-------- Original Message -------- Subject: [WI] KDML Workshop at LWA 2011 - 1st CFP Date: Fri, 29 Apr 2011 09:35:05 +0200 From: Myra Spiliopoulou myra@iti.cs.uni-magdeburg.de To: wi@lists.uni-karlsruhe.de
The GI-Special Interest Group "Knowledge Discovery, Data Mining and Machine Learning" (FG-KDML) calls for submissions to
2011 KDML Workshop Knowlede Discovery, Data Mining and Machine Learning
taking place unter the LWA 2011 in Magdeburg, Germany, 28.-30. September 2011, which will be opened with the keynote speech of Prof. Daniel Keim (Univ. Constance, Germany).
We solicit constributions from all areas of machine learning, data mining and knowledge discovery from databases. Next to unpublished works, we welcome also ongoing studies that can report intermediate results, as well as recently published contributions to international journals or conferences.
To stimulate networking between researchers and practitioners, and to promote interaction with the other Special Interest Groups participating at the LWA 2011 (FG-ABIS, FG-IR and FG-WM), we organize a poster session that allows also for the presentation of software demonstrators.
Topics of interest include but not limited to:
* Methods of supervised, semi-supervised and unsupervised learning * Distributed Data Mining and Ubiquitous Knowledge Discovery * Data Stream Mining * Temporal, Spatial& Spatiotemporal Data Mining * Multi-criteria learning * Rule-based learning * Mining on networks and graphs * Text Mining * Web Mining * Mining for recommendation engines * Visual Analytics (Session with Invited Contributions) * Data Mining in bioinformatics * Data Mining for business applications
Important dates: 1. Juli 2011 Submission Deadline 29. Juli 2011 Notification of Acceptance 13. August 2011 Camera-ready papers 28.-30. September 2011 KDML 2011 in Magdeburg
Organisation * PC Chairs: Myra Spiliopoulou, Alexander Hinneburg, Rene Schult * PC Co-Chairs für den Bereich IR+KDML: Andreas Nürnberger, Sebastian Stober * PC Co-Chairs für die Special Session Visual Analytics: Bernhard Preim, Steffen Oeltze
Submission: We solicit * papers (6-8 pages) * short papers (4 pages): Position papers or Work in Progress * demonstration papers (2 pages): Presentation of a system or a prototyp
Papers can be submitted via EasyChair under usage of LWA templates to be found under http://lwa2011.cs.uni-magdeburg.de/mediawiki-1.16.0/index.php/FG-KDML
Please visit also the central website of the LWA 2011: http://lwa2011.cs.uni-magdeburg.de/
-- Mailing-Liste: wi@aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de Administrator: wi-admin@aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de Konfiguration: https://www.lists.uni-karlsruhe.de/sympa/info/wi