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Subject: Re: [AISWorld] CfP - Special Issue - https://www.ijec-web.org/special-issues-and-special-sections/
Date: Thu, 9 Jun 2022 09:24:43 +0200
From: Roberta Cuel <roberta.cuel@unitn.it>
To: aisworld@lists.aisnet.org

Please find the following call for paper.

Call for papersSpecial issue of the

*International Journal of Electronic Commerce:*“Transformation and
Sustainability of Digital Platforms and Ecosystems”

This Special Issue aims to bring together leading scholars to share the
most recent findings on Digital Platforms and Ecosystems, with specific
attention to Digital Transformation and Sustainability.

In recent years, digital business ecosystems and digital platform
ecosystems have become increasingly studied and the terms have been used in
both scientific and business worlds. Digital ecosystems are defined as a
technology-enabled community of individual, organizational, and networked
entities that contribute toward a focal value proposition (Jacobides et al.
2018). Digital ecosystems take the form of a complex network of affiliated
actors, whose activities and outputs are linked in multilateral ways that
cannot be reduced to the sum of bilateral connections between ecosystem
participants but show dependencies running across many participants and
along several dimensions (Jacobides, 2019). Studies tend to concur that
ecosystems are not hierarchically managed, but few have specifically looked
at the rules governing membership and relationships (Puranam & Puranam,
2012). Participants are linked together by several resources or
product/service dependencies that confer distinct advantages that would
have otherwise not emerged (Jacobides, 2019). Ecosystem actors can not be
seen in isolation; instead, all of them need to interact and collaborate
actively to create knowledge and innovation (Pappas, et al., 2018;
Spagnoletti, et al., 2021; Subramaniam, 2022; Senyo, et al., 2019;
Sutherland & Jarrahi, 2018).

“Digital ecosystems” is a multidisciplinary concept that spans, among
others, biology, engineering, management, and organization studies. From an
engineering perspective, digital platforms and ecosystems are technical
artifacts with a variety of peripherals and complements that, through a
modular architecture, enable the management of collective actions,
collaboration, and complexity (Baldwin & Woodard, 2009; Bolici, et al.,
2022; Nambisan, et al., 2017; Spagnoletti, et al., 2015). From a managerial
perspective, digital platforms and ecosystems afford business models,
strategies, value co-creation, and network externalities (Gawer & Cusumano,
2014; Cuel, et al., 2021; Kazan, et al., 2018; Song, 2019; Sahut, et al.,
2019; Tan, et al., 2015). From an organizational perspective, digital
platforms and ecosystems are environments where innovation is enabled,
behaviors are affected by networked externalities, and governance practices
are studied (Cennamo & Santalo, 2013; de Reuver, et al., 2018; Huber, et
al., 2017; Subramanian, 2022). Paramount importance to the topic of
ecosystems and platforms is given in the context of electronic commerce,
shaped as an ecosystem of sellers, consumers, and stakeholders, and
characterized by unique innovation dynamics (Arakji & Lang, 2010; Khansa,
Zobel & Goicochea 2012; Zhang, Lu & Kizildag, 2017; Li, Wang & Song, 2019;
Li, et al. 2019).

Despite the rapid advancement in research on these topics, various
important questions remain to be answered, and this special issue explores
methods and solutions for assessing the functioning and governance of these
new organizational structures. We encourage contributions that identify and
address the most recent innovations, trends, and concerns in the fields of
digital platforms and ecosystems at the individual, organizational, and
inter-organizational levels, paying specific attention to digital
transformation approaches. Some of the proposed research topics include,
but are not limited to:

- Organizational, social, and environmental implications of
digital platforms and ecosystems

- Value co-creation and innovations within digital platforms and
ecosystems, disclosing new organizational arrangements and business models

- The nature of coopetition within digital platforms and ecosystems

- Strategies and practices to effectively manage digital platforms
and ecosystems

- Behaviors and usage patterns in digital ecosystems

- Transformation of individual and collective work patterns in
digital ecosystems, including equity, wellness, environment, and
sustainability issues

- Knowledge, learning, and continuous innovation with digital
platforms and ecosystems

- Digital transformation and the role of platforms and ecosystems

- Organizing for continuous and/or discontinuous innovation.

