--------------------------- Call for Submissions
ACM IUI 2015: ACM Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces
Atlanta, GA, USA
March 29 - April 1, 2015
ACM IUI 2015 is the 20th annual meeting of the intelligent
interfaces community and serves as a premier international
forum for reporting outstanding research and development on
intelligent user interfaces. ACM IUI is where the
Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) community meets the
Artificial Intelligence (AI) community. We are also very
interested in contributions from related fields, such as
psychology, behavioral science, cognitive science, computer
graphics, design, the arts, etc.
Why submit to ACM IUI?
At ACM IUI, we focus on the interaction between machine
intelligence and human intelligence. While other conferences
focus on one side or the other, we address the complex
interaction between the two. We welcome research that explores
how to make the interaction between computers and people
smarter, which may leverage solutions from data mining,
knowledge representation, novel interaction paradigms, and
emerging technologies. We strongly encourage submissions that
discuss research from both HCI and AI simultaneously, but also
welcome works that focus more on one side or the other.
The ACM IUI conference brings together people from
academia, industry, nonprofits and government, to showcase and
discuss work results in an intimate, focused, and interactive
setting. We expect this yearâs ACM IUI to be attended by a
diverse and livery crowd of over 200 attendees, a good size
that allows our attendees to strike up conversations and
network with other attendees, see all the posters, and take in
all the presentations. As an ACM conference, ACM IUI papers
will appear in the ACM Digital Library and citation indices.
There will also be a journal publication path for long papers.
ACM IUI is a single-track conference, so you will not miss
Topics of interest (non-exhaustive list)
* User Input
  - Processing of multi-modal input
  - Natural language and speech processing
  - Gestures, eye gaze, face, emotion recognition
* Generation of System Output
  - Intelligent visualization tools
  - Intelligent generation of user-consumable content
  - Big Data analytics of rich data types (e.g.,
temporal/time series, spatial, text, sequence, unstructured,
graphs/networks, etc.)
* Ubiquitous and Wearable Computing
  - Intelligent interfaces for ubiquitous computing
  - Smart environments and tangible computing
  - Smart interaction and interfaces for wearable
* Help and Persuasive Technologies
  - Intelligent assistants for complex tasks
  - Support for collaboration in multiuser environments
  - Persuasive technologies in intelligent user
  - Education and learning-related technologies
* Personalization
  - User-adaptivity in interactive systems
  - Recommender systems
  - Modeling and prediction of user behavior
* AI Techniques in intelligent user interfaces
  - Interactive machine learning and data mining
  - Planning and plan recognition
  - Reasoning in interfaces
* Social Computing
  - Affective, social and aesthetic interfaces
  - Social networks and collaboration
* Intelligent User Interface Design
  - Knowledge-based approaches to user interface design
and generation
  - Proactive and agent-based paradigms for user
  - Example-and demonstration-based interfaces
* User Studies
  - User studies concerning intelligent interfaces
  - Evaluations of implemented intelligent user
Full and Short Papers   (NEW! Special opportunity to
submit to the TiiS journal)
We invite original paper submissions that describe novel
user interfaces, applications, interactive and intelligent
technologies, empirical studies, or design techniques.
Accepted papers will be published in the ACM Digital Library.
ACM IUI 2015 especially encourages submissions on innovative
and visionary new concepts or directions for interface design.
We do not require evaluations with users, but we expect papers
to include appropriate evaluation for their stated
Full papers (10 pages with unlimited references) should
make substantial, novel and relevant contributions to the
field. Short papers (4 pages with unlimited references) may
present focused contributions, ideas, and work in progress.
Accepted full papers will be invited for oral presentation and
short papers either as oral or poster presentation.
Authors of accepted ACM IUI 2015 full papers will have an
opportunity to submit extended versions to the ACM
Transactions on Interactive Intelligent Systems (TiiS,
for consideration for a special issue titled "Highlights of
ACM IUI 2015". An ACM IUI 2015 program chair will serve as an
associate editor to manage the reviewing for that special
issue, and the reviewing schedule will ensure that it appears
in the ACM Digital Library in early 2016, before ACM IUI 2016.
(For information on what counts as an appropriate "extension"
of a conference paper for TiiS, see
Abstracts Due: October 13, 2014
Full and Short Papers Due: October 17, 2014
Rebuttal Start: December 8, 2014
Rebuttal End: December 12, 2014
Notification to Authors: December 19, 2014
Camera-Ready Due: January 16, 2015
Posters provide an opportunity for sharing valuable ideas,
eliciting useful feedback on early- stage work and fostering
discussions and collaborations among colleagues. We invite
submissions on all topics of the conference. All submissions
should convey a scientific result or work in progress that is
not yet ready to be published as a full length research paper
at a refereed conference. The page limit for poster papers is
4 pages. Accepted poster papers will appear in the companion
proceedings in the ACM Digital Library.
