-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: [WI] ICCBR 2012 Call for Papers (Paper submission deadline April 9th, 2012) Datum: Tue, 14 Feb 2012 10:47:08 +0100 Von: Belén Díaz belend@sip.ucm.es Antwort an: Belén Díaz belend@sip.ucm.es An: belend@sip.ucm.es
Call for Papers The 20th International Conference on Case-Based Reasoning Lyon, France 3 - 6 September 2012
The ICCBR 2012 Program Committee invites submissions of original theoretical research, applied research and deployed application papers on all aspects of Case-Based Reasoning for the main technical program. ICCBR is the leading international meeting on case-based reasoning (CBR). In order to expand the frontiers of CBR as a scientific field, we would like to (1) emphasize the connections between CBR and related areas, and (2) explore new problems and industrial solutions. Another primary objective of ICCBR 2012 is to encourage new members to join the CBR community and regularly attend / participate in this premier CBR conference. Thus, the ICCBR 2012 program will include several new ideas along with the regular keynote addresses, technical program, applications track and workshop sessions. Details on these elements of the program can be found on the ICCBR 2012 web site.
ICCBR 2012 Program Highlights Doctoral Consortium ICCBR 2012 will hold the 4th CBR Doctoral Consortium (DC) with the following objectives: (1) To provide a supportive setting for feedback on students' current research and guidance on future research directions, (2) To offer each student comments and fresh perspectives on their work from faculty and students outside their own institution, and (3) To promote the development of a supportive community of scholars and a spirit of collaborative research. The DC gives early stage postgraduate students the important opportunity to discuss their research ideas and get very valuable feedback.
Computer Cooking Contest The 5th Computer Cooking Contest (CCC) aims to attract new people to deal with AI technologies such as case-based reasoning, semantic technologies, search and information extraction. It is sponsored by Attensity and includes a travel bursary for its finalists. The CCC is an open competition. Any individual, student, research group and professional is invited to submit software that creates a recipe, such as for a single dish or even a three course menu, i.e., recipes for a starter, a main dish and a dessert. The input will be a database of basic recipes from which appropriate recipes must be selected, modified or even combined. The queries to the system consist of a number of desired ingredients and other requirements for the dish or menu. Industry / Applications Track Presentations ICCBR 2012 invites submissions for a special presentation-only track of deployed applications on all aspects of Case-Based Reasoning. The applications track provides an opportunity for both industry and academic application developers to showcase their work in 20-30 minute high-quality presentations, without the need to write a paper. This event takes place on one day and is an excellent way for industry members to interact with students and academic researchers. Presenters can express interest with a short (one paragraph) description of their work. Opportunities are also available to sponsor ICCBR 2012 and have an official conference presence. Workshops
ICCBR 2012 invites proposals for full day or half day workshops as part of the Workshop Program. ICCBR 2012 workshops provide an informal setting in which participants wll have the opportunity to meet and discuss topics with a selected CBR focus in an environment that encourages the exchange of ideas. Recent ICCBR workshops have included: WebCBR, health care, textual CBR, computer gaming, process-oriented CBR, context awareness, and human-centered and cognitive approaches to CBR, uncertainty, and knowledge discovery. Main Technical Program Paper Submission
Important Dates: • Submission deadline: 9 April 2012 • Notification of acceptance: 16 May 2012 • Camera ready copy due: 6 June 2012 • Conference dates: 3-6 September 2012
Submission Topics: The ICCBR 2012 Program Committee invites submissions of original theoretical research, applied research and deployed application papers on all aspects of Case-Based Reasoning. Example submission areas include, but are not limited to: • Foundations of Case Based Reasoning • Analogical reasoning, cognitive models, and creative reasoning • Lazy-learning, instance-based and case-based learning • Similarity Metrics, indexing, retrieval, and adaptation • Case authoring, knowledge modelling and visualization • Explanations, confidence and uncertainty in CBR • Data and text mining with case-based systems • Experience-based knowledge management • CBR architecture and development frameworks • Agent based, Peer-to-Peer and Distributed CBR • Applications of CBR (e.g. in health, law, education, government) • CBR for planning, scheduling, design, diagnosis and classification • Adaptive interfaces, user modelling and personalization in CBR • Case-based recommender systems • Textual CBR (including links with IR, NLP and text mining) • CBR in the Semantic Web and developments in WebCBR • AI and Games using CBR • Fielded applications of CBR
Proceedings: All accepted papers will appear in the conference proceedings published by Springer Verlag in the Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence series (www.springer.com/lncs). Review Criteria: Each submission must be identified as theoretical/methodological research, applied research, or deployed application paper and will be reviewed using criteria appropriate to its category.
The criteria are as follows:
Paper Category: Theoretical/Methodological research paper Review Criteria: Scientific significance; originality; technical quality; and clarity
Paper Category: Applied research paper Review Criteria: Significance for scientific research or innovative commercial deployment; originality; technical quality; and clarity
Paper Category: Deployed application paper Review Criteria: Demonstrated practical, social, environmental or economic significance; originality; treatment of issues of engineering, management& user acceptance; and clarity.
Submission Procedure: Authors must submit a full paper by the conference paper submission deadline. ICCBR 2012 is employing the EasyChair conference system, and submissions must be made via the ICCBR 2012 EasyChair Conference Site (http://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=iccbr2012). Detailed submission instructions will be made available on the ICCBR 2012 web site. Submission Format: Papers MUST be submitted in Springer LNCS format, which is the format required for the final camera ready copy, with a maximum of 15 pages. Authors' instructions along with LaTeX (preferred) and Word macro files are available on the web at Springer's Information for LNCS Authors page (http://www.springer.com/computer/lncs?SGWID=0-164-6-793341-0). Authors of accepted papers are required to transfer their copyrights to Springer. All submissions are required to be in electronic format.
Multiple Submission Policy: Papers submitted to other conferences or journals must state this fact. If a paper will appear in another conference or journal, it must be withdrawn from ICCBR 2012. This restriction does not apply to papers appearing in proceedings of specialized ICCBR workshops.
Author Registration Policy: In order for a paper to appear in the proceedings, at least one of the authors MUST register for the conference by the camera-ready copy deadline.
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