-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht -------- Betreff: [WI] Fwd: Further deadline extension: "Critical and participatory development of people centered smart learning ecosystems and territories" @Critical Alternative 2015 Datum: Sat, 20 Jun 2015 15:22:39 +0200 Von: Carlo Giovannella mifav@roma2.infn.it An: wi@aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de
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================================================================== Workshop on *"Critical and participatory development of people centered smart learning ecosystems and territories"* @ Critical Alternative 2015 http://aarhus2015.org
17th August 2015 Aahrus, Denmark http://www.mifav.uniroma2.it/inevent/events/critalter2015/ ==================================================================
*Important dates:* *** Deadline for submission of position paper: *30th of June, 2015 *(last extension) *** ==================================================================
*Introduction and Workshop Goals*
It is quite evident that within the development of people centered smart cities the underlying and ubiquitous techno-ecosystems - whose embedded intelligence, sensitivity and responsiveness surround the individuals - challenge the future of the learning ecosystems and call for a critical and participatory redefinition of spaces, contents, processes, skills and benchmarking approaches. Such challenge is not just for researchers or teachers, but requires the involvement of all potential stakeholders to develop critically the mediation role of ICT to: • foster awareness about complexity and its government (orchestration) • support the acquisition of appropriate behaviors, skills & competencies • promote open access to space, tools, services, practices, content/data, people/skills • tame discontinuities (time - space/place - technological - process - learning practices) • identify the driving factors of the smartness including those from the characteristics of local cultures and contexts • support policy and decision making • promote social innovation & learning, capacity building and a sustainable economy • develop adequate monitoring and benchmarking approaches • tame privacy, data control, security and safety
According to the expectations of the Critical Alternatives conference contributions should: • inspire the workshop agenda • offer a strong contribution to theory and practice • provide new perspectives and offer critical alternatives • have potential for long lasting impact
Papers should be maximum 10 pages long and formatted in LNCS style. Submission are handled by Easychair: *https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=slet2015 *
================================================================== */Proceedings/*
After the workshop, authors of selected contributions will be invited to prepare a revised and extended paper to be included as part of a focus section of *Interaction Design and Architecture(s) * (IxD&A); an IxD&A slot has been reserved for 2016. The focus session will be integrated with high quality papers submitted following an open call for papers.
---------------------------------------------------------- **** 2014: ***IxD&A in figures **** * ---------------------------------------------------------- acceptance rate: *less than 30%*; *4* issues and *28* papers published, written by *90* authors from *16* countries (*5* continents);*102* reviewers involved. IxD&A is visited by scholars from all over the world coming from about *55* countries/ View stats:/ http://www.mifav.uniroma2.it/inevent/events/idea2010/index.php?s=9&a=403 ---------------------------------------------------------- *** *Vote for the Best IxD&A (paper) of the year 2014* *** ---------------------------------------------------------- http://greenlab2.roma2.infn.it/life2011/modules/polls/pubblico.php?course=te... ==================================================================