshops will assume the responsibility of identifying and selecting participants for the workshop and for conducting workshop activities.

Pre-conference Tutorials (maximum 2 pages)
dg.o tutorials are half- or full-day presentations or hands-on experiences offering deeper insight into the scientific or government domains, research topics or methods, technologies or field experiences of veteran digital government researchers and practitioners. Conveners of successful tutorials will receive a $500 stipend.

The dg.o 2019 conference will be held June 18-20, 2019 in Dubai, UAE. The conference theme "Governance in the Age of Artificial Intelligence" focuses on the growing applications of Artificial Intelligence (AI), the numerous opportunities they provide-as well as challenges and dilemmas-for governments worldwide. Traditional forms of service provisioning, policy-making and enforcement are changing due to the inclusion of AI algorithms, mechanisms and techniques. The growing digitization of government operations, the universal datafication of societal activities, behaviors and sentiments, as well as the maturity and feasibility of big data techniques and applications have collectively laid down solid foundations for industrial-scale operationalization of AI across most government and societal sectors. This timely theme, builds on the dg.o 2018 conference which focused on governance in the data age. The rapid growth of the data-driven economy and the use of intelligent mechanisms result in rapid digitalization of government operations and the emergence of new governance structures. This datafication and AI revolution is boosted by growing smart cities applications, Internet of Things (IoT), social media, mobile apps, among other sources of big data. We also welcome submissions from the broader domain of digital government research not linked directly to the conference theme.

For more information about this conference please see the conference sites:
CFP and submission web site: https://easychair.org/cfp/dgo2019
Digital Government Society: http://dgsoc.org/
General Inquiries: dgo2019@mbrsg.ac.ae<mailto:dgo2019@mbrsg.ac.ae>

Important dates:

* January 15, 2019: Conference Papers due
* January 20, 2019: Workshops, tutorials, and panel proposals due
* March 1, 2019: Doctoral Colloquium due
* March 1, 2019: Conference Papers notifications of acceptance
* March 15, 2019: Posters/Demo proposals due
* April 1, 2019: Doctoral Colloquium notifications of acceptance
* April 5, 2019: Poster/Demo notifications of acceptance
* April 10, 2019: Camera-ready manuscripts due
* May 10, 2019: Early registration closes

Workshop and Tutorial Chairs:
Luis F. Luna-Reyes (University at Albany; lluna-reyes@albany.edu<mailto:lluna-reyes@albany.edu>)

Luis F. Luna-Reyes
Associate Professor
University at Albany
Departments of Public Administration and Information Science
Faculty Fellow, Center for Technology in Government
135 Western Avenue
Albany, NY 12222, Milne 315
Ph. (518) 442-5297
Email: lluna-reyes@albany.edu<mailto:lluna-reyes@albany.edu>

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