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Betreff: [computational.science] CFP PASA 2018
Datum: Mon, 11 Dec 2017 13:07:11 +0100
Von: Rolf Wanka <rwanka@informatik.uni-erlangen.de>
An: computational.science@lists.iccsa.org


13th Workshop on Parallel Systems and Algorithms

PASA 2018


in conjunction with
ARCS 2018 – 31st International Conference on Architecture of Computing Systems
Braunschweig, Germany, 9-10 April 2018

organized by
GI/ITG-Fachgruppe 'Parallel-Algorithmen, -Rechnerstrukturen und
-Systemsoftware' (PARS) and
GI-Fachgruppe 'Algorithmen' (ALGO)

The PASA workshop series has the goal to build a bridge between theory and
practice in the area of parallel systems and algorithms. In this context
practical problems which require theoretical investigations as well as the
applicability of theoretical approaches and results to practice shall be
discussed. An important aspect is communication and exchange of experience
between various groups working in the area of parallel computing, e.g.,
in computer science, electrical engineering, physics or mathematics.

Topics of Interest include, but are not restricted to:

- scheduling and load balancing
- parallel and distributed algorithms
- parallel embedded systems
- models of parallel computation
- ubiquitous and pervasive systems
- parallel architectures & storage systems
- reconfigurable parallel computing
- parallel programming languages
- data stream-oriented computing
- software engineering for parallel systems
- interconnection networks
- parallel design patterns
- network and grid computing
- performance evaluation of parallel systems
- distributed and parallel multimedia systems

PASA 2018 Webpage: https://www.cs12.tf.fau.de/conf/pasa2018/

The workshop will comprise invited talks on current topics by leading
experts in the field as well as submitted papers on original and
previously unpublished research. Accepted papers will be published in
the ARCS Workshop Proceedings as well as in the PARS Newsletter
(ISSN 0177-0454). The conference languages are English (preferred)
and German. Papers are required to be in English.

A prize of 500 € will be awarded to the best contribution presented
personally based on a student's or Ph.D. thesis or project. Co-authors
are allowed, the PhD degree should not have been awarded at the time
of submission. Candidates apply for the prize by e-mail to the organizers
when submitting the contribution. We expect that candidates are or become
members of one of the groups ALGO or PARS.

Important Dates
12th January 2018: Deadline for submission of full papers
under: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=pasa2018

6 pages in English, formatted according to IEEE CIS template in
"conference mode" (see
More details depend on the requirements given by the ARCS organizers
and will be provided here as soon as possible

31st January 2018: Notification of authors

7th February 2016: Final version for workshop proceedings

Program Committee
M. Dietzfelbinger (Ilmenau), A. Doering (Zurich), N. Eicker (Jülich),
T. Fahringer (Innsbruck), D. Fey (Erlangen), T. Hagerup (Augsburg),
V. Heuveline (Heidelberg), R. Hoffmann (Darmstadt), K. Jansen (Kiel),
B. Juurlink (Berlin), W. Karl (Karlsruhe), J. Keller (Hagen),
Ch. Lengauer (Passau), E. Maehle (Lübeck), U. Margull (Ingolstadt),
E. W. Mayr (Munich), U. Meyer (Frankfurt), F. Meyer auf der Heide (Paderborn),
J. Mottok (Regensburg), W. Nagel (Dresden), M. Philippsen (Erlangen),
K. D. Reinartz (Höchstadt), Ch. Scheideler (Paderborn), B. Schnor (Potsdam),
U. Schwiegelshohn (Dortmund), P. Sobe (Dresden), C. Trinitis,
T. Ungerer (Augsburg), R. Wanka (Erlangen)

Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Karl, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT),
Institute of Computer Engineering (ITEC), 76129 Karlsruhe,
Phone/Fax +49-721-608-43771, E-Mail: wolfgang.karl@kit.edu

Prof. Dr. Rolf Wanka, Univ. Erlangen-Nuremberg, Dept. of Computer Science,
91058 Erlangen, Germany, Phone/Fax +49-9131-8525-152/149,
E-Mail: rolf.wanka@fau.de

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