PACIS 2002

    The Sixth Pacific Asia Conference on Informtion Systems

Main Theme: "The Next e-What ?  for Business and Communities"

and other information are available at the website:
PACIS 2002 will be held on September 2-4, 2002 in Tokyo, Japan hosted
by the Japan Soceity for Management Information (JASMIN).  

This is the premier Information Systems event in the Asia Pacific region
authorized by AIS as a regional conference as well as ECIS and AMCIS,
and provides an international forum for researchers, practitioners and
policy makers to exchange ideas on the leading information-related
technologies and practices.

The Keynote Presentations will be made by:
$B!! (B- Dr. Thomas T. Davenport, Partner & Director
            Accenture Institute for Strategic Change, Cambrige, MA, USA
  - Dr. Richard T. Watson,  Professor
            University of Georgia, Athens, GA, USA
  - Mr. Teruyasu Murakami, Executive Managing Director
            Nomura Research Institute, Ltd., Tokyo, Japan

Impotant Dates:
        Paper Submission:              March 31,2002
         Notification of Aceptance:      May 31,2002
         Camera Ready Copy:            June 30, 2002
         Doctoral consortium:     September 2, 2002
         Main Conference:       September 3-4, 2002

All inquiries will be accepted at:

Ryutaro Manabe,  Conference Chair, PACIS 2002
Dept of Information Systems,  Bunkyo University
Chigasaki, Kanagawa 253-8550, JAPAN
    Fax: 81(Japan)-467-54-3721