7th International Conference on Interactive Computer aided Learning

ICL2004 Call for Participation  www.icl-conference.org
September 29 - October 01, 2004, Villach/Austria

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Keynote Speaker

Maruja Gutierrez Diaz, Head of Unit, European Commission DG "Education and Culture"
"eLearning: An Answer to the Challenge of the EU Enlargement"

Richard Straub, Director of e-Learning Solutions IBM Europe, Middle East and Africa, Chairman of the e-Learning Industry Group
"The Future of Learning - and how to get there"

Rob Reilly, MIT Media Lab and University of Memphis
"Outside the box: Well, that's our homeland!"

Hermann Maurer, Dean of the faculty of Informatics of the Technical University of Graz, Director of the Institute of Information Processing and Computer aided new Media (IICM)
"The Influence of future PC Generations  on Learning"

Sebastian Fiedler, University of Augsburg
"Weblogs, Wikis and Webfeeds - are we learning to open source learning?"

Parallel Sessions

Four Tracks with full paper (49), short paper (24) and poster (26) presentations from 36 countries

Invited Sessions Workshops/Tutorials Accompanying Events
Please visit: www.icl-conference.org --> Program


In order to ensure meaningful interaction and networking among all the participants, attendance at the conference will be limited. Persons wishing to participate in the conference need to register their interest by completing the online registration form at:

        http://www.icl-conference.org --> Registration

For more information contact


phone: +43-4242-90500-2115 

General information

The workshop will be held at the Carinthia Tech Institute in Villach. Villach  is located in the southern part of Austria near Italy and Slovenia and can easily be reached by aircraft (Klagenfurt, Ljubljana, Salzburg), by train (EC) and highway (Autobahn).

The sponsors of the ICL conference:

City of Villach

adVIS GmbH, Dresden

bit media, Graz

Bundesministerium für Bildung, Wissenschaft und Kultur

Entwicklungsagentur Kärnten

Infineon Technologies

[micro]electronic cluster


Prof. Dr.-Ing., Dr.sc. Michael E. Auer
Carinthia Tech Institute (University of Applied Sciences)
School of Electronics
Europastrasse 4, A-9524 Villach, Austria
mailto:M.Auer@IEEE.org / http://WWW.cti.ac.at/~auer
phone +43(4242)90500-2115   fax ... -2110