-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Dear All,
Two interesting possibilties:
- Call for book chapters (Springer-Verlag): Information Systems & Management
in eMedia and Creative Industries (ABSTRACT DEADLINE: 15th APRIL 2014)
- Call for Papers (ICME2014): Workshop on Information Systems & Managmeent in
Multimedia, Arts, Education, Entertainment, and Culture
(DEADLINE 2nd APRIL: 2014)
Call for Book Chapters
Information Systems and Management in eMedia and Creative Industries
Artur Lugmayr, Emilija Stojmenova, Katarina Stanoevska, and Robert Wellington (Eds.)
Special Focus on NEW Approaches in the eMedia Industries, or Approaches HOW eMedia
Support Information Systems: Strategic Importance of IT ans IS&M in Media, Big Data,
Crowd, Open Data, Linked Data, Cloud Application, New Business Analytics, Information
Visualization, Workflow Management, IS&M as Basis of New Business Models of New Media
Products, and Global Digital Production Pipelines.
* Management, Marketing, Business Aspects and Strategic Importance of IT and IS&M in
Creative eMedia Industries
* Technology Perspective of the Usage of Media in IS&M in Media Industry and the Application
of Media in IS&M across Domains: Technology, Processes, Workflows, Infrastructures and
Global Production Pipelines
* Methods, Approaches, and Importance of IT and Information Systems and Management in
Media - Media and Content as Part of IS&M across Application Domains
* Content, Service, Application, and Artistic Viewpoint on IS&M in Media and
Creativity Industries
Upcoming Deadline: 15th April (abstract), 15th June (manuscript), 30th Aug. (reviews)
Book Website: http://www.tut.fi/emmi/WWW/ameamain/ismemedia
Email List: https://listmail.tut.fi/mailman/listinfo/ism-emedia
Submission System: http://www.tut.fi/emmi/Submissions/2014ISMeMedia/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/ismemedia/
Contact us: lartur@acm.org or emilija.stojmenova@ltfe.org
2nd international workshop on information systems in multimedia arts, education,
entertainment, and culture (MIS-MEDIA 2014)
14th-18th July 2014
Chengdu, China
in conjunction with ICME 2014
IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo
EXTENDED DEADLINE: 2nd APRIL 2014 !!!!!!!!!!!!!
in cooperation with the International Asscocation for Ambient Media (iAMEA) and the
Assocation for Information Systems (AIS) SIG-eMedia (http://www.ambientmediaassociation.org
and http://aisnet.org/group/SIG-eMedia)
Paper Submission: https://cmt.research.microsoft.com/ICME2014W/ - please tick the correct
* Big Data & Multimedia Systems
* Cross-media offering, distribution channels and convergence
* Media business information management for multimedia
* Media information system design in multimedia
* Business intelligence in media industries
* Knowledge management systems applications
* Workflow management, operational efficiency and new capturing technologies
* Home platforms, mobility, multi-play and network convergence
* Systems for management reporting, analysis, and decision support
* Standards to enable technical convergence
* Data warehousing in converging environments
* Integration of analogue and digital media productions
* E2E systems and solutions in converging media environments
* Asset management and metadata management
* E2E systems, infrastructures and solutions
* Integration of analogue and digital media production and distribution
* Information systems and decision support systems
* Speech, audio, image, video, and text processing in information management
* Marketing information systems
* Content analysis, matching, and retrieval in information management
* Technologies in media art, education, entertainment, environment, and culture
* Consumer experience and quality assessment in MIS
* Theoretical foundations of entertainment computation
* Production process management
* Multimedia databases, digital libraries, and eLearning in MIS
* Technology and management of E2E media delivery
* Business information management in media
* Standards, policies, and regulation for MIS in media industry
* Mobility, Social media, ambient media, eLearning
* Practical media art, education, entertainment, and cultural applications
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