-------- Original-Nachricht --------
1st Workshop on Software Services: Frameworks and Platforms
Timisoara, September 23-25, 2010
Partially supported by FP7 project SPRERS (http://www.sprers.eu)
Organized as satellite workshop of SYNASC2010 symposium (http://synasc10.info.uvt.ro)
The goal of the series of Workshops on Software Services (WoSS) is to present and discuss the recent significant developments in the field of software services. WoSS intends to be an open forum for academics, practitioners, and vendors, allowing them to discuss the current trends and scientific and technological challenges, such as service quality assurance, adaptability, reliability, interoperability, and automating service-oriented application construction and management.
The first edition is organized with the support of the FP7-ICT SPRERS project, with the aim to highlight the achievements of the on-going European collaborative projects subscribing to FP7-ICT programme and the activities of the teams from new member states in software services.
WoSS seeks original contributions in all relevant areas, including
but not limited to the following topics:
* frameworks for software services;
* platforms for software services;
* service oriented computing;
* cloud computing;
* software service life-cycle;
* dynamic discovery, matching and composition of services;
* formation and management of virtual organisations;
* semantic interoperability of software services;
* service-based autonomic computing;
* trust, security and privacy in software services;
* quality of services and non-functional aspects;
* negotiation and service-level agreement;
* socio-cultural factors influencing software service business models.
Paper submissions: June 15th, 2010
Notifications: August 15th, 2010
Workshop participation: September 24-25, 2010
Post-proceeding publication: December 31th, 2010
Extended versions of selected papers in a journal: March 10th, 2011
Authors should submit draft papers using IEEE style through SYNASC submission portal (https://www.easychair.org/login.cgi?conf=synasc2010). The total length of a paper should not exceed 8 pages.
Papers will be refereed and accepted on the basis of their scientific merit and relevance to the workshop.
Accepted and presented paper will be published in the conference proceedings to appear in December 2010 (IEEE Computer Press) and will be included in the IEEE Xplore database.
Extended versions of selected papers will be published in a special issue from March 2011 of the Scalable Computing: Practice and Experience journal (www.scpe.org, open access journal, under ISI Thomson evaluation).
The participants to the workshop from new member states, authors of accepted papers of the workshop, are entitled to apply for the reimbursement of the travel, accommodation and conference fees.
Applications should be send to the contact point of the workshop and should contain a curriculum vitae and a list of publications, after the acceptance notification.
For further information, please contact:
Dana Petcu (petcu@info.uvt.ro)
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