Submissions Due: January 16, 2015
Notification to Authors: February 13, 2015
Camera-Ready Due: February 20, 2015
The demonstrations track complements the overall program of
the conference. Demonstrations show implementations of novel,
interesting, and important intelligent user interface concepts
or systems. We invite submissions relevant to intelligent user
interfaces and which address, but are not limited to, the
topics of the conference. All submissions are intended to
convey a scientific result or work in progress and should not
be advertisements for commercial software packages. The page
limit for demo papers is 4 pages. Accepted demo papers will be
published in the companion proceedings in the ACM Digital
Submissions Due: January 16, 2015
Notification to Authors: February 13, 2015
Camera-Ready Due: February 20, 2015
Student Consortium
The ACM IUI 2015 Student Consortium provides an opportunity
for Masters and Doctoral students to present and receive
feedback about their research in an interdisciplinary
workshop, under the guidance of a panel of mentors, selected
from senior people in the field. We invite students who feel
they would benefit from this kind of feedback on their
research to apply for this unique opportunity to share their
work with students in a similar situation as well as senior
researchers in the field. The strongest candidates will be
those who have a clear topic and research approach, and have
made some progress, but who are not so far along their
research that they can no longer make changes.
Students who are accepted into the consortium will receive
partial financial support for their travel to the conference.
Details of the financial support will be announced soon.
Submissions Due: January 16, 2015
Notification to Authors: February 13, 2015
Camera-Ready Due: February 20, 2015
Workshop Proposals
We invite proposals for full-day and half-day workshops on
topics that are of interest to the ACM IUI community.
Workshops will be held on the first (March 29) and last day
(April 1) of the conference. The conference may provide a free
registration for each workshop to assist its organization.
Workshop proposals due: September 12, 2014
Notification: October 15, 2014
Tutorial Proposals
We invite proposals for tutorials from active researchers
and experienced presenters. Ideally, a tutorial will cover the
state-of-the-art research and development in a specific area
strongly related to ACM IUI. Tutorials on interdisciplinary
areas, novel or fast growing directions, and significant
practical applications are also encouraged. Accepted tutorial
organizers will be exempt from the registration fee (one per
Tutorials proposals due: September 12, 2014
Notification: October 15, 2014
**** New Cooperation Agreement between the ACM IUI
Conference Series and ACM TiiS ****
The steering committee of the ACM IUI conference series has
agreed with the editors-in-chief of the ACM TiiS on the
following forms of collaboration between the conference and
the journal, which will be repeated in subsequent years:
1. Authors of accepted ACM IUI 2015 full papers will have
an opportunity to submit extended versions to the ACM
Transactions on Interactive Intelligent Systems (TiiS,
for consideration for a special issue titled "Highlights of
ACM IUI 2015". One of the ACM IUI 2015 program chairs will
serve as an associate editor who manages the reviewing for
that special issue, and the reviewing schedule will ensure
that it appears in the ACM Digital Library in early 2016,
before ACM IUI 2016. (For information on what counts as an
appropriate "extension" of a conference paper for TiiS, see
2. The authors of any TiiS article that has been accepted
during the year 2014 (and that does not represent an extension
of a paper presented at an earlier ACM IUI conference) will
have an opportunity to present their work at ACM IUI 2015 in a
presentation slot at least as long as that for an ACM IUI 2015
short paper.
  - Oliver Brdiczka, Palo Alto Research Center (PARC)
  - Polo Chau, Georgia Tech
  - Giuseppe Carenini, University of British Columbia
  - Shimei Pan, IBM Research
  - Per Ola Kristensson, University of Cambridge
  - Jalal Mahmud, IBM Research
  - Sumit Basu, Microsoft Research
  - Ben Steichen, University of British Columbia
  - Nava Tintarev, University of Aberdeen
  - Sven Kratz, FXPAL
  - Eelco Herder, L3S
  - Wai-Tat Fu, University of Illinois at
  - Brent Hecht, University of Minnesota
  - Alan Said (social media), TU Delft
  - Matthijs van Leeuwen (website), KU Leuven
  - Jilles Vreeken (website), MPII
  - Ali Jahanian (website), Purdue University
Alan Said
Multimedia Computing Group
Delft University of Technology
t: @alansaid