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Subject: [AISWorld] [SUSPICIOUS] 2nd CfP: 9th Enterprise Engineering Working Conference - Lisbon - Portugal (EEWC 2019)
Date: Mon, 14 Jan 2019 00:56:19 +0000
From: EEWC 2019 <programchair@ciaonetwork.org>
To: aisworld@lists.aisnet.org

**Ninth Enterprise Engineering Working Conference**

May 20th - 24th 2019, Lisbon, Portugal

Important Dates:

January 28: Abstract submission (not mandatory*)

February 11: Paper submission

Experience the benefits of a Working Conference featuring an integrated
Industry Track and a Doctoral Consortium, in the city of Lisbon, providing
inspiration and conditions for an interesting program with significant
scientific advancement.

The 2019 Enterprise Engineering Working Conference (EEWC 2019) will be the
ninth working conference addressing the emerging field of Enterprise
Engineering, having as goal to gather academics and practitioners in order
to share innovative research issues and practical experiences, mixing
rigour and relevance, and to facilitate profound discussions on the issues
put forward in the next sections of this Call for Papers.

The proceedings of the working conference will, as always, be published in
Springer's Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing

Please distribute this Call for Papers among your colleagues, and/or
mailing lists you belong to, that may be possibly interested in this

* please submit your abstract as soon as possible to facilitate review
assignment preparation

**Motivation for enterprise engineering**

Modern enterprises face a strong pressure to increase agility and
competitiveness, to operate on the global market, and to engage in manifold
alliances. However, many strategic initiatives in enterprises fail, meaning
that enterprises are unable to gain success from their strategy. One of the
identified reasons for such failures is the lack of coherence and
consistency among the various components of an enterprise. At the same
time, the need to operate as a unified and integrated whole is becoming
increasingly important. Currently, these challenges are dominantly
addressed from a functional or managerial perspective, as advocated by the
management and organisational sciences, and as implemented by traditional
programs in business schools. Such knowledge is indeed necessary for
managing an enterprise, but it is insufficient for bringing about changes
in a fully systematic and integrated way. To do that, one needs to take a
constructional or engineering perspective.

In addition, both organisations and software applications are complex
systems, prone to entropy. This means that in the course of time, the costs
of bringing about similar changes increase in a way that is known as
combinatorial explosion. Entropy can be reduced and managed effectively
through modular design based on atomic elements.

Lastly, the individual persons in an enterprise, in cooperation, are
ultimately responsible for the effective and efficient operation of the
enterprise. They are also collectively responsible for the evolution of the
enterprise, in order to meet new challenges. We believe these
responsibilities can be born in a much more effective way if members have
an appropriate knowledge and an effective awareness of the enterprise given
by a sound engineering approach put forward by a full-fledged scientific

**The mission of enterprise engineering**

The CIAO! Enterprise Engineering Network
is a community of academics and practitioners who strive to contribute to
the development of the discipline of Enterprise Engineering (EE), and to
apply it in practice. The long term aim is to develop a holistic and
general systems theory based understanding on how to (re)design and run
enterprises effectively.

The ambition is therefore to gather and develop a consistent and coherent
set of theories, models and associated methods that: enable enterprises to
reflect, in a systematic way, on how to realise improvements; and assist
them, in practice, in achieving their aspirations.

In doing so, sound empirical and scientific foundations should underlie all
efforts and all organisational aspects that are relevant should be
considered, while combining already existing knowledge from the scientific
fields of information systems, software engineering, management science,
organisational sciences, as well as philosophy, semiotics and sociology,
amongst others.

To this end, the network regularly organises events
such as the Enterprise Engineering Working Conference and associated
Doctoral Consortium to drive the promotion and development of the
enterprise engineering body of knowledge.

**A history of rigour, relevance and an open perspective**

The Enterprise Engineering Working Conference (EEWC) series emerged out of
the CIAO! workshop and doctoral consortium held from 2008 until 2010, after
which they transitioned into the Enterprise Engineering Working Conference

The EEWC regularly featured an industrial track. To institutionalise the
interaction between the practice of enterprise engineering, and enterprise
transformation in general, it was decided that as of 2017 the TEE series
on Transformation and Engineering of Enterprises would be fully merged into
the EEWC series.

The TEE series of events (including PRET, LABEM, and AppEER) provided a
practice-driven perspective on enterprise engineering, featuring papers
taking real-world cases of enterprise transformations as a starting point.
Merging TEE into the EEWC series aimed to enable a tight integration of
rigour and relevance and constitutes the EEWC Forum
, integrated in the conference week.

The origin of the scientific foundations of our present body of knowledge
is the CIAO! Paradigm (Communication, Information, Action, Organisation) as
expressed in our Enterprise Engineering Manifesto
and the paper: The Discipline of Enterprise Engineering
. In this paradigm, organisation is considered to emerge in human
communication, through the intermediate roles of information and action.
Based on the CIAO! Paradigm, several theories have been developed, and
still are being proposed. They are published as technical reports

Considering theories or sets of theories as lenses to see and understand
reality we can say that two main lenses have emerged out of the CIAO!
network efforts: the Enterprise Ontology theories and the Normalized
Systems theory, both with relevant results in practice.

Organisations and their enterprises, being socio-technical systems, are the
result of a social dialogue among the social individuals that make up the
organisation and the two currently identified lenses are, so we certainly
expect, not enough. More lenses are needed and the current ones are open to
extensions and/or improvements.

The CIAO! community has always taken the view that (1) rigour and
relevance, and (2) a shared understanding (based on a shared "meta
ontology", such as the EE paradigm) is a crucial element in ensuring
effective discussions within the community. In adding/extending lenses, new
members are expected to underline these qualities as well. In
adding/extending lenses, it is expected that the "meta ontology" will
evolve/extend based on new, shared, insights.

**Dedicated Sessions**

Having in mind the spirit put forward in the previous section, the EEWC
aims to expand its community and reach out to other communities to find
synergies and cooperate in the development of the EE discipline. To this
end, from 2017 onwards the EEWC includes special/dedicated sessions focused
on lenses and/or domains as to inspire and facilitate this cooperation
effort. Thus, in the EEWC 2019 we plan to give focus to the following

Enterprise Ontology
Normalized Systems
Foundational Ontologies
Fact Based Modeling
Enterprise Interoperability
Standards and Policies in sectors/domains:
Smart Cities
Supply Chain Management

Other EE topics

There is one single track in the conference and accepted submissions will
be assigned to one of the sessions above.

**Relevant topics**

Topics of interest to for the EEWC include, but are not limited to:

Business Process Management
Business Process Improvement
Business Process Modelling and Simulation
Business Rules
Business Rules Management
Collaborative, Participatory, and Interactive Modelling
Domain Ontologies
Domain Reference Ontologies
Enterprise Architecture
Enterprise Design and Implementation
Enterprise Transformations
Enterprise Governance
Enterprise Modelling and Simulation
Enterprise Ontology
Foundational Ontologies
Fact Based Modeling
Information System Architectures
Information System Ontologies
Information Systems Design
Information Systems Development
Interactivity Modelling
Modelling (cross-enterprise) Business Processes
Ontology Implementation
Organisational Design
Organisational Structure
Reference Models
Regulatory Compliance
Standards and Policies for Industry Sectors

**Publications and Conference format**

The EEWC proceedings will, as always, be published in the Springer LNBIP
(Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing
) series.

We are looking for papers on current or recently finished research
initiatives/projects as well as papers from practitioners. Based on our
motivating experience of the previous working conferences, the seventh EEWC
is planned to be a real working conference, providing ample time for
profound discussions following the paper presentations. Therefore, normally
40 minutes slots are planned for each accepted full paper, with a maximum
limit of 15 pages. Since the EEWC 2017 we now accept publication (also in
the Springer proceedings) and presentation of short papers with a page
limit of 9 pages to be adapted from the original submission with page limit
of 15 pages.

As a result of the merging of the TEE Series
with the EEWC and also to foster community building and more sharing and
discussion regarding preliminary research and reporting on practice in our
domains, we introduced in 2017 the EEWC Forum
where case reports are accepted, as well as posters invited from the
submissions to the EEWC not accepted as full or short papers but with
interesting contents to discuss. Case reports and posters will be
officially published on CEUR
. More information on the EEWC Forum 2019 available at its respective web


Papers should be submitted in PDF format. The results described must be
unpublished and must not be under review elsewhere. Submissions must
conform to Springer's LNBIP format and should not exceed 15 pages,
including all text, figures, references and appendices. Submissions not
conforming to the LNBIP format or exceeding 15 pages will be rejected
without review. Information about the Springer LNBIP format can be found at
Springer LNBIP web page mentioned above.

Three to five keywords characterising the paper should be indicated at the
end of the abstract.

For the actual submission, please go to our Easychair conference web page
and sign-up or sign-in, submit your abstract and upload your paper taking
in account the dates specified below.

Important note: since the review process is as double-blind as possible,
please make sure that your names and affiliations are not listed in the
paper submitted for review.

At the same time, to enable reviewers to verify sources/citations, please
always provide full citation details, even to your own papers, but in a
neutral/anonymous way,

**Important Dates**

Abstract submission:
January 28, 2019
(not mandatory*)

Paper submission:
February 11, 2019

Acceptance notification:
March 11, 2019

Camera ready
March 25, 2019

* however please submit your abstract as soon as possible to facilitate
review assignment preparation


**General Conference Chair**

José Tribolet, IST / INESC and Transformer Lda, Lisboa, Portugal

**Conference Chair**

José Borbinha, IST / INESC ID, Lisboa, Portugal

**EEWC Forum Chair**

Pedro Sousa, IST / Link Consulting Lda, Lisboa, Portugal

**Program Chairs**

David Aveiro, University of Madeira, Portugal

Giancarlo Guizzardi, Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Italy

**Organization Chairs**

Carlos Mendes, IST / DIGIPRISE Lda

Sérgio Guerreiro, IST / INESC ID, Lisboa, Portugal

**Doctoral Consortium Chairs**

Robert Winter, University of St. Gallen, Switzerland

Sérgio Guerreiro, IST / INESC ID, Lisboa, Portugal

Program Committee (to be updated)

Alberto Silva, INESC and University of Lisbon, Portugal

Carlos Pascoa, University of Lisbon, Portugal

Christian Huemer, Vienna University of Technology, Austria

David Aveiro, University of Madeira, Portugal

Duarte Gouveia, University of Madeira, Portugal

Eduard Babkin, Higher School of Economics, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia

Florian Matthes, Technical University Munich, Germany

Frank Harmsen, Maastricht University and Ernst & Young Advisory, The

Geert Poels, Ghent University, Belgium

Giancarlo Guizzardi, Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Italy

Graham McLeod, University of Cape Town and Inspired.org, South Africa

Hans Mulder, University of Antwerp, Belgium

Jan Dietz, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands

Jan Hoogervorst, Sogeti Netherlands, The Netherlands

Jens Gulden, University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany

Joao Paulo Almeida, Federal University of Esprito Santo, Brazil

Jose Tribolet, INESC and University of Lisbon, Portugal

Joseph Barjis, Institute of Engineering and Management, San Francisco, CA,

Junichi Iijima, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan

Marcello Bax, Federal University of Minas Gerais, Brazil

Martin Op 't Land, Capgemini, The Netherlands; University of Antwerp,

Mauricio Almeida, Federal University of Minas Gerais, Brazil

Miguel Mira Da Silva, INESC and University of Lisbon, Portugal

Monika Kaczmarek, University Duisburg Essen, Germany

Niek Pluijmert, INQA Quality Consultants, The Netherlands

Peter Loos, University of Saarland, Germany

Petr Kremen, Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic

Philip Huysmans, University of Antwerp, Belgium

Rony Flatscher, Wirtschaftsuniversitat Wien, Austria

Sérgio Guerreiro, INESC and University of Lisbon, Portugal

Steven van Kervel, Formetis, The Netherlands

Stijn Hoppenbrouwers, HAN University of Applied Sciences, The Netherlands

Sybren de Kinderen, University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg

Tatiana Poletaeva, Higher School of Economics, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia

Tiago Prince, Sales University of Trento, Italy

Ulrik Franke, Swedish Defense Research Agency, Sweden

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