-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: [isworld] CFP: SEASS 2008 Datum: Thu, 29 May 2008 05:42:38 +1000 Von: Liming Zhu limingz@cse.unsw.edu.au Antwort an: Liming Zhu limingz@cse.unsw.edu.au An: AISWORLD Information Systems World Network isworld@lyris.isworld.org
The 2nd IEEE International Workshop on Software Engineering for Adaptive Software Systems (SEASS 2008)
Theme: Empowering Web Services with Adaptability
In conjunction with IEEE International Conference on
Web Services (ICWS'08) September 23-26 2008, Beijing China
Call for Papers
Web services have been driving service-oriented architecture (SOA), promising not only a new paradigm for B2B collaboration, but also more opportunities for the creation of value-added services and new business models. While SOA presents a harmonious and exciting picture for enterprise applications, a variety of classical and emerging challenges arise when deploying and operating an SOA in dynamic environments. These include how to rapidly and accurately discover and bind to the 'right' service; how to automatically negotiate an SLA among a group of collaborative services; how to check/resolve policy conflicts between these services; how to monitor and audit these service behaviours and QoS at runtime; how to handle exceptions of long-running transactions across loosely coupling services, and so on. All of these challenges share a similar requirement for Web services: building adaptability in Web services so that they can adapt to accommodate heterogeneity of interface and QoS, resolve conflicts and handle faults in a dynamic environment at runtime.
Following the success of SEASS'07, SEASS 2008 will bring together academic researchers and industry practitioners to present and discuss adaptability-related research and experiences especially within SOA and web services domains. The topics of the workshop include but are not limited to:
* Software architecture support for enhancing SOA adaptability * Standards and protocols proposals or extension for dynamic collaborations among services * Requirement analysis for adaptation in SOA * Negotiation protocols for SLA and dynamic service binding * Policy definition, confliction checking and resolving and enforcement at runtime * Testing, configuration and deployment for adaptive service management * Patterns, best practices and experience reports in adaptation development for a class of web service applications * Adaptive service development process * Adaptive service engineering
Submission Guidelines
* Full research papers (up to 8 pages) are invited for this workshop. Short papers (up to 6 pages) on industry applications/experiences and work-on-progress are also welcome. Allsubmitted manuscripts will be peer-reviewed by at least 3 program committee members. * The manuscripts are required to be formatted using the IEEE Proceedings template (http://conferences.computer.org/icws/2008/IEEEProceedingsTemplate.doc) and submitted in pdf or word. The submission should be done via the ICWS08 online submission system http://conferences.computer.org/icws/2008/submission.html * For the accepted papers to be included in the workshop proceedings, at least one author must register and present the paper on the workshop. * The workshop proceedings will be indexed in EI.
Important Dates (All in 2008)
* Submission deadline: May 30th * Notification of acceptance: June 30th * Camera-ready copy: July 10th
Shiping Chen, Senior Research Scientist Networking Technologies Laboratory, CSIRO ICT Centre, Australia shiping.chen@csiro.au
Ian Gorton, Senior Research Scientist Computational and Information Sciences at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, US ian.gorton@pnl.gov
Yan Liu, Senior Researcher Empirical Software Engineering, National ICT Australia Jenny.liu@nicta.com.au
Liming Zhu, Researcher Empirical Software Engineering, National ICT Australia Liming.zhu@nicta.com.au
Program Committee: Rainbow Cai, Auckland University, New Zealand Hong-Mei Chen, Hawaii University, US Xiaoying Bai, TsingHua University, China Jun Han, Swinburne University of Technology, Australia Alan Colman, Swinburne University of Technology, Australia Ge Yu, Northeastern University, China Carlos Juiz, University of Balearic Islands, Spain Andrea D'Ambrogio, University of Roma "Tor Vergata", Italy Qing Wang, Chinese Academy of Science, China Yexin, Dalian University of Technology, China Yanbo Han, Chinese Academy of Science, China Arno Jacobsen, University of Toronto, Canada Vladimir Tosic, National ICT Australia Paul Brebner, National ICT Australia Mark Staples, National ICT Australia Liam O'Brien, NICTA, Australia Chi-Hung Chi, Tsinghua University, China Liangzhao Zeng, IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center, US Surya Nepal, CSIRO ICT Centre, Australia
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