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Subject: [wkwi] CFP i-com Special Issue on “The Future of Human-Computer Interaction”
Date: Mon, 25 Sep 2023 12:11:04 +0000
From: Koch, Michael <michael.koch@unibw.de>
Reply-To: Koch, Michael <michael.koch@unibw.de>
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Call for Submissions to

i-com Special Issue on “The Future of Human-Computer Interaction”

Issue Editor(s): Michael Herczeg + Michael Koch
Review Board: Editors and Editorial Board of i-com


+++ Submission Deadline: 15.01.2024 +++

Human-Computer Interaction has had a short but lively history and evolution. After the monstrous world of mainframes and text-based terminals came a counter-movement in form of various graphics-based personal computer types, which also turned the individual citizen into a computer user. For many years, a focus on creative, but also ergonomic solutions can be found. Efficient graphics workstations formed a separate branch of this evolution, which diffused into personal computer platforms through the media and gaming industry. The Internet, especially its mobile variants, then led to a substantial miniaturization of powerful and highly interactive computers, the design of which is again characterized more by creative, but also a chaotic proliferation of technology and functionality than by well defined qualities. The fact that computers have not only gained a foothold in all areas of life, but have also become game changers, was hardly foreseeable to the extent that we are experiencing today. The one zillion dollar question now is how the next upheavals will look in terms of devices, operating systems and networking; R&D, marketing and ownership; but above all in their design as more or less intelligent interactive systems like followed by current Human-Centered AI or by embedded systems like in the Internet of Things approaches. Perhaps we may soon have to speak generally about “Human-Technology Communication” than just about the more reduced term “Human-Computer Interaction”, whatever that means to our future.

In a special issue of the i-com journal we would like to present interesting but scientifically explainable and technologically sound forecasts for the next decades to discuss them further in our HCI community. We plan to revisit these views into the future in about five years. 

We are looking for experienced authors who, based on many years of experience and developments in their field of work, can write short, personal sketches or essays or reviews with a strong part about the future. However, we will as well appreciate to receive contributions from younger experts in the field, who maybe see completely new paths of more revolutionary than evolutionary work and who perhaps also perceive previous developments as dead ends in order to inspire new paths to follow. The contributions may illuminate the topic from different scientific perspectives such as computer science, psychology, media design, sociology, education, business administration, labor and organizational science.

Contributions in English language should be 1.500-5.000 words (if the review part in the contribution is larger then up to 10.000 words are possible), with a focus more on courageous “informed visions” and less on “excessive literary work” with a horizon chosen as 10, 25 or 50 years into the future.

About i-com: (Also see https://i-com-journal.org/)

i-com is an international scientific journal that is devoted to different topics around Human-Computer Interaction (HCI).

The journal seeks to build bridges between research and practice as well as between teaching and business, emphasizing interdisciplinary teamwork and application-oriented solutions. We particularly aim at publishing cross-disciplinary research showing the practical application of the research.

The first volume of i-com has been published in 2001. 

Since Volume 23 (2023) the journal is Golden Open Access. 

Selected Metrics: 

- Scopus Cite Score (2022): 2.8

- Scopus Source Normalized Impact per Paper (SNIP) (2021): 0.563