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Information Systems Frontiers (ISF) Journal
Call For Papers: A Special Issue on “Big Data and Analytics for a Better
*** NEW : Submission Deadline Extended to Oct 15th, 2015. ***
The recent explosion of big data has radically changed the way managers can
measure and gain insights about their businesses (McAfee and Brynjolfsson
2012). Application analytics and big data approaches enable measurement and
creation of knowledge that helps organizations make effective decisions and
gain high performance in various business functions. The adoption of a data
driven culture and the use of big data approaches for decision-making has
the potential to lead organizations towards sustainable competitive
advantage and productivity gains (Watson 2014).
As organizations in various sectors re-formulate IT strategies and
investments for the evolving market, it is imperative to understand how big
data can be used effectively for decision-making purposes. Companies are
actively seeking for mechanisms to outrun their competitors through
analytics driven innovation. For example, companies are strategizing to
increase their customer base by developing a better and deeper
understanding of customer needs through big data analytics.
Scientific community has a strong focus on understanding the paradigm
shifts resulting from increased use of big data from multiple sources for
decision-making. The management, processing and use of these large data
sets present new challenges for organizations and society. Consequently,
big data has become fertile grounds for further development of new areas
that will lead to improved functioning of various components of society.
Beyond organizational impact, analytics is starting to play a critical role
in non-profits, non-government and government entities to address several
social and global challenges. As a result, there is considerable interest
worldwide in examining how big data and related new computing paradigms can
improve or alter processes and core functionalities while improving
outcomes and key performance indicators.
This special issue of Information Systems Frontiers on ‘Big Data and
Analytics for a better world’ seeks theory building, design science,
behavioral research and emerging applications in innovative areas of big
data use, analytics, and decision support. Topics of interest include, but
not limited to:
- Energy analytics – sustainability, smart grid, etc.
- Health care analytics – personalized medicine, population health
management, smart HIT systems, fraud prevention, etc.
- Analytics for improved disease management, diagnostics, endemics, and
rural health
- Analytics in developing and underdeveloped nations, smart resource
sharing and allocation
- Analytics for climate and weather, environment and pollution management
- Analytics for open government and data portals
- Big data approaches applied to improve cognitive performance and reduce
the dark side of technology, (e.g. information overload, techno stress,
technology addiction, etc.).
- Application of analytics for global development
- Security and privacy in the social media and big data context;
- Case studies utilizing disparate and big data emphasizing on high global
and societal impact or problems of high value;
- Application of social network analysis (SNA) on big data in collaborative
- Transportation and traffic safety
A major focus of the issue will be on novel and high impact problems having
a positive impact on global and societal issues. However, the special issue
will also solicit original research on topics related to innovative design
and development of analytics models as applied to solve such problems using
approaches including but not limited to:
- Analytics for Decision Support: visual analytics; data warehousing; OLAP
and executive support; big data and large-scale data storage; in-memory
- Analytics for smarter Knowledge management: smart expert systems
applications using data from disparate sources and methodologies such text
mining, data mining, rule-based systems, semantic web technologies to
address specific decision support needs; mobile technologies.
- Predictive Analytics and descriptive analytics applied to large scale
- Document-driven Analytics: knowledge coding, analysis, search and
retrieval for decision support for a variety of devices (e.g., tablets,
- Analytics using social media, identifying socio-technical gaps, benefits
and challenges for collaboration in Big Data; novel storage and management
approaches for big data;
- Decision Outcomes and Performance Evaluation: effects of using decision
technologies, designing for improved decision performance; metrics for data
warehousing, BI, and analytics.
Projected Time Line:
Deadline for original submissions: Oct 15, 2015
Final notifications to authors: July 15, 2016
McAfee, Andrew and Erik Brynjolfsson. (2012) "Big Data: The Management
Revolution". Harvard Business Review, October.
Watson, Hugh J. (2014) "Tutorial: Big Data Analytics: Concepts,
Technologies, and Applications," Communications of the Association for
Information Systems: Vol. 34, Article 65.
Special Issue Guest Editors:
Lakshmi Iyer, University of North Carolina Greensboro (UNCG),
Ashish Gupta, University of Tennessee Chattanooga, gupta@utc.edu
Amit Deokar, Penn State University Erie, avd108@psu.edu
Ramesh Sharda, Oklahoma State University, ramesh.sharda@okstate.edu
Dave Schrader, Teradata University Network, drdaveschrader@gmail.com
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