- Consumer behaviors in digital platforms and ecosystems

- Governance and regulation of digital platforms and ecosystems

- Organizational, social, and ethical issues arising with new
digital ecosystems

- New business models or strategies

- The role of universities in digital platforms and ecosystems

- Novel research approaches and theories for studying digital
platforms and ecosystems

- Theoretical implications of digital platforms and ecosystems

- Disruptive innovation and digital platforms and ecosystems

- Data management in digital platforms and ecosystems

- Privacy and security issues of digital ecosystems

- Emerging technologies in digital platforms and ecosystems
(including blockchain, smart contracts, AI systems, and cognitive
computing, FinTech, social media, and big data analytics)


June 1, 2022: Call for papers announced

November 15, 2022: Full paper submission and Initial screening decisions

January 15, 2023: First round of decisions (reviews, rejects, and desk

March 15, 2023: Resubmission deadline

June 30, 2023: Second round of decisions (rejects, second review)

September 30, 2023: Final resubmission deadline

October 30, 2023: Final decision or minor revisions handled by editors only

Guest Editors

Roberta Cuel (roberta.cuel@unitn.it)
Department of Economics and Management, University of Trento,
Trento, Italy

Federica Ceci (federica.ceci@unich.it)
Department of Management and Business Administration, University Gabriele
d’Annunzio – Chieti/Pescara, Pescara, Italy

PK Senyo (P.K.Senyo@soton.ac.uk)
Department of Decision Analytics and Risk, Southampton Business School,
Southampton, UK

Ilias Pappas (ilias.pappas@uia.no)
Department of Information Systems, University of Agder (UiA),
Kristiansand, NO

Associate editors

- Cristina Alaimo, Luiss Business School, Italy

- Francesco Bolici, University of Cassino and Southern Lazio, Italy

- Cristiano Ghiringhelli, University of Milano-Bicocca, Italy

- Niloofar Kazemargi, Luiss Business School, Italy

- Lucia Marchegiani, University fo Roma Tre, Italy

- Erica Santini, University of Trento, Italy

- Paolo Spagnoletti, Luiss Business School, Italy

- Francesco Virili, Università Cattolica e del Sacro Cuore, Italy

- Alessia Zoppelletto, University of Trento, Italy

- Ralf Wagner, University of Kassel, Germany


Arakji, R.Y. & Lang, K.L. (2010) Adoption and Diffusion of Business
Practice Innovations: An Evolutionary Analysis, *International Journal of
Electronic Commerce*, 15:1, 145-168

Baldwin, C. Y., & Woodard, C. J. (2009). The architecture of platforms: A
unified view. *Platforms, markets and *innovation, 32, 19-44.

Bolici, F., Cuel, R., Ghiringhelli, C., & Virili, F. (2022). Ecosystems in
Blockchain Competence Certification: An Explorative Multi-Perspective
Analysis. In *Do Machines Dream of Electric Workers?* (pp. 99-108).
Springer, Cham.

Cennamo, C., & Santalo, J. (2013). Platform competition: Strategic
trade‐offs in platform markets. *Strategic management journal*, 34(11),

Cuel, R., Virili, F., Ghiringhelli, C., & Bolici, F. (2021). An Emerging
Digital Ecosystem: Blockchain Competence Certification Networks. In
*Exploring *innovation* in a Digital World* (pp. 50-61). Springer, Cham.

De Reuver, M., Sørensen, C., & Basole, R. C. (2018). The digital platform:
a research agenda. *Journal of Information Technology*, 33(2), 124-135.

Gawer, A., & Cusumano, M. A. (2014). Platforms and innovation. In *The
Oxford handbook of innovation management*.

Huber, T. L., Kude, T., & Dibbern, J. (2017). Governance practices in
platform ecosystems: Navigating tensions between cocreated value and
governance costs. *Information Systems Research*, 28(3), 563-584.

Jacobides, M. G. (2019). In the ecosystem economy, what’s your
strategy? *Harvard
Business Review*, 97(5), 128-137.

Jacobides, M. G., Cennamo, C., & Gawer, A. (2018). Towards a theory of
ecosystems. *Strategic management journal*, 39(8), 2255-2276.

Li, J., Chen, L., Yi, J., Mao, J., & Liao, J. (2019). Ecosystem-specific
advantages in international digital commerce. *Journal of International
Business Studies*, 50(9), 1448-1463.

Li, Q., Wang Q. & Song P. (2019) The Effects of Agency Selling on Reselling
on Hybrid Retail Platforms, *International Journal of Electronic Commerce*,
23:4, 524-556.

Khansa L., Zobel C. W. & Goicochea G. (2012) Creating a Taxonomy for
Mobile Commerce Innovations Using Social Network and Cluster Analyses,
Journal of Electronic Commerce*, 16:4, 19-52.

Kazan, E., Tan, C. W., Lim, E. T., Sørensen, C., & Damsgaard, J. (2018).
Disentangling digital platform competition: The case of UK mobile payment
platforms. *Journal of Management Information Systems*, 35(1), 180-219.

Nambisan, S., Lyytinen, K., Majchrzak, A., & Song, M. (2017). Digital
Innovation Management: Reinventing innovation management research in a
digital world. *MIS Quarterly*, 41(1).

Pappas, I. O., Mikalef, P., Giannakos, M. N., Krogstie, J., & Lekakos, G.
(2018). Big data and business analytics ecosystems: paving the way towards
digital transformation and sustainable societies. *Information Systems and
e-Business Management*, 16(3), 479-491.

Sahut, J. M., Peris-Ortiz, M., & Teulon, F. (2019). Corporate social
responsibility and governance. *Journal of Management and Governance*,
23(4), 901-912.

Senyo, P. K., Liu, K., & Effah, J. (2019). Digital business ecosystem:
Literature review and a framework for future research. *International
journal of information management*, 47, 52-64.

Song, A. K. (2019). The Digital Entrepreneurial Ecosystem—a critique and
reconfiguration. *Small Business Economics*, 53(3), 569-590.

Spagnoletti, P., Kazemargi, N., & Prencipe, A. (2021). Agile practices and
organizational agility in software ecosystems. *IEEE Transactions on
Engineering Management*.

Spagnoletti, P., Resca, A., & Lee, G. (2015). A design theory for digital
platforms supporting online communities: a multiple case study. *Journal of
Information technology*, 30(4), 364-380.

Subramaniam, M. (2022). *The future of competitive strategy: Unleashing the
power of data and digital ecosystems.* MIT Press.

Sutherland, W., & Jarrahi, M. H. (2018). The sharing economy and digital
platforms: A review and research agenda. *International Journal of
Information Management*, 43, 328-341.

Tan, B., Pan, S. L., Lu, X., & Huang, L. (2015). The role of IS
capabilities in the development of multi-sided platforms: The digital
ecosystem strategy of Alibaba. com. *Journal of the Association for
Information systems*, 16(4), 2.

Zhang, T., Lu C. & Kizildag M. (2017) Engaging Generation Y to Co-Create
Through Mobile Technology, *International Journal of Electronic Commerce*,
21:4, 489-516

Guest Editors

*Roberta Cuel* (Ph.D.) is associate professor of Organizations Studies and
Human Resource Management in the Department of Economics and Management,
University of Trento (Italy). Her research interests include the impacts of
digitalization on organizations and business models, intangible assets and
knowledge, routines and practices, as well as on teams and communities. She
published peer-reviewed books and international journal papers on themes
connected to the impact of digitalization on organization and behaviors.
She served as conference chair of the XVIII Conference of the Italian
Chapter of AIS.

*Federica Ceci* (Ph.D.) is full Professor of Organization and Innovation at
the University G.d’Annunzio (Italy). Her research interests focus on the
theory of the firm, management of innovation, the role of personal
relationships and cultural values in enabling and diffusing innovation,
analysis of managerial implications of digitalization of organizational
processes, innovation dynamics, and organizational characteristics of
digital ecosystems and platforms. She has published in Research Policy,
European Journal of Information Systems, Industrial and Corporate Change,
Journal of International Management, and Information Systems Frontiers,
among others. She served as program chair of the XVII Conference of the
Italian Chapter of AIS.

*PK Senyo* (Ph.D.) is an Associate Professor in FinTech and Information
Systems at the Department of Decision Analytics and Risk at Southampton
Business School. His research focuses on how the use and adaptation of new
digital technologies impact individuals, organizations, and society. His
current research interests include Financial Technologies (FinTech),
Financial Inclusion, Platform Ecosystems, Artificial Intelligence, ICT for
Development (ICT4D), and Digital Innovation. PK is a Senior Editor for
Information Technology & People and Associate Editor for the European
Journal of Information Systems.

*Ilias Pappas* (Ph.D.) is full Professor of Information Systems at the
Department of Information Systems, University of Agder (UiA), Norway. His
research activities include data science and digital transformation, user
experience in different contexts, as well as digital marketing, e-services,
and information technology adoption. He has published over 100 articles in
peer-reviewed journals and conferences and has been a Guest Editor for
several journals. He is or has been a track chair on AI as well as on Big
Data Analytics at ECIS and AMCIS, among others. He serves as the vice-chair
of the IFIP Working Group 6.11: Communication Aspects of the E-World.
Pappas is a recipient of ERCIM and Marie Skłodowska-Curie fellowships.

[image: Università di Trento - Roberta Cuel]
*Roberta Cuel, PhD
<https://webapps.unitn.it/du/en/Persona/PER0004508/Curriculum>, **Associate
Professor in Organisation Studies*
*President of the UniTrento
for Equal Opportunities
<https://www.unitn.it/en/ateneo/50346/committee-for-equal-opportunities> *
*Project Coordinator of the *ISSEU Jean Monnet Module
*Project member of: **https://www.agilework.eu/
<https://www.agilework.eu/> *
*Latest Book: Technology in Organisation: Digital Transformation and People
*Academic Coordinator of the European Master in Business Studies
<https://embs.eu/> *